WSM API System Interfaces

Now reading version 18. For the latest, read: WSM API System Interfaces for version 22

Parent page: Technical Reference - Workspace Manager API

Please note that this documentation was last updated for an older version of Altium Designer. While many of the principles and approaches will remain the same, be aware that interfaces, objects, methods, properties, and the like will have changed since then, and will not reflect the entirety of those found in later versions of the software.

Workspace Manager API: System Interfaces

The Workspace Manager API System Interfaces reference includes the following sections and content:

System Interfaces Configuration Constraints Interfaces Signals Manager interfaces
IChangeManager interface
IComponentMappings interface
ICustomClipboardFormat interface
IDocumentBackups interface
IECO interface
IMessageItem interface
ISearchPath interface
IVCSProjectAccessor interface
IVersionControlServer interface
IVhdlEntity interface
IConfiguration interface
IConstraintGroup interface
IConstraint interface
IInstalledConstraintFiles interface
IOutputer interface
IStrings interface
IWSM_OutputJobDocument interface
IWSM_ServerInterface interface
IDifferentialPair interface
IDatabaseLibDocument interface
IEntityPort interface
IExternalParameter interface
IInstance interface
IInstancePort interface
ISignal interface
ISignalManager interface
ISubNet interface


System Interfaces

IChangeManager interface

The IChangeManager interface represents the change manager where you can execute an ECO of pins to be swapped for the target component of the target document.

Interface Methods
Procedure DM_SetProject1(AProject : IProject);                     
Procedure DM_SetProject2(AProject : IProject);                      
Function  DM_ExecuteChanges(IsSilent : LongBool) : LongBool;       
Procedure DM_CreateECO_SwapPin        (TargetDocument : IDocument;
                                       TargetComponent: IComponent;
                                       TargetPin      : IPin;
                                       NewPinNumber   : WideString;
                                       OldPinNet      : WideString;
                                       NewPinNet      : WideString);
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
IDocument interface
IComponent interface
IPin interface

IComponentMappings interface

The IComponentMappings interface represents the mapping of source components and target components in schematic and PCB documents.

Interface Methods

Method Description
Function DM_UnmatchedSourceComponent(Index : Integer) : IComponent; Returns the indexed unmatched source component, that is, a target component could not be found to map to this source component.
Use the DM_UnmatchedSourceComponentCount function.
Function DM_UnmatchedTargetComponent(Index : Integer) : IComponent; Returns the indexed unmatched target component, that is, a source component could not be found to map to the target component. Use the DM_UnmatchedTargetComponentCount function.
Function DM_MatchedSourceComponent  (Index : Integer) : IComponent; Returns the indexed matched source component (that has been matched with a target component). Use the DM_MatchedSourceComponentCount function.
Function DM_MatchedTargetComponent  (Index : Integer) : IComponent; Returns the indexed matched source component (that has been matched with a target component). Use the DM_MatchedTargetComponentCount function.
Function DM_UnmatchedSourceComponentCount : Integer; Returns the number of unmatched source components.
Function DM_UnmatchedTargetComponentCount : Integer; Returns the number of unmatched target components.
Function DM_MatchedComponentCount: Integer; Returns the number of matched components.

ICustomClipboardFormat interface

Interface Methods
Function RegisterCustomClipboardFormat(Const AFormatName : WideString) : Longword;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces


The IDoToManager interface represents the To Do panel in Altium Designer. This To Do list manager allows you to manage a list of what to do and assign a priority to each what to do item.

Interface Methods
Function  AddItem    (Const AnItem  : WideString) : LongBool;  
Function  RemoveItem (Const AnItem  : WideString) : LongBool;  
Function  GetItem    (      Index   : Integer   ) : WideString;
Function  GetCount                 : Integer;
Procedure Clear;
Interface Properties
Property  Item[Index : Integer] : WideString Read GetItem;
Property  Count                 : Integer   Read GetCount;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces

IDocumentBackups interface

Interface Properties
Property Count : Integer
Property Backups[AIndex : Integer] : WideString
See also
IClient interface

IECO interface

The IECO interface represents an Engineering Change Order interface in the Work Space Manager.  Basically an Engineering Change Order attempts to keep a project containing source documents and its corresponding primary implementation documents synchronized. For example a schematic project and its PCB document, every time something changes in a schematic project, it is necessary to bring the changes forward to the PCB document via the Engineering Change Order feature.

