Created: August 02, 2022 | Updated: August 02, 2022
| Applies to version: 21
Parent page: PCB Query Functions - Attribute Checks
Returns component objects whose Component Type property is Mechanical. These components do not have electrical properties, are not synchronized (you must manually place them in both editors), and are included in the BOM. An example is a heatsink.
IsMechanicalComponent : Boolean/Boolean_String
Example Usage
IsMechanicalComponent = True
IsMechanicalComponent = 'True'
Returns all component objects whose Component Type property is set to Mechanical.
Not IsMechanicalComponent
IsMechanicalComponent = False
IsMechanicalComponent = 'False'
Returns all objects except component objects whose Component Type property is set to Mechanical.
- The associated child primitive objects are not returned by this Query.