KB: Cannot use a private license as the seat is occupied
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If all seats of private license are occupied inadvertently, an adminstrator can still log into the server machine directly where the on-premise server software is installed (Vault/Nexus Server/Concord Pro/AIS/AES) either locally or via remote desktop to release the seat through a web interface. Type the address 'http://localhost:9780' in a web browser. Default username/password are: admin/admin. Expand Admin - Licenses, select the license and click 'Release'.
Remotely accessing the server requires a CAL (Client Access License), which is occupied most probably, so please make sure you are at the server's machine where the server software (Vault/Nexus Server/Concord Pro/AIS/AES) is installed.
For further details, please refer to manual pages for respective on-premise server software:
AES: https://www.altium.com/documentation/enterprise-server/private-license-service
AIS: https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-infrastructure-server#!private-license-service
Concord Pro: https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-concord-pro/private-license-service#!release-a-license-in-use
Nexus Server: https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-nexus-server/private-license-service#!release-a-license-in-use
Vault: https://www.altium.com/documentation/vault/altium-vault-private-license-service#!release-a-license-in-use