스키마틱에서 생성된 넷리스트와 PCB 레이아웃으로 전송된 넷리스트 비교

Altium Designer Altium Designer
Starting in version: 18 Up to Current
[왜] 회로도에서 생성된 넷리스트와 PCB 레이아웃으로 전송된 넷리스트를 비교하여 설계를 검증합니다 [무엇] 통합 환경으로서, Altium은 중간 넷리스트의 텍스트 파일 형태 교환 없이 회로도 데이터와 PCB 레이아웃을 뒤에서 동기화합니다. [어떻게] 프로젝트(회로도)와 pcbdoc 사이의 데이터를 비교하려면, Project » Show Differences...를 선택하고, pcbdoc을 선택한 후 OK를 클릭합니다.

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As a unified environment, Altium synchronizes schematic data with PCB layout behind the scene such that there is no exchange of intermediate text file.  Since the ECO does a direct project to pcb compare, there is no native Altium netlist format per se:


There is a command to export the netlist from schematics as a text file from Design » Netlist for Project, and from PCB side, Design » Netlist » Create Netlist From Connected Copper', but the two does not follow the same format/syntax/order unfortunately.

Instead, to compare the data between the project (schematics) and a pcbdoc contained directly, invoke Project » Show Differences..., and select the pcbdoc and click OK.


It is also possible to compare across two different projects/documents, by ticking Advanced Mode at the bottom in the dialog.

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