Checking for Outdated Components as Part of Project Compilation (New Feature Summary)

Altium Designer 17.0 brings the ability to check whether the revisions of placed vault components are the latest available. This ability - essentially validating that vault components in a design are all up-to-date and using the latest revisions of their parent Component Items - can be checked as part of project compilation. At the heart of this checking is the Component revision is Out of Date violation type, part of the category: Violations Associated with Components. Configure the reporting mode for this check on the Error Reporting tab of the Project Options dialog.

The default Report Mode for this violation type is . Modify to suit your design requirements.

The Project Compiler includes a check for violations concerning component revisions that are Out of Date. A violation will occur if the revision of a placed
vault component is not the latest available for that component, in the source Altium Vault.

If compiler errors and warnings are enabled for display on the schematic (enabled on the Schematic - Compiler page of the Preferences dialog) an offending object will display a colored squiggle beneath it. A notification is also displayed in the Messages panel in the following format:

Component <Designator> at <Location>: Component revision is Out of Date,


  • Designator is the component instance's Designator.
  • Location is the X,Y coordinates marking the center of the offending component instance.

Example of Component revision is Out of Date violation (set to Fatal Error for impact).

If a placed vault component loses connection with its vault - for example the vault from which it was placed is disconnected or you are signed out from your vault - it will violate the Component revision is Out of Date check. Hovering in the workspace, will present a hint stating this, while in the Messages panel, the entry will be in the form: Component <Designator> at <Location>: Can't perform revision status validation: Failed to connect to vault.

Recommendation for Resolution

Use the Item Manager dialog to identify and update components that are not the latest revision. The Item Manager includes a Revision Status column, for any components that are not at the latest revision the component's status will be Out of Date. Select the out of date component(s), right-click and choose Update to latest revision from the menu. Once this has been done, Generate an ECO to apply these changes to the affected schematics. Alternatively, you can switch-out an existing Component Item Revision for the latest revision, at the individual component level, through the associated Properties for Schematic Component dialog.

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