Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to toggle between the use of Imperial and Metric measurement units, for the active Multi-board Schematic document (*.MbsDoc).
This command can be accessed from the Multi-board Schematic Editor by:
- Choosing the View ยป Toggle Units command, from the main menus.
- Using the Q keyboard shortcut.
After launching the command, the units of measurement in force for the active Multi-board Schematic document will be toggled. If they were previously Imperial units (mil), they will toggle to Metric (mm), and vice-versa.
- This command effectively toggles the setting for the Units field, in the General section of the Properties panel, when accessed with no design objects currently selected in the main workspace.
- You can quickly verify the active units from the Status Bar, by looking at the entry for the coordinates, at the left-hand end of the bar.