Workflow_Dlg-CreateProjectCreate Project (Based on Chosen Process) _AD
Created: October 30, 2018 | Updated: September 12, 2022
| Applies to version: 22
This document is no longer available beyond version 22. Information can now be found here: Creating a New Process-based Workspace Project for version 25
This dialog, which actually is titled after the process name, is used to create a new Workspace project based on a chosen activated project creation process.
The dialog is accessed by clicking File » New » Project in <Workspace> then selecting the desired command from the sub-menu.
General Tab
- Project Name - enter a suitable name for the Workspace project.
- Description - enter a meaningful description of the project.
- PCB Project Type - use the drop-down to select a suitable project type.
- Project Template - use the drop-down to select the desired template from a list of installed templates. Click
to open a version of the Explorer panel (titled Select Project Template) to select the desired template.
- Start - when clicked, the project will be created in accordance with the underlying workflow process.
Advanced Tab
- Location - use to specify the location where the project will be located. Click
to browse and select the desired location.
- Create Project Folder - check to create a new project folder automatically.
- Repository - use the drop-down to select the desired repository for the project.
- Repository Folder - click
to open the Add to Version Control dialog in which you can specify the repository folder.
- Server Folder - use to specify the server folder. Click
to open the Choose Folder dialog in which you can choose the desired folder.