KB: Receiving Error code 68

Altium Designer Altium Designer
Starting in version: 18 Up to Current
I'm getting one of these errors when starting Altium Designer: Exception loading Wpf UI Error initializing licensing service Error code 68

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These errors are usually related to the SOLIDWORKS (SW) PCB Connector extension. 
Navigate to the Extensions & Updates page:
Click on the portrait icon in the upper right corner (DXP menu for V15 - 17) ►
Extensions and Updates… ► verify the Installed tab is selected ► locate the SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector tile and click on the title to open the extension details page where you will see which version of the extension is installed.

If you have a license for the SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector, and the installed version is not 2018.3.0.576 or later, then update the extension to the current version. 
If you do not have a license for the SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector, uninstall the extension. 
Note: For most changes made to the platform installation, e.g. install/update/remove extensions, you will need to restart the software - therefore it is recommended to close all your documents/designs before making any installation changes.
Here's more detailed information on working with extensions:

SOLIDWORKS and Altium have made the decision to discontinue SOLIDWORKS PCB and SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector. SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector is no longer sold by SOLIDWORKS.  Product related support was given from Dassault SOLIDWORKS Support through August 14, 2023. Altium does not provide end user support for SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector. https://www.altium.com/altium-designer-for-you/competitor/solidworks-pcb

MCAD CoDesigner is available for no extra charge with all subscription levels. Users can install the MCAD plugins and get started as soon as they connect to an Altium 365 Workspace. SOLIDWORKS, PTC Creo Parametric, and Autodesk Inventor are currently supported (Siemens NX requires an Enterprise level subscription.) A separate SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector license is no longer required if you are using Altium 365, but is still needed for Concord Pro On-Prem.

This documentation (notice the sub-pages on the left panel) is a good starting place to learn more about ECAD-MCAD CoDesign:

Here's a link to the relevant section of documentation on Starting the Collaboration Process:
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