KB: 채우기 또는 영역을 폴리곤으로 변환하기
겹치는 모양의 윤곽선에서 폴리곤을 생성하려고 할 때 Fills and Regions를 사용하면 작동하지 않습니다. 명령을 실행하려고 하면 폐쇄된 모양(Tracks, Arcs, Full Circle)을 찾을 수 없다고 하고, YES를 클릭해도 아무 일도 일어나지 않습니다. 이 기능을 어떻게 작동시킬 수 있나요?
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The Convert to Polygon command only works when tracks / arcs / lines / etc... are highlighted, other primitives such as Fills / regions / etc... are not considered as enclosed primitives, so the command would not work for these objects. You would need to recreate the shape using tracks.
A workaround is to:
1. Create a polygon around the fill
2. Create a design rule for clearance of Polygons to be 0, you would want the polygon to pour as close as possible to the fill
3. Open the properties for the Polygon and set the Pour properties to None
4. Repour the polygon, this should create an outline of your polygon
5. From here, go to: Tools ► Convert ► Explode Polygon to Free Primitives
6. Delete your fill, you should see an outline remain
7. Select the tracks of the remaining outline
8. Run the Tools ► Convert ► Create Polygon
9. Delete the remaining outlines
10. Remember to delete the Polygon clearance rule.
Here's documentation that may be of interest: