KB: Troubleshoot freeze at the status "Starting Folder Releaser ..." when releasing a component

Solution Details

If Altium Designer freezes while releasing a component to the workspace and the status "Starting Folder Releaser ..." is displayed in the status bar, please use the workaround below to resolve the issue.




Workaround for versions before AD 24.8:


1. Open the File Explorer and navigate to the Altium Designer installation directory (typically, it is C:\Program Files\Altium\AD24).

2. Find the X2.exe.config file and open it with a text editor.

3. Search for:


    <legacyUnhandledExceptionPolicy enabled="true" />


   and change it to:


    <legacyUnhandledExceptionPolicy enabled="true" />
    <AppContextSwitchOverrides value="Switch.System.Windows.Input.Stylus.DisableStylusAndTouchSupport=true"/>


4. Save the file, restart Altium Designer, and try to release the component to the workspace again.



Workaround for versions AD 24.8 and newer:


1. Open the File Explorer and navigate to the Altium Designer installation directory (typically, it is C:\Program Files\Altium\AD24).

2. Find the file X2.runtimeconfig.json., open it with a text editor.

3. Search for:


    "configProperties": {
      "System.Runtime.Serialization.EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization": true,
      "Switch.System.Windows.Controls.Text.UseAdornerForTextboxSelectionRendering" : false


   and change it to:


    "configProperties": {
      "System.Runtime.Serialization.EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization": true,
      "Switch.System.Windows.Controls.Text.UseAdornerForTextboxSelectionRendering" : false,
      "Switch.System.Windows.Input.Stylus.DisableStylusAndTouchSupport": true


4. Save the file, restart Altium Designer, and try to release the component to the workspace again.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

Source URL: https://www.altium.com/documentation/knowledge-base/altium-designer/troubleshoot-freeze-at-the-status-starting-folder-releaser-when-releasing-a-component