Public Release Notes

Now reading version 18.1. For the latest, read: Public Release Notes for version 25

The features available depend on your Altium product access level. Compare features included in the various levels of Altium Designer Software Subscription and functionality delivered through applications provided by the Altium 365 platform.

If you don’t see a discussed feature in your software, contact Altium Sales to find out more.


The following sections list the release notes for publically released versions of Altium Designer 18.1

For a summary of new features and enhancements in Altium Designer 18.1, see New in Altium Designer.

Version 18·1·11 Copy Link Copied

Build: 251  Date: 29 April 2019

31545 Data Management: Changing model assignment now works correctly when using the Nexus Server.
31659 Platform: Fixed an SVN connection error issue where a created SVN v1.9 file repository could not be committed to after the software has been restarted.

Version 18·1·9 Copy Link Copied

Build: 240  Date: 22 August 2018 

26443 Draftsman: Fixed an issue where, after renaming the associated PCB document, Draftsman would crash.
26542 Draftsman: Fixed regression where the hatching was missing on the Assembly view for not-fitted components with silkscreen graphics selected (BC: 9416).
24616 Draftsman: Fixed an issue where the 'Draftsman document is out of date' redundant warning message appeared during the export of a specific user’s designs (BC:9184).
26867 Draftsman: Fixed regression where hatching was not displayed for not-fitted component with the missing 3D body.
27359 Draftsman: Fixed bug where some not-fitted components were displayed on assembly views for particular user’s designs (BC:9416).
27588 PCB: Fixed issue where an "Access Violation" occurred during the import of a specific design with multi-part components.
27673 PCB: Fixed an issue where pasting a free pad or via on a polygon pour did not accept that polygon's net setting, resulting in short-circuit and clearance violations (BC:9229).
27871 PCB: Implemented Arc Approximation property for standalone regions. This property is available for a selected region in the Properties panel, PCB List panel, and FSO dialog.
26784 SCH: Fixed an issue with the Pin Mapper where incorrect mapping would occur in some particular cases.
27900 SCH: Fixed an issue where placing a component on a schematic sheet became slow after compilation.
27906 Platform: Fixed an issue where modified field values in the Properties panel (when editing objects on a SCHDOC or SCHLIB) were not being applied if the currently selected item was changed for another or deselected (BC:9641).
25724 Fixed regression in an interactive multi-route process where a change to the bus spacing was not being applied through the Properties panel.
26361 Addressed the regression in IPC Compliant Footprint Wizard where it was not possible to change (or insert) any parameters for LGA, BGA Package Layout Options while not Full Matrix selected.
27405 Fixed an issue where the 'Variant or safe array index out of bounds' error message appeared when accessing multidimensional arrays.
27451 Fixed an issue where PCB panels that were created using embedded board arrays incorrectly output the board outline ("profile") layer to ODB++.
27672 Fixed an issue with the Schematic Text Frame object where, when editing through the Properties panel, Tabs were being replaced with spaces when pasting text from an external editor (BC:9663).
27708 Fixed an issue where the backdrills did not appear after opening the PCB document within a specific project.
28081 Fixed an error "One or more errors occurred at 000000010DA15E92" in Project Releaser that was occurring during the preparation of data.
28216 Fixed bug where the Clone Variant duplicate UniqueID in .PrjPCB file that led to infinite ECO loop of parameters for Alternate Parts with the Same footprint.


Version 18·1·7 Copy Link Copied

Build: 191  Date: 8 June 2018 

24006 PCB: Fixed regression that caused software crash when Signal Integrity is analyzing a board containing Accordions that are using the Mitered Arcs style.
26310 PCB: Fixed regression that caused software crash when using the mouse wheel in the Query Builder.
26591 PCB: Double clicking PCB Text is now correctly focused and selected in the Properties panel (BC:9451).
26639 PCB: The Expedition Importer has been improved to more accuracy import the Board Outline shape.
26863 PCB: Fixed a bug where Un-Routed Net violations were not detected if primitives are connected to an isolated part of a Hatched Polygon (BC: 8999, 9396, 9458).
25047 Data Management: Fixed bug where team configuration changes for Managed Output Job revisions are not updated in the released project.
26005 Data Management: Fixed bug where certain projects show the error 'An item with the same key has already been added.' during project Release.
26126 Data Management: Fixed bug where a non-accessible item in a vault could cause the error 'A component named Sections_1 already exists' during project Release.
26446 Data Management: Fixed regression that didn't properly restrict search results to the correct Content Type in the Vault Explorer.
26163 PCAD Importer: Fixed regression in the PCAD Importer where component rotation was not set correctly.
26641 Expedition Importer: Fixed bug where Footprint origins were incorrectly located.
26293 DxDesigner Importer: Fixed several issues related to object connectivity as well as incorrect sheet sizes, multipart symbols, pin name visibility and general stability.
27053 Zuken CR5000 Importer: Fixed issues with importing power ports, rounded rectangle pads, oblong pads, footprints with same pads numbers and crashes with specific projects.
26139 Draftsman: Fixed regression where the 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error occurred while placing Angular dimension between two lines.
26443 Draftsman: Fixed a crash after the associated PCB document was renamed.
26489 Draftsman: Fixed regression where Draftsman reported Illegal characters in path when creating new Draftsman document from template, for example if a footprint contained characters "?\^:".
26772 Platform: The UI Theme 'Altium Light Gray' now has increased contrast to improve the readability and look of panels and dialogs (BC:8859).