Interface Methods

Method Description
Procedure DM_Begin; Denotes that the ECO manager has started.
Procedure DM_End;  Denotes that the ECO manager has ended.
Function  DM_AddObject              (Mode : TECO_Mode; ReferenceObject : IDMObject) Adds a reference object for the ECO to compare the target document against this reference document.
Function  DM_RemoveObject           (Mode : TECO_Mode; ObjectToRemove  : IDMObject) Removes a reference object depending on what ECO mode is.
Function  DM_AddMemberToObject      (Mode : TECO_Mode;
ReferenceMember : IDMObject;
ReferenceParent : IDMObject;
TargetParent    : IDMObject)
Adds a specific action in the ECO manager.
Function  DM_RemoveMemberFromObject (Mode : TECO_Mode;
MemberObject    : IDMObject;
ParentObject    : IDMObject)
Removes a specific action in the ECO manager.
Function  DM_ChangeObject           (Mode : TECO_Mode; Kind            : TModificationKind;
ObjectToChange  : IDMObject;
ReferenceObject : IDMObject)
Changes a specific action in the ECO manager.


The IMessagesManager interface represents the Messages panel in Altium Designer.

IMessagesManager interface table

IMessagesManager methods
IMessagesManager properties


//Populating the Message Panel using the Workspace manager’s functionality
Procedure InsertMessagesIntoMessagePanel;
    WSM         : IWorkSpace;
    MM          : IMessagesManager;
    ImageIndex  : Integer;
    F           : Boolean;
    WSM := GetWorkSpace;
    If WSM = Nil Then Exit;
    // Tick icon for the lines in the Message panel
    // Refer to the Image Index table in the
    // Workspace Manager API reference online help.
    ImageIndex := 3;
    MM := WSM.DM_MessagesManager;
    If MM = Nil Then Exit;
    // Clear out messages from the Message panel...
    F := False;
    MM.AddMessage({MessageClass             } 'MessageClass 1',
                      {MessageText              } 'MessageText 1',
                      {MessageSource            } 'Altium Designer Message',
                      {MessageDocument          } 'Pseudo Doc 1',
                      {MessageCallBackProcess   } '',
                      {MessageCallBackParameters} '',
    MM.AddMessage({MessageClass             } 'MessageClass 2',
                      {MessageText              } 'MessageText 2',
                      {MessageSource            } 'Altium Designer Message 2',
                      {MessageDocument          } 'Pseudo Doc 2',
                      {MessageCallBackProcess   } '',
                      {MessageCallBackParameters} '',

See also
Image Index Table


AddMessage method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure AddMessage
(Const MessageClass,
       MessageCallBackParameters     : WideString;
       ImageIndex                    : Integer;
       ReplaceLastMessageIfSameClass : Boolean = False;
       MessageCallBackProcess2       : WideString = '';
       MessageCallBackParameters2    : WideString = '');
This method gives you the ability to access an Altium Designer Message on the Message panel:

  • MessageClass - which sort of message it belongs to. (User defined)
  • MessageText - the message text to appears in the Message panel.
  • MessageSource - could be one of the following pre-defined strings such as : Comparator, Back-Annotate, Output Generator, Compiler or you can define your own MessageSource string.
  • MessageDocument - Owner Document name – normally a full path name of the document that the Message is associated with.
  • MessageCallBackProcess - process name to call back.
  • MessageCallbackParameters - parameters for the CallBackProcess.
  • ImageIndex - the index to the image depending on which Message Class. Refer to the Image Index Table topic to check out the appropriate image for each message.
  • ReplaceLastMessageIfSameClass - (defaults to false).
  • MessageCallBackProcess2
  • MessageCallBackParameters2

See also
IMessagesManager Interfaces

AddMessageParametric method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure AddMessageParametric(MessageParams : PChar;MessageCallBackParameters : PChar);
Inserts a Altium Designer message in the Message panel. Similar to the DM_AddMessage only that you define the Name / Value blocks in the MessageParams nullterminated string:

