Applied Parameters: CommandMode=NC
This command is used to modify selected rout paths in the current document.
This command is accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by choosing the Rout ยป Modify Rout Path(s) command from the main menus.
First, ensure that the rout layer is the only layer turned ON and is visible in the main design window.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a small square and you will be prompted to select the rout path(s) you wish to modify. Simply position the cursor over individual objects and click to add them to the selection, or use one of the many selection tools available. When all objects have been selected as required, right-click.
The Modify Rout Path(s) dialog will appear, from where you can change the tool used for the routing and its offset. You can also toggle the direction of the rout path(s) - plunge points will become retract points and vice versa. These changes are virtual and will only be applied permanently when the OK button is clicked.
- The rout layer contains all rout paths and will, if enabled, display a number of rout-related symbols. These symbols reflect the plunge and retract points, and also the direction of each path.
- When modifying a single rout path, the Plunge and Retract buttons become available in the Modify Rout Path(s) dialog. Use these buttons to change the location of the plunge and retract points as required.