Routing the PCB in CircuitMaker


The Routing region includes commands that enable you to perform various routing functions. Routing is the process of connecting the nodes in each net by placing a series of track segments and vias to define a path from one node to the next. The commands can be accessed from the PCB editor in the Home | Routing region.

The Route button has two functions:

  •  launches the Interactive Routing command.

    Interactive routing can also be launched using the R shortcut.
  • The Route drop-down is used to access a sub-menu of commands to perform interactive routing, differential pair routing, and interactive multi-routing.

CircuitMaker includes a sophisticated interactive routing engine that greatly enhances your routing efficiency. Capabilities include:

  • A number of routing modes, such as stop at the first obstacle, walkaround, and push and shove.
  • Powerful dragging capabilities that maintain track angles and orthogonality.
  • A loop removal feature that makes re-routing a quick and easy process.

The video below demonstrates a board being interactively routed. The Ctrl+Click shortcut is used to complete many of the connections.

Summary of Routing Commands

Command Behavior
Interactive Routing Click the upper half of the Route button or select Interactive Routing from the menu then click on a connection line or pad to begin routing that net. The command is also available on the right-click menu of the design space.
Differential Pair Routing Use to route a differential pair. Click on either net in the pair to begin routing. Nets are configured as a differential pair in the Differential Pairs Editor mode of the PCB panel.
Interactive Multi-Routing Route multiple nets simultaneously.
Unroute All Remove all signal layer track segments and vias that have a net name on the entire board. Track segments and vias that are locked will not be removed.
Unroute Net Remove all signal layer track segments and vias that have the net name of the net that you click on after selecting the command. Track segments and vias that are locked will not be removed.
Unroute Connection Remove the signal layer track segments and vias that have the net name of the net that you click on after selecting the command up to the first pad in both directions. Track segments and vias that are locked will not be removed.
Unroute Component Starting at the pads in the component that is clicked on, remove all touching signal layer track segments and vias until another component is reached.
Show All Show all connection lines (ratsnest) on the entire board.
Show Net Show the connection lines (ratsnest) for the chosen net.
Hide All Hide all connection lines (ratsnest) on the entire board.
Hide Net Hide the connection lines (ratsnest) for the chosen net.
Slice Tracks Cut track segments into two.

Interactive Routing Preferences

Routing preferences are configured in the PCB - Interactive Routing page of the System Preferences.

Interactive Routing Shortcuts

By its very nature, Interactive Routing is a process in which you are busy interacting with your PCB by moving the mouse and clicking to define vertices (corners). Because of this, the Interactive Router makes extensive use of shortcut keys, which are an essential ingredient to efficient routing.

Shortcut Key(s) Behavior
Shift+F1 Pop up a menu of interactive shortcuts; most settings can be changed on the fly by pressing the appropriate shortcut or selecting from the menu.
R Launch interactive routing.
*  (numeric keypad) or  Ctrl+Shift+WheelRoll Switch to the next available signal layer. A via is automatically added, in accordance with the applicable Routing Via Style design rule.
Shift+D Toggle loop removal on and off.
Shift+R Cycle through the enabled conflict resolution modes. Enable the required modes on the PCB - Interactive Routing page of the System Preferences. The current mode is shown on the Status bar.
Shift+S Toggle single layer mode on and off. This is ideal when there are many objects on multiple layers.
Spacebar Toggle the current corner direction.
Tab Toggle display of the Inspector panel.
Shift+Spacebar Cycle through the various track corner modes. The styles are any angle, 45°, 45° with arc, 90°, and 90° with arc.
Ctrl+Left-Click Auto-complete the connection being routed. Auto-complete will not succeed if there are unresolvable conflicts with obstacles.
Ctrl Temporarily suspend the Hotspot Snap, or press Shift+E to cycle through the three available modes (off / on for current layer / on for all layers). The current Hotspot Snap mode is shown on the Status bar.
End Redraw the screen.
PgUp / PgDn Zoom in / out, centered around the current cursor position. Alternatively, use the standard Windows mouse wheel zoom and pan shortcuts.
Backspace Remove the last-committed track segment.
Right-click  or Esc Drop the current connection and remain in Interactive Routing mode.
3 Cycle the Track Width Source. The width can be User Choice, Rule Minimum, Rule Preferred, or Rule Maximum. The current source is shown on the Status bar.
4 Cycle the via-size source.