  • Class – Back-Annotate class, Error level, Differences.
  • Text - text displayed in the Message panel.
  • Source - could be one of the following: Comparator, Back-Annotate, Output Generator, Compiler,.
  • Document - Owner Document name
  • CallBackProcess - process name to call back.
  • UserId - Unique ID
  • HelpFileName - Name of the Help file
  • HelpTopic - specific help topic string
  • ImageIndex - the index to the image depending on which Message Class.
  • 'ReplaceLastMessageIfSameClass - Boolean. If Same MessageClass, specify whether this class is to be overridden or not by the current message class information.
  • MessageCallBackParameters – parameters for the CallBackProcess.

See also

BeginUpdate method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure BeginUpdate;
 Invoke this method before you wish to add Messages (DM_AddMessage or DM_AddMessageParameteric methods) to the Message panel.
See also

ClearMessageByIndex method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure ClearMessageByIndex ( AIndex : Integer );
See also

ClearMessages method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure ClearMessages;
Clears out the Messages panel.
See also

ClearMessagesForDocument method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure ClearMessagesForDocument(Const DocumentPath : WideString);
See also

ClearMessagesOfClass method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure ClearMessagesOfClass (Const AMsgClass : WideString);
This method gives you the ability to clear messages of the same class type. Various class types include Back-Annotate class, Error level, Differences
See also

EndUpdate method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Procedure EndUpdate;
Invoke this method after you have added Messages to the Message panel.
See also

Messages method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Function Messages(Index : Integer) : IMessageItem;
See also

MessagesCount method

(IMessagesManager interface)
Function MessagesCount : Integer;
See also

IMessageItem interface

The Message Manager interface has messages if any on the messages panel. Each message item is represented by the IMessageItem interface.

IMessageItem Properties
Property MsgClass            : WideString
Property Text                : WideString
Property Source              : WideString
Property Document            : WideString
Property MsgDateTime         : TDateTime
Property ImageIndex          : Integer  
Property UserId              : WideString
Property CallBackProcess     : WideString
Property CallBackParameters  : WideString
Property CallBackProcess2    : WideString
Property CallBackParameters2 : WideString
Property HelpFileName        : WideString
Property HelpFileID          : WideString
Property MsgIndex            : Integer  
See also
IMessagesManager Interfaces

ISearchPath interface

The ISearchPath interface represents the paths of a project. This ISearchPath interface has a link to the associated open project in Altium Designer.

Interface Methods

Method Description
Function    DM_Path : WideString; Returns the path of the focussed project in Altium Designer.
Function    DM_AbsolutePath      : WideString; Returns the absolute path of the focussed project in Altium Designer.
Function    DM_IncludeSubFolders : Boolean; Returns whether sub folders are included in the focussed project in Altium Designer.
Function    DM_Project : IProject;  Returns the project in which this ISearchPath interface is associated with.


The ISymbolGenerator interface represents the symbol with parameters added if necessary generated by the ICoreProject interface.
Important Notes
ICoreProject interface's DM_CreateSymbolGenerator method returns a ISymbolGenerator interface.
Interface Methods
Procedure DM_ClearParameters;                      
Procedure DM_AddParameter(Name, Value : WideString);
Procedure DM_GenerateComponent;                    
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ICoreProject interface

IVCSProjectAccessor interface

Interface methods
Function ObjectAddress : IInterface;
See also
IClient interface
IExternalForm interface

IVersionControlServer interface

Interface methods
Function GetStatusString (Const AObject : IDMObject) : WideString;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces

IVhdlEntity interface

The IVhdlEntity interface represents the existing VHDL entity object on a VHDL document. Basically a VHDL document can contain many VHDL entities and each entity corresponds to a schematic document.

Since every object interface (inherited from the IDMObject interface) has a DM_VHDLEntity method. This method can be useful in cases such as determining which ports correspond to VHDL entities.

Interface Methods

Method Description
Function DM_Name : WideString; Returns the name of the VHDL entity.


