Parent page: PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Netlist Status Report
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to generate a Netlist Status report from the active PCB document. This report provides detailed information regarding the netlist for the routed board. It lists all nets and for each net, indicates the layers used for routing and the total physical routed track length.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by choosing the Reports ยป Netlist Status command from the main menus.
After launching the command, a report - Net Status - <PCBDocumentName>.html - is generated and opened as the active document in the design workspace. Each net is listed; click a net name to highlight that net on the PCB document. The physically-routed track length data is initially displayed in the measurement units specified for the board design itself. Use the Units field in the report to quickly change between imperial and metric units as required.
- The report is also generated in .txt format. Both report formats are stored in the folder specified by the Output Path entry on the Options tab of the Options for Project dialog. Only the HTML-formatted report is added to the parent project in the Projects panel and can be found in the Generated\Documents sub-folder.
- The report includes the Routed Length, which includes the vertical distance traversed through the vias in that net. Note that the Routed Length calculator does not attempt to resolve overlapping track segments or routing wiggles inside pads, so may not be accurate. For a more accurate length use the Signal Length, which can be displayed in the Nets mode of the PCB panel. The PCB panel also supports creating a report, right-click in the list of nets in the panel to configure the required columns, then right-click and select Reports to open the Report Preview dialog, where you can export the report in a variety of formats.