Parent page: PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Move Board
Applied Parameters: Object=Board
This command is used to move the entire board - the board shape, plus all design objects within that shape - to another position in the current document.
This command can be accessed from the PCB Editor when configured in Board Planning Mode by choosing the Design ยป Move Board command from the main menus.
The current viewing mode for the PCB document can be changed using the corresponding commands from the main View menu. To switch to Board Planning Mode, use the command of the same name or use the 1 keyboard shortcut.
After launching the command, an outline copy of the board shape will be attached to the cursor, held by its bottom-left corner. Move the shape to the desired new location within the workspace then click or press Enter to effect placement. All constituent design objects will be moved also to maintain position within the board shape.
To cancel without moving, right-click or press Esc.