The IWorkspacePreferences interface represents the Preferences object in Altium Designer This interface details with file ownership - that is the rights of access to a design document.

Interface Methods
Function  GetDefaultTemplateFile(Const ADocKind : Widestring) : Widestring;
Function  GetFileOwnership_Enabled : Boolean;
Function  GetFileOwnership_EnabledOutputDirectory : Boolean;
Function  GetFileOwnership_WarningLevelOpen : TFileOwnershipWarningLevel;
Function  GetFileOwnership_WarningLevelSave : TFileOwnershipWarningLevel;
Function  GetDefaultLibraryPath : WideString;
Function  GetHighlightMethodSet : THighlightMethodSet;
Function  GetObjectsToDisplay   : TWorkspaceObjectIdSet;
Function  GetHighlightConnectedPowerParts : Boolean;
Procedure SetDefaultTemplateFile(Const ADocKind, AFileName : Widestring);
Procedure SetFileOwnership_Enabled(AValue : Boolean);
Procedure SetFileOwnership_EnabledOutputDirectory(AValue : Boolean);
Procedure SetFileOwnership_WarningLevelOpen(AValue : TFileOwnershipWarningLevel);
Procedure SetFileOwnership_WarningLevelSave(AValue : TFileOwnershipWarningLevel);
Interface Properties
Property  DefaultTemplateFile[Const ADocKind   : Widestring] : Widestring
Property  FileOwnership_Enabled                : Boolean
Property  FileOwnership_EnabledOutputDirectory : Boolean
Property  FileOwnership_WarningLevelOpen       : TFileOwnershipWarningLevel
Property  FileOwnership_WarningLevelSave       : TFileOwnershipWarningLevel
Property  DefaultLibraryPath                   : WideString
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces


Configuration Constraints Interfaces

IConfiguration interface

The IConfiguration interface represents the configuration container that contains a group of constraints which targets a specific FPGA device.
Interface Methods
Function    DM_Name                              : WideString;
Function    DM_ConstraintGroupCount              : Integer;
Function    DM_ConstraintGroups(Index : Integer) : IConstraintGroup;
Function    DM_ConstraintsFileCount                 : Integer;
Function    DM_ConstraintsFilePath(Index : Integer) : WideString;
Procedure   DM_AddConstraintFile(AConstraintFilePath : WideString);
Function    DM_GetTargetDeviceName                  : WideString;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces

IConstraintGroup interface

The IConstraintGroup interface represents a constraint file made up of constraints (as IConstraint interface).
Important notes
Inherited from IDMObject  interface
Interface Methods
Function   DM_TargetKindString             : WideString;
Function   DM_TargetId                     : WideString;
Function   DM_ConstraintCount              : Integer;   
Function   DM_Constraints(Index : Integer) : IConstraint;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
IConstraint interface

IConstraint interface

The IConstraint interface represents the data entry in a constraint file represented by the IConstraintGroup interface.
Important notes
Inherited from IDMObject  interface
Interface Methods
Function   DM_Kind : WideString;
Function   DM_Data : WideString;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
IConstraintGroup interface

IInstalledConstraintFiles interface

The IInstalledConstraintFiles interface represents the constraint files that are installed in Altium Designer, ie available to a FPGA project.
Interface Methods
Function  InstalledConstraintFileCount                      : Integer;  
Function  InstalledConstraintFile   (aIndex   : Integer)    : WideString;
Function  ConstraintFileIsInstalled (aPath    : WideString) : LongBool; 
Function  DefaultConstraintFile                             : WideString;
Function  EditInstalledConstraintFiles                      : LongBool; 
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces

IOutputer interface

The IOutputer interface represents the one of the outputs of an output job within a design project.
Interface Methods
Function    DM_ViewName                   : WideString
Function    DM_EditProperties             : Boolean;
Function    DM_Generate_OutputFilesTo (OutputDirectory : WideString; ParameterOverrides : PChar) : Boolean;
Function    DM_Generate_OutputFiles   (AGeneratedFilename : PChar) : Boolean;
Procedure   DM_SetPrintScale          (APrintScale        : Double);
Procedure   DM_SetPrintMode           (AFitPrintToPage    : Boolean);
Procedure   DM_SetDocumentPath        (ADocPath           : WideString);
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
IProject interface
IOutputJob interface
IWSM_OutputJobDocument interface