As you route, keep an eye on the Status bar. It displays important information during interactive routing, including:

  • Current design space location and Snap Grid setting
  • Hotspot Snap: off/on for current layer / on for all layers
  • Current track corner mode
  • Current Interactive Routing Mode
  • Source of routing Width 
  • Source of routing Via Style
  • Name of Net
  • Overall route length
  • Dimensions of routing segment being placed

Modifying Existing Routing

Rather than deleting or unrouting an existing route, CircuitMaker includes two approaches for modifying existing routing: rearrange or reroute.

Rearrange an Existing Route

  • To interactively slide or drag track segments across the board, click, hold and drag.
  • While interactively sliding, you can press Shift+R to cycle through the conflict resolution modes.
  • The PCB editor will automatically maintain the 45/90 degree angles with connected segments, shortening and lengthening them as required.

Reroute an Existing Route

  • There is no need to un-route a connection to redefine its path; click the Route button and start routing the new path.
  • The Loop Removal feature will automatically remove any redundant track segments (and vias) as soon as you close the loop and right-click to indicate you are complete.
  • You can start and end the new route path at any point, swapping layers as required.
  • You can also create temporary violations by switching to Ignore Obstacle mode, which you later resolve.

The Inspector Panel

The Interactive Routing mode of the Inspector panel provides controls to change interactive routing settings on-the-fly for the net being routed. The panel facilitates entry of an exact track width or via size, giving the ultimate level of control right at your fingertips. You can also check the current interactive routing settings rather than having to drop out of routing and open the System Preferences.

Interactive Routing and Snapping Behavior

It is important to configure the snapping options in the Inspector panel before you begin interactive routing.

While interactive routing, hold the Ctrl key to temporarily inhibit all snapping.

  • Snap Options - select what you want to snap to during routing.
  • Snapping - select the layer(s) on which you want to snap. You can also use Shift+E during routing.
  • Snap Distance - use to set how far away from an object's hotspot the cursor gets pulled into that hotspot.

Favorite Interactive Routing Widths Dialog

This dialog provides controls to predefine favorite track widths to use when interactively routing a board using the Interactive Router.

When you run the Interactive Routing command then click to start routing, a series of track objects are created from the nearest pad up to the current cursor location. The width of these tracks is taken either from your preferred width or the applicable routing width design rule. The former is referred to as User Choice and it is this dialog that provides the cornerstone of this feature.

The dialog is accessed by clicking the Favorite Interactive Routing Widths button on the PCB Editor - Interactive Routing page of the System Preferences.

When using the User Choice feature and predefined routing widths, you still have the full protection of the rules system. If a chosen predefined routing width is outside the applicable min-max rule setting, the width will be clipped back to the minimum or maximum, whichever is appropriate.

The key options are described below.

  • Widths Grid - this region presents a listing of all currently defined interactive routing widths.
Entries without shading indicate that the preferred system units will be used when those widths are chosen. The board units are switched automatically.
The display of the Imperial, Metric, and System Units columns can be toggled through commands available on the region's right-click menu. These main columns can also be re-ordered by dragging a main column horizontally; vertical green positional arrows indicate a valid position. Data can also be sorted by the various sub-columns.
Double-click an entry to access the Preferred Routing Width dialog in which the value for the width can be changed as required.

  • Add - click to add a new routing width to the list. The Preferred Routing Width dialog will open; enter the value required.
If you enter a value with no units, it will default to Imperial preferred system units. To control the preferred system units used for the width, ensure to specify the units (especially if you want Metric).

Using Favorite Widths

A variation of the Favorite Interactive Routing Widths dialog is accessed when you want to change the current routing width to one of the predefined favorites. Click Shift+W while interactively routing to open the Choose Width dialog.

  • Widths Grid - this region presents a listing of all currently defined interactive routing widths. Click on an entry to switch to using that routing width (in accordance with the boundaries of the applicable min-max routing Width rule).
  • Apply To All Layers - enable to use the chosen routing width on all of your signal layers.

Choose Via Sizes Dialog

When you want to change the current routing via style to one of the predefined favorites, click Shift+V while interactively routing to access the Choose Via Sizes dialog.

Select an entry then click OK to switch to using that routing via style (in accordance with the boundaries of the applicable min-max Routing Via Style rule).

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