Applied Parameters: None
This command is used to quickly modify the shape of the currently selected polygon pour, or region, under the cursor.
This command is accessed by right-clicking over a placed (and selected) polygon or region, and choosing the Polygon Actions ยป Modify Polygon Border command from the context menu.
First, ensure that the polygon pour or region whose border you wish to modify, is selected in the design workspace.
After launching the command, the cursor will change to a crosshair and you will enter border modification mode. A new end vertex point will appear on the existing border. As you move the cursor, this vertex will move also, around the border. To modify the border:
- Position the new vertex point at the required location around the existing border and click to place.
- Position the cursor and click to place additional vertex points, and so define additional shaping for the object's border. You can extend the original border outside of the existing shape and/or come back inside the original border to essentially 'remove' existing area.
- When the shape is as required, ensure to bring the cursor back to a point on the original border - and click at this point to finish the modification.
- To exit without modification, simply right-click, or press Esc.
After modifying a polygon pour, you will need to repour that polygon, for the modification to take effect. Region modifications take effect immediately.
- As with placing a polygonal-shaped object, use the Shift+Spacebar keyboard shortcut to change placement modes, and the Spacebar keyboard shortcut to switch end cornering modes, as required to achieve the desired border shaping.