IStrings interface

The IStrings interface represents the strings container – more like a list of strings.
Interface Methods
Function GetCount : Integer;                        
Function GetItem(Index : Integer) : WideString;     
Function IndexOf(Const Value : WideString) : Integer;
Interface Properties
Property Count : Integer read GetCount;
Property Items[Index : Integer] : WideString read GetItem; default;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces

IWSM_OutputJobDocument interface

The IWSM_OutputJobDocument interface represents the output jobs document in Altium Designer.
Interface Methods
Function  GetState_Outputer      (AIndex : Integer) : IOutputer;
Function  GetState_OutputerCount                    : Integer;
Function  CreateOutputer      (Const AOutputCategoryName   : WideString;
                               Const APredefinedOutputName : WideString;
                               Const AOutputerName         : WideString) : IOutputer;
Function  BeginModifyOutputer (Const AOutputer : IOutputer ) : Boolean; 
Procedure EndModifyOutputer;
Interface Properties
Property  Outputer [AIndex : Integer] : IOutputer Read GetState_Outputer;
Property  OutputerCount               : Integer   Read GetState_OutputerCount;
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
IProject interface
IOutputJob interface
IWSM_OutputJobDocument interface

IWSM_ServerInterface interface

The IWSM_ServerInterface interface represents the high level mechanism that manages different output job documents.
Interface Methods
Function  GetOutputJobDocumentByPath (APath : WideString) : IWSM_OutputJobDocument;
Interface Properties

See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
IProject interface
IOutputJob interface
IWSM_OutputJobDocument interface

IDifferentialPair interface

The IDifferentialPair interface represents a differential pair object.
Interface Methods        
IObjectClass methods
Interface Properties
IObjectClass properties
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces

IDatabaseLibDocument interface

The IDatabaseLibDocument interface represents a database library document.

Interface Methods
Procedure GetModelFieldNamesAt(AnIndex            : Integer;
                               ATableIndex        : Integer;
                               AModelType         : WideString;
                           Var AModelPathName : WideString;
                           Var AModelRefName  : WideString;
                           Var AOrcadModel    : Boolean);
Procedure InitialiseExportToDatabase (ADatabaseFileName  : WideString);
Procedure FinaliseExportFromDatabase;
Procedure DisposeIfNotShowing;
Procedure GetOrcadLibraryDetails     (AParseString       : WideString;
                                      Var LibRef         : WideString;
                                      Var LibPath        : WideString);
Function  ExportNewRecordFromIntLib  (ATableName       : WideString;
                                      AFieldParameters : WideString) : WideString;
Function InitialiseExportFromIntLib  (ATableName         : WideString) : WideString;
Function GetConnectionString                 : WideString;
Function GetCommandString(ATableIndex        : Integer;
                          AFilterText        : WideString;
                          ASQLWhereClause    : WideString) : WideString;
Function GetFilterText   (ATableIndex        : Integer;
                          AFilterColumnNames : WideString;
                          AFilterValue       : WideString) : WideString;
Function GetParametersForComponent   (ATableIndex        : Integer;
                                      AComponentKeys     : WideString) : WideString;
Function GetTableCount : Integer;
Function GetFileName   : Widestring;
Function GetKeyFieldCount(ATableIndex       : Integer)     : Integer;
Function GetKeyField     (AParameterName    : Boolean;
                          ATableIndex       : Integer;
                          AKeyIndex         : Integer)     : WideString;
Function GetLibraryRefFieldName(ATableIndex       : Integer;
                            Var AOrcadLibrary : Boolean)     : WideString;
Function GetLibraryPathFieldName(ATableIndex   : Integer)         : WideString;
Function GetFieldCount   (ATableIndex   : Integer)         : Integer;
Function GetTableNameAt  (AnIndex       : Integer)         : WideString;
Function GetFieldNameAt  (ATableIndex   : Integer;
                          AFieldIndex   : Integer)         : WideString;
Function GetTableIndex   (ATableName    : WideString)      : Integer;
Function TableEnabled    (AnIndex       : Integer)         : Boolean;
Function DocumentObject                            : Pointer;
Function GetItemCount(    ACommand  : WideString;
                      Var AnError   : WideString)      : Integer;
Function TableContainsColumn(ATableIndex   : Integer;
                             AColumnName   : WideString)      : Boolean;
Function IsValidSQLStatementForTable (ATableName    : WideString;
                                          AQuery        : WideString)      : Boolean;
Function LoadAllRecordsLimit                                           : Integer;
Function ValidateSQLQuery            (ASqlQuery         : WideString)  : WideString;
Function GetDatafilePath             (AName             : WideString;
                                          AType             : WideString;
                                          ATableName        : WideString;
                                          AComponentKeys    : WideString)  : WideString;
    Function GetSchLibPathForComponent   (ATableIndex       : Integer;
                                          AComponentKeys    : WideString)  : WideString;
Function GetSchLibRefForComponent(ATableIndex       : Integer;
                                 AComponentKeys    : WideString)  : WideString;
Function IsParameterDatabaseKey(ATableIndex       : Integer;
                                AParameterName    : WideString)  : Boolean;
Function ObjectAddress           : Pointer;
Function GetLibrarySearchPath    : WideString;
Function GetSearchSubDirectories : Boolean;
Function OrcadDelimiter           : Char;
Interface Properties
IObjectClass properties
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces


