Parent page: PCB Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Outline Selected Objects
Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to place an outline of tracks and arcs around selected free primitives in the design. This feature can be particularly useful if you want to electrically isolate critical nets by tying the outline to a ground source.
This command is accessed from the PCB Editor by choosing the Tools ยป Outline Selected Objects command from the main menus.
First, ensure that the objects you wish to outline are selected in the main design window.
After launching the command, the objects will be outlined with tracks and/or arcs. The outline tracks/arcs are placed with a width of 8mil and the Net property set to No Net.
- Clearance, Width and Short-Circuit design rules for the design are observed, so clearance violations will be flagged by the Design Rule Checker.