KB: Change project release revision naming scheme

A365 A365

I have a project in Altium 365 cloud which already have one release done, and I want to change project release number from standard scheme A.1 to something else.

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With the subscription level of Pro or Enterprise, the revision naming scheme of individual content type for a workspace connected can be configured in Preferences, Data Management » Servers:
Defining Revision Naming Schemes for a Workspace from Altium Designer | Altium Designer 23 User Manual | Documentation

Existing projects which have been released once already can not have the revision naming scheme changed, unless you delete all previous releases of the old naming scheme, or clone the project, so as to adopt a new naming scheme.
Workspace Content Types Available to Altium Designer | Altium Designer 23 User Manual | Documentation
Obviously, cloning is of a better option, as you would still be able to reference its history on where it was cloned from (and in your original project history, to which project and at which point it was cloned).
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