Parent page: Schematic Commands
The following pre-packaged resource, derived from this base command, is available:
Go to Next Component Part (Context Sensitive)
Applied Parameters: ContextSensitive=True
This command is used to show the next part of a multi-part component in the current document.
This command is accessed in the Schematic Library Editor (when a multi-part component is the active component in the main workspace) by right-clicking then choosing the Tools ยป Next Part command from the context menu.
The command will not be available on the menu if you are currently viewing the last part in the active multi-part component.
First, ensure that the multi-part component for which you want to view the parts is selected in the Design Item ID list in the SCH Library panel (and is therefore the active component in the design workspace).
After launching the command, the sheet containing the next part in the component will be displayed in the main design workspace.
- You can also browse the parts of a multi-part component directly from the SCH Library panel. All constituent parts are listed underneath the component's entry in the panel. Either double-click on the component name or click on the tree expander symbol (to the left of the name) to list all associated parts.