Signals Manager interfaces

IEntityPort interface

Important notes
·          Inherited from ISignalNode interface
Interface Methods
·          All methods from ISignalNode interface.
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISignalManager interface
ISignalNode interface

IExternalParameter interface

The IExternalParameter interface defines the external parameter object.

Interface Methods

Method Description
Function  DM_GetSection : WideString; Returns the Section string of the external parameter interface.
Function  DM_GetName : WideString; Returns the Name string of the external parameter interface.
Function  DM_GetValue : WideString; Returns the Value string of the external parameter interface.
Procedure DM_SetValue(AValue : WideString); Sets the new value string for this external parameter.

IInstance interface

Interface Methods
Function    DM_Part         : IPart;                    
Function    DM_SheetSymbol  : ISheetSymbol;             
Function    DM_Ports (Index : Integer) :  IInstancePort;
Function    DM_PortCount    : Integer;                  
Function    DM_Designator   : WideString;               
Function    DM_InstanceType : WideString;               
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISignalManager interface
IPart interface
ISheetSymbol interface
IInstancePort interface

IInstancePort interface

Important notes
·          Inherited from ISignalNode interface
Interface Methods
·          All methods from ISignalNode interface.
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISignalManager interface
ISignalNode interface

ISignal interface

Interface Methods
Function    DM_Namers     (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;      
Function    DM_SubNets    (Index : Integer) : ISubNet;          
Function    DM_DriverLinks(Index : Integer) : ISignalLink;      
Function    DM_TargetLinks(Index : Integer) : ISignalLink;      
Function    DM_NamerCount      : Integer;                       
Function    DM_SubNetCount     : Integer;                       
Function    DM_DriverLinkCount : Integer;                       
Function    DM_TargetLinkCount : Integer;                       
Function    DM_DriverBits (BitNo,Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_TargetBits (BitNo,Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_DriverBitCount(BitNo : Integer) : Integer;       
Function    DM_TargetBitCount(BitNo : Integer) : Integer;       
Function    DM_Prefix          : WideString;                    
Function    DM_Range1          : WideString;                    
Function    DM_Range2          : WideString;                    
Function    DM_RangeValue1     : Integer;                       
Function    DM_RangeValue2     : Integer;                       
Function    DM_BusKind         : TBusKind;                      
Function    DM_Width           : Integer;                       
Function    DM_RangeMax        : Integer;                       
Function    DM_RangeMin        : Integer;                       
Function    DM_PrimaryNode     : ISignalNode;                   
Function    DM_PowerNode       : ISignalNode;                   
Function    DM_PowerName       : WideString;                    
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISignalManager interface
ISignalNode interface
ISubNet interface
ISignalLink interface
TBusKind interface