Version 18·1·6 Copy Link Copied

Build:161 Date: 26 April 2018 

Improvements and Bug Fixes


21586 Improved handling of Windows Min/Max buttons for Windows 7 themes where Desktop Windows Manager is inactive.
23704 Added new Light Gray theme option (Preferences >>> System >>> View).
24930 Restored Project Documents option to the Projects menu.
20961 Fixed bug where insertion arrows retained after moving header columns throughout the application.
22143 Fixed bug where some Preferences menu sections were not scaled and did not fit the High DPI aspect.
22764 Fixed regression where the zoom did not function for an Outjob PDF (BC:7723).
23358 Fixed regression where copy and paste (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) were not working in the Query Helper dialog.
23528 Fixed bug where Choose Folder dialog could not be moved or closed when custom scaling set to 250%.
24178 Out of Memory exception error resolved (BC:9014).
24423 Fixed regression where Differences associated with Nets varied during ECO runs (BC:8744).
24867 Fixed bug where a filename containing '&' symbol prevented certain characters from being typed into Text String properties (BC:8988).
25420 Fixed occasional crash in certain situations where Altium Designer started with the License Management page open.
20733 Fixed issue where an invalid window handle error would occur for a panel presenting supplier data, and that panel was pinned/unpinned.
23887 Updated Chinese simplified localization.
24945 Projects panel - Added document status indicators for opened, modified and locked (BC:8696).
19903 Improved the Search facility to enable all results to be viewed/selected, rather than just the first 15.
21286 New FPGA Pin Mapping tool to compare and update any PCB component with an external Pin File (BC:2100).
22728 Fixed regression where Windows Taskbar did not pop up in an auto-hide mode with AD18 in focus (with Classic Windows theme) after the hide / show Altium Designer.
23562 Fixed regression where you could not use the Y or N shortcut key to close Confirm message dialogs.
23849 Fixed bug where the Script Custom button in toolbar is empty after restarting AD.
26222 Fixed regression where connection lines were not built and DRC Un-Routed Net constraint violations were not being reported for Power Plane Connect Style "No Connect" rules.

Data Management

22608 Improved Preview aspect when browsing a Footprint Item in the Explorer panel to display 'Item not found'-type message rather than blank view.
23278 Added options for SVN working copy formats on Data Management - Version Control Preferences page (BC:8167).
24116 Excel format BOM produced from an OutputJob, where the project includes variants that reference varied parameters via a DbLink, are now updated correctly when the "Include Parameters from Database" option is enabled for BOM generation (BC:1318).
24630 Improved speed of Repository browsing and Check Out operations.
20681 Fixed regression where too many clicks were required to rename files in the Storage Manager panel.
20684 Fixed regression where the Storage Manager did not correctly sort filenames alphanumerically.
20696 Fixed regression where switching between project documents in the Projects panel while Storage Manager panel was open switched the Storage Manager panel to a random panel (e.g., Outputs, Messages).
20737 Fixed bug where Storage Manager panel did not display "Loading" when checking the status of project files.
20910 Fixed bug where there was a typo (loose instead of lose) in the confirmation dialog after performing a revert through the Storage Manager panel.
21947 Fixed bug in Explorer panel, where parameters with long value entries were being cut-off. They are now displayed correctly.
22871 Fixed Regression where multiple SVN credentials request dialogs appear after Sign In.
22915 Fixed regression where software would open with error if the VCS Provider - SVN extension had been removed.
23597 Fixed regression that caused the Parts Providers Parameter Import Options to not function correctly.
23629 Fixed bug where a particular Digi-Key part (754-2121-1-ND) was available through Octopart, but not through the Altium Parts Provider.
23630 Fixed bug where Manufacturer Part Number IS25LP016D-JNLE (Digi-Key: 706-1583-ND) was not being recognized, and data not made available through the Altium Parts Provider.
23931 Fixed bug with bad/invalid supplier links and not actual supplier data.
23948 Fixed regression where sometimes an error dialog would repeat when performing an auto-backup.
24045 Fixed regression that caused software crash when updating Collaboration, Compare and Merge panel.
24556 Fixed regression where it was not possible to add or checkout projects from SVN when the folder name path depth was more than 260 symbols.
25425 Fixed bug in variants where No-Fit components showed on Mechanical layer 16 when using Mechanical layers 17-32 in Footprints.
21129 Fixed bug that caused 'Relative Path to Template File' for BOM templates to not work with Project Releaser.
23543 Fixed bug where parameters listing could not be scrolled using the mouse wheel, in the Part Search panel, or Add Supplier Links dialog.
23742 Fixed ECO failure when updating Parameters from Database for Alternative Part from DbLib (BC:8624).
24622 Fixed regression where an error occurred when trying to open general templates immediately after loading software and a schematic document.
23527 Fixed bug with Create SVN Design Repository dialog not displaying correctly when custom scaling level set to 250%.
25394 Fixed exception error when trying to apply an empty SVN Libraries Working folder in Preferences.


21314 Added ability to group grid lines by the columns in the ActiveBOM.
23310 New column added to the ActiveBOM Properties panel, Supplier Subtotal per Board = Unit Price * Design Quantity. Also Price per Board now reflects the actual unit cost of the design, while the Order Price continues to reflect the MOQ costs (BC 8796).
23362 Improved support for line numbering in an ActiveBOM.
23821 Added highlighting of differences in the consolidated BOM.
24467 Added BOM Set functionality.
24739 Added "Create Manual Solution" feature to ActiveBOM solutions.
24967 Added ComponentType and Folder parameters to