MultiBoardAssembly_Dlg-MBASystemPreferencesForm_ViewConfigurationMulti-board Assembly - View Configuration_AD
Created: 8月 23, 2017 | Updated: 2月 28, 2018
| Applies to version: 18.0
現在、バージョン 20. をご覧頂いています。最新情報については、バージョン MultiBoardAssembly_Dlg-MBASystemPreferencesForm_ViewConfiguration((Multi-board Assembly - View Configuration))_AD の 18.1 をご覧ください。
The Multi-board Assembly - View Configuration page of the Preferences dialog is used to configure the default system colors and display options of a Multi-board assembly. The same set of options is available in the Multi-board Assembly View Configuration panel, use these to configure the settings in an open multi-board assembly.
This page is accessed by clicking View Configuration under the Multi-board Assembly folder in the main Preferences dialog (accessed by clicking the button in the top right corner of the workspace).
System Colors
- Toggle the / to show/hide the associated object. Click the colored box to open a custom color drop-down to select a color for the associated object. Refer to the View Configuration panel page to learn more about the setting the color.
Display Options
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion - enable to approximate the ambient occlusion effect. Ambient occlusion is a method used to approximate how bright the light should be shining on any specific part of a surface based on the light and that surface's environment (how hidden/open it is to the ambient light source). Refer to the View Configuration panel page to learn more.