Local History

This document is no longer available beyond version 22. Information can now be found here: Local History Dialog for version 25

The Local History dialog


The Local History dialog displays the local history of a selected version controlled file.


The dialog is accessed in the following ways:

  • From the Projects panel, right-click on a project file then click Local History » Show Local History.
  • Click Project » Local History » Show Local History from the main menus.


  • Local History - lists all versions of documents since the original document was loaded in the software.
    • Label - displays a brief description of the version.
    • Time - displays the time the version was saved.
  • Compare - click to open selected versions in a split screen view. Two versions must be selected to access this command. The Differences panel is opened (if differences are detected) and displays any differences between the versions.
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Source URL: https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-designer/versioncontrol-dlg-localhistoryformlocal-history-ad