Interface Methods
Function    DM_DriverNode              : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_TargetNode              : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_DriverSignal            : ISignal;   
Function    DM_DriverNodeRange1        : WideString;
Function    DM_DriverNodeRange2        : WideString;
Function    DM_DriverNodeRangeValue1   : Integer;   
Function    DM_DriverNodeRangeValue2   : Integer;   
Function    DM_TargetSignal            : ISignal;   
Function    DM_TargetNodeRange1        : WideString;
Function    DM_TargetNodeRange2        : WideString;
Function    DM_TargetNodeRangeValue1   : Integer;   
Function    DM_TargetNodeRangeValue2   : Integer;   
Function    DM_DriverRangeMax          : Integer;   
Function    DM_DriverRangeMin          : Integer;   
Function    DM_TargetRangeMax          : Integer;   
Function    DM_TargetRangeMin          : Integer;   
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISignalManager interface
ISignal interface
ISignalNode interface

ISignalManager interface

Interface Methods
Function    DM_SubNets       (Index : Integer) : ISubNet;   
Function    DM_Instances     (Index : Integer) : IInstance; 
Function    DM_InstanceKinds (Index : Integer) : IInstance; 
Function    DM_Signals       (Index : Integer) : ISignal;   
Function    DM_EntityPorts   (Index : Integer) : IEntityPort;
Function    DM_SubNetCount       : Integer;                 
Function    DM_InstanceCount     : Integer;                 
Function    DM_InstanceKindCount : Integer;                 
Function    DM_SignalCount       : Integer;                 
Function    DM_EntityPortCount   : Integer;                 
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISubNet interface
IInstance interface
ISignal interface
IEntityPort interface


Interface Methods
Function    DM_NetItem              : INetItem;             
Function    DM_SubNet               : ISubNet;              
Function    DM_GetDescription       : WideString;           
Function    DM_GetName              : WideString;           
Function    DM_Direction            : TSignalDirection;     
Function    DM_IsDriver             : LongBool;             
Function    DM_Range1               : WideString;           
Function    DM_Range2               : WideString;           
Function    DM_RangeValue1          : Integer;              
Function    DM_RangeValue2          : Integer;              
Function    DM_RangeMax             : Integer;              
Function    DM_RangeMin             : Integer;              
Function    DM_BusIndex             : Integer;              
Function    DM_Width                : Integer;              
Function    DM_TargetLinks   (Index : Integer) : ISignalLink;
Function    DM_DriverLinks   (Index : Integer) : ISignalLink;
Function    DM_TargetLinkCount      : Integer;              
Function    DM_DriverLinkCount      : Integer;              
Function    DM_Signal               : ISignal;              
Function    DM_EntityPort           : IEntityPort;          
Function    DM_ConstantExpression   : WideString;           
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISignalManager interface
ISignal interface
ISignalLink interface
IEntityPort interface
TSignalDirection interface

ISubNet interface

Interface Methods
Function    DM_Lines            (Index : Integer) : ILine;     
Function    DM_SignalLinks      (Index : Integer) : ISignalLink;
Function    DM_Signals          (Index : Integer) : ISignal;   
Function    DM_Nodes            (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_PinNodes         (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_PowerObjectNodes (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_PortNodes        (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_NetLabelNodes    (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_SheetEntryNodes  (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_CrossSheetNodes  (Index : Integer) : ISignalNode;
Function    DM_LineCount            : Integer;                 
Function    DM_SignalLinkCount      : Integer;                 
Function    DM_SignalCount          : Integer;                 
Function    DM_NodeCount            : Integer;                 
Function    DM_PinNodeCount         : Integer;                 
Function    DM_PowerObjectNodeCount : Integer;                 
Function    DM_PortNodeCount        : Integer;                 
Function    DM_NetLabelNodeCount    : Integer;                 
Function    DM_SheetEntryNodeCount  : Integer;                 
Function    DM_CrossSheetNodeCount  : Integer;                 
Function    DM_Net                  : INet;                    
See also
Workspace Manager Interfaces
ISignalManager interface
ISignal interface
ISignalNode interface
ISignalLink interface
ILine interface
INet interface

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