Retired Documentation
Created: July 12, 2021 | Updated: July 16, 2021
| Applies to versions: 15.1, 16.0, 16.1, 17.0, 17.1, 18.0, 18.1, 19.0, 19.1, 20.0, 20.1, 20.2, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25
Documentation is moved here when it has been (or is being) retired from the documentation set - available up to a certain version of the design software. An entry here still applies to your currently chosen version of the documentation, but may not apply to the next, or a future version.
By gathering 'End of Life' paging here, it is easier for you to quickly see when a document 'disappeared' from the main documentation set, without having to trawl the entire nav tree structure to see where, and what, changed. Simply use the version selector at the top of the nav tree to reveal pages that existed for a previous version.
For convenience, pages have been categorized to avoid a potentially overwhelming flat listing.