
Parent page: Schematic Query Functions - Fields


Returns all parameter set, pin, port, probe, and sheet symbol objects whose Parameters property complies with the Query.


ParametersList : String

The Parameters property presents the list of parameters, associated with a supported object type, in the form Parameter1Name=Parameter1Value, Parameter2Name=Parameter2Value, ..., ParameternName=ParameternValue.

Example Usage

ParametersList = 'Manufacturer=Fox, Supplier=Digikey'
Returns all parameter set, pin, port, probe, and sheet symbol objects whose Parameters property is Manufacturer=Fox, Supplier=Digikey.

ParametersList Like '*Res*'
Returns all parameter set, pin, port, probe, and sheet symbol objects whose Parameters property includes Res.


  1. The Parameters property is only defined for parameter set, pin, port, probe, and sheet symbol objects.


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