Applied Parameters: CommandMode=NC
This command is used to add a tab along the selected rout path in the current document.
This command is accessed from the CAMtastic Editor by choosing the Rout ยป Add Tabs command from the main menus.
After launching the command, the Enter Value dialog will appear. Use this dialog to enter a value for the tab size, in the currently selected workspace units (inches or mm). After clicking OK, you will be returned to the main design window, the cursor will change to a small square and you will be prompted to select a location for the tab. Simply position the cursor at the required point along the rout path that you wish to enter the tab, and click.
The tab will be inserted, effectively breaking the rout path into two segments, each segment being assigned its own plunge and retract points.
Continue adding further tabs along rout paths, or right-click, or press Esc, to exit.
- When positioning the cursor at the required point along the rout path in which to insert the tab, it is important to click on the rout path itself. When in Fill mode, the rout path may consist of the actual rout path and an offset path. The result is that the center of the filled path may not be the actual rout path, and hence clicking will insert no tab. It is advisable in this case to change to Outline mode (Shift+F). The rout path and any offset (compensation) path will be shown, with the former represented by a solid line and the latter by a dotted line.