KB: Roam (check out) a license for offline use
Created: November 11, 2024 | Updated: November 15, 2024
Solution Details
To use a seat of an available license in this mode, click on the Roam button for a license that has an available seat.
For versions before AD23.8, to use a seat of an available license in this mode, click on the license in the grid on the license management page in Altium Designer, then click on the Roam control in the area below the grid.

Here's a link to the relevant section of documentation on On-Demand licensing that covers Roaming (with more detail and pictures) for versions before AD23.8:
For private server licenses, once connected to an Altium Infrastructure Server (AIS) or on premise managed content server such as Concord Pro or Enterprise Server, the client steps are the same as for an On-Demand license.
A license seat that is being Roamed is not released back to the license pool when you sign out or close Altium Designer as it usually would be.
This feature must be in the enabled state. it can be turned off/on by your administrator, so if it's not working, check with your administrator first. This information may be useful to them:
For On-Demand licenses, see this documentation:
For an onsite managed content server such as Concord Pro or Enterprise Server, see this documentation:
For private server licenses issued by Altium Infrastructure Server or older on-site managed content server, see this documentation:
The legacy private license server and older does not support roaming.
Release of a license that is being roamed is performed by signing in, selecting the license in the grid and clicking on the Release link, in the area below the grid. You can also force-release a seat from another computer. See Releasing a License Remotely: