KB: Run mixed-signal simulation off of netlist generated externally to compare the results from other engines directly

Solution Details

Mixed-signal simulation netlist generated externally (saved as a text file with *.nsx file extension) can be opened in Altium as a standalone document to run simulation off of it directly.

  1. Open the .nsx file as a free document in Altium, or create a project that contains just the .nsx document

  2. Run simulation from menu command Simulate ยป Run Simulation (or just press  F9).


Also, you can open a generated netlist in any project (shown in the project tree of Project panel "Generated->AdvancedSim Netlists"), modify it manually on the fly and run.


However, if you run simulation from Simulation Dashboard panel thereafter, it will rewrite the netlist and your manual modifications will be overwritten and lost.  Also, in such case, it does not always refresh the text in the netlist document window opened (but it is updated in the document in actuality), so that you have to be mindful and avoid the situation where the netlist you see and the one you simulate can be different.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

Source URL: https://www.altium.com/documentation/knowledge-base/altium-designer/run-mixed-signal-simulation-off-of-netlist-generated-externally-to-compare-the-results-from-other-engines-directly