KB: Deploy Altium installation silently on multiple machines
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The Altium Designer Installer accepts a limited number of command line parameters which (for example) could be used to allow the initiation of a silent install:
AltiumDesignerXXSetup.exe -Programs:"C:\Program Files\Altium\ADXX" -Documents:"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Altium\ADXX" -UI:None -AutoInstall -InstallAll -User:"firstname.surname@domain.part.region" -Password:"password"
XX represents the version number
-Programs:{specify the installation path}
-Documents:{specify the target installation path for the examples}
-UI:{Full | Simple | None} (Full - the full/standard wizard interface; Simple - the GUI which is seen when doing an update from Altium Designer; None - without GUI)
-AutoInstall (everything should be installed without further requests/dialogs)
-InstallAll (tells the installer to install all Modules, e.g. including Importers\Exporters, without this parameter the standard modules will be installed)
-User:{AltiumLive User Name} (necessary if using the Web Installer, not necessary if using the Offline Installer)
-Password:{AltiumLive password} (necessary if using the Web Installer, not necessary if using the Offline Installer)
Please note - do not change current directory to any folder inside AD installation, otherwise uninstaller cannot uninstall AD (because Windows console will block the current directory). When you start uninstaller from AD folder (System\Installation), it will copy itself to Temp folder and run from there. Otherwise it could not delete itself. So, when you see in the console that uninstaller finished - it is not actually finished. Just the first process started a second one and exited, but the un-installation is being performed in background by the second process. You need to wait (or check AltiumInstaller.log file) to be sure that it finished (or to find issues during uninstall).
There are tools available (Network Installation Service (NIS)) to create an MSI package in our Altium Infrastructure Server (AIS) which you can download and install (free, from the downloads page):
https://www.altium.com/products/downloads .
Here's more information: