Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to reassign the designators of targeted components, or free pads, in the PCB design on a positional basis.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by choosing the Tools ยป Re-Annotate command from the main menus.
After launching the command, the Positional Re-Annotate dialog will open. Use this dialog to configure the scope of annotation (components (further targeted by side, or selection), or free pads), the direction of annotation (based on object position), and additional options, such as a starting index, and whether locked designators should be protected. As you select a style of annotation, a graphical depiction is shown within the dialog as a visual indication of how annotation will transpire.
After defining options in the dialog as required, click the OK button to have all designators of the targeted objects reassigned.
An ASCII text file is generated (DesignName<Date><Time>.WAS) in the same folder as the PCB design document. The file lists initial and reannotated designator values. For re-annotated component designators, this file can be used by the Schematic Editor to update the component designators, using the Annotate dialog's Back Annotate feature.
- The .WAS file will be added to the project in the Projects panel under the Generated\Text Documents sub-folder.
- When reannotating component designators in the PCB, each reannotation produces a unique .WAS file. When performing back-annotation on the schematic side, this enables you to load multiple .WAS files in succession - from oldest to newest - and not lose designation synchronization between the PCB and source schematic sheets.
- It is a good idea to have all components matched using unique IDs, so that annotation of component designators in either schematic or PCB document can be carried out, with the safe knowledge that the documents can still be resynchronized at any stage. Component linking (or matching) is carried out in the Edit Component Links dialog - accessed from the PCB document only.