KB: Delete items from Altium 365 Workspace permanently
Created: 5月 07, 2024 | Updated: 11月 20, 2024
[Why] Delete an item from Altium 365 Workspace permanently
[What] Delete Item command in Explorer panel is a soft delete which moves the item to Trash. From here, the item can be deleted permanently, granted there is no parent items referring it
[How] Access your workspace at 365.altium.com, click on Trash to open its pane, select the item and hit 'Permanently Delete' button
Solution Details
Starting with Altium Designer 20.2, deleting items from an Altium 365 Workspace through the Explorer Panel behaves differently compared to previous versions. In Altium 365, there is a section labelled Trash, which is an intermediary container for removed objects from Altium Designer. Users are able to double check on the deleted objects from there for final confirmation and either:- delete the items permanently, or
- restore them if they are to be retained.
If users want to clear the entire Trash container of all items at once, click on , then click in the Warning window.
Items cannot be deleted if it has a parent item which uses it, with the error dialog "Item revisions are referenced by parent item revisions. Please delete them first":
With Pro subscription and above, Where-used tab in Explorer panel can be referred to identify the parent item, first by restoring the child item from Trash. On A365 web interface, Trash pane opened, click on the ellipsis icon of the item and Restore. Once the item restored, in Altium Designer client, View » Panels » Explorer, find and click on this item, and make "Where-used" tab active to see the parent items.
Further reference on this topic can be found in our online manual: