Parent page: PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to manage the testpoints on your board, from the centralized Testpoint Manager dialog. The Testpoint Manager allows you to assign testpoints - for bare-board fabrication testing and/or in-circuit assembly testing - in a far more streamlined and automated fashion, based on defined design rules. This automated assignment simply sets the relevant testpoint properties for the pad/via in each case. You of course have the option to manually specify testpoints – in essence, handcrafting at the individual pad/via level – giving you full control over the testpoint scheme employed for your board.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by choosing the Tools » Testpoint Manager command, from the main menus.
After launching the command, the Testpoint Manager dialog will appear. Use the dialog to automatically assign and clear testpoints from the one convenient location. A listing of all nets in the design is provided, with status to indicate testpoint coverage – either Complete or Incomplete – for both bare-board fabrication and in-circuit assembly testing.
Click the Fabrication Testpoints or Assembly Testpoints buttons to access commands for assigning or clearing that type of testpoint. Note that you can manually select nets in the upper region of the dialog to selectively assign/clear testpoints.
The Status Summaries region provides a full summary of the testpoint status for the board, for both testing modes. This region updates with each assignment or clearance action performed. For more lower-level detail, use the Assignment Results region. This will give detail, for example, on the number of top/bottom pads/vias involved in an assignment/clearance.