Parent page: Schematic Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Open URL
Applied Parameters: ContextSensitive=True
This command provides an alternative method by which to follow the link URL defined for a placed Hyperlink object.
The Hyperlink object is deprecated. New objects of this type cannot be placed in a design, nor can the properties of an existing hyperlink object be accessed/modified. The
Properties panel will not present any properties when this object is selected.
This command is accessed from the Schematic Editor by right-clicking over a placed Hyperlink object and choosing the Hyperlink ยป Open <DefinedURL> command from the context menu.
After launching the command, the target URL will be opened either within the software, or in an external browser, in accordance with your defined preference.
The target URL will open either as a tabbed document inside Altium NEXUS, or in an external browser, depending on the state of the option to
Open internet links in external Web browser. This option can be found on the
System - View page of the
Preferences dialog.
- An alternative way to open the defined URL is to simply hover the cursor over the hyperlink. After a short delay, a pop-up with the URL will appear. Click this to open the URL. The pop-up containing the URL is a feature of the software's Design Insight System. Specifically, it is obtained by enabling the Hyperlink Insight aspect of the system. This is done on the System - Design Insight page of the Preferences dialog. As with other elements of the system, you can configure the launch style for the pop-up - Mouse Hover and/or Alt+Double Click.
- While the target of a hyperlink might have been specified with or without the full URL - including the
prefix - if this prefix is not present, you will not be able to open the URL in an external Web browser.