Sch_Dlg-ChangePieChartPie Chart_AD
Created: 6月 08, 2017 | Updated: 6月 18, 2017
| Applies to version: 17.1
The Pie Chart dialog.
This dialog allows the designer to specify the properties of a Pie Chart object. A pie chart is a non-electrical drawing primitive. It is a circular sector graphic element that can be placed on a schematic sheet. It can be filled or unfilled.
The Pie Chart dialog can be accessed prior to entering placement mode, from the Schematic – Default Primitives page of the Preferences dialog. This allows the default properties for the pie chart object to be changed, which will be applied when placing subsequent pie charts.
During placement, the dialog can be accessed during placement by pressing the Tab key.
After placement, the dialog can be accessed in one of the following ways:
- Double-clicking on the placed pie chart object.
- Placing the cursor over the pie chart object, right-clicking and choosing Properties from the context menu.
- Using the Edit » Change command and clicking once over the placed pie chart object.
- Radius - the radius of the pie chart, measured from its center point, to the center of the arc line.
- Border Width - the width of the border used to draw the outline of the pie piece. Available widths are:
, andLarge
. - Start Angle - the start angle of the pie piece, in degrees from the horizontal.
- End Angle - the end angle of the pie piece, in degrees from the horizontal.
- Location X/Y - the current X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates for the center point of the pie chart. Edit these values to change the position of the pie chart in the horizontal and/or vertical planes respectively.
- Color - click the color sample to change the fill color for the pie chart, using the standard Choose Color dialog. The Draw Solid option must be enabled for the pie chart to be filled.
- Draw Solid - if this option is enabled, the pie chart is filled with the color set in the Color field. If this option is disabled, the pie chart is drawn in outline only.
- Border Color - click the color sample to change the color used for the pie chart's outline, using the standard Choose Color dialog.
- Locked - enable this option to protect the pie chart from being edited graphically.