New in this Release

Now reading version 7.1. For the latest, read: New in this Release for version 7.2

Released: 10 February 2025 - Version: 7.1.2 (build 4)
Released: 20 January 2025 - Version: 7.1.1 (build 10)

Release Notes for Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server 7.1

This release sees further beneficial enhancements to the Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server and its related technologies. In addition, numerous fixes have been made to resolve issues raised by customers through the Altium Community.

While the Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server installer includes an automated backup of your existing installation, it is always a good idea to make a pre-update backup of your data yourself – taking a redundancy copy off to one side, as it were. This provides additional safety should any unforeseen technical difficulties arise (see Backing up and Restoring Your Installation). It is advised to test out a new release of Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server on a different machine, before updating your production instance. The use of Virtual Machines can be invaluable in this respect.

In addition, please ensure that you refresh your Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server licensing. From the Admin – Licenses page of the Workspace browser interface, delete the existing Server/CAL licenses and then add fresh instances back in. This will ensure you have the latest licensing, incorporating any licensing-related feature changes.

While connection to the Workspace provided by Altium On-Prem Enterprise Server 7.1 is possible from earlier versions of Altium Designer, users are encouraged to update to the latest version – especially where Workspace enhancements relate to changes to the user interface within Altium Designer.

Automatic Disconnect from Workspace and Releasing a License

This update was introduced in Altium Enterprise Server version 7.1.2

In this release, abilities to automatically disconnect an Altium Designer instance and release an Altium Designer license due to inactivity have been implemented. When these features are enabled by a Workspace administrator and the client machine is in an inactive, or idle state, i.e., when there is no mouse or keyboard activity on the client machine and no long-term Altium Designer process such as project release is currently in progress, the Altium Designer instance will be disconnected from the Enterprise Server Workspace and/or a seat of a Private Server Altium Designer license in use will be released.

The features are configured in the following places of the Workspace's browser interface:

  • Automatic disconnect from the Workspace – enable the Automatic logout from connected server for inactive clients (hours) option on the Admin – Settings – General – Session Lifetime page and enter a value of the allowed inactivity period.

    For more information, refer to the Exploring the Browser-based Interface page.

  • Automatic license release – enable the Release seats on inactive clients option in an Altium Designer license's Edit Assignment window accessed from the Licenses page and enter a value of the allowed inactivity period in the Lease verification interval (hours) field.

    For more information, refer to the Exploring the Browser-based Interface page.

Upgrade to .NET 8

The Altium Enterprise Server has been upgraded from the use of .NET 6 services to .NET 8 services. The Altium Enterprise Server runtime no longer requires outdated .NET 6. This upgrade ensures long-term support, enhanced performance, and improved security. It introduces modern features, better developer tools, and compatibility with the latest technologies, enabling more efficient and robust operations. This upgrade also future-proofs the platform, aligns with industry best practices, and reduces technical debt while enhancing scalability and reliability.

Starting from version 7.1.2, the Altium Enterprise Server no longer has any connections to .NET 6. In this version, .NET 8.0.12 is used.

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