KB: Cannot make project available online due to Unknown Server
Created: 11月 11, 2024 | Updated: 11月 20, 2024
Altium Designer
Starting in version: 19
Up to Current
When it is opened, the project is shown in the projects panel under 'Unknown Server'. Even though I am logged into a workspace, I am not presented with the option to 'make project available online' when I right click on the project name in the projects panel. If I try to share the project, I am presented with a 'please switch to workspace to share this project' message. Or I am getting "target server specified in current project is not connected"
Solution Details
This project may have previously belonged to a workspace or other managed content server. You can use the Project Packager Wizard to clear this information.Accessing the Project Packager Wizard:
The Wizard is launched using one of the following methods:
Select Project ► Project Packager from the main menus.
Right-click on a Project in the Projects panel then select Project Packager.
Type C, P in the PCB editor workspace.
In the Zip File Options page, look for the Managed Projects section, where you can select the option "Unlink project from the server during packaging" - check this box if you wish to stop the synchronization between your local project and the managed incarnation of it that was made available in a workspace. Doing so will ensure the link information to the mirrored project in the Workspace - which resides within the project file (*.PrjPcb) - is removed as part of the packaging process.
Here's more information:
Afterwards, you can expand the zipped folder to open the packaged project and make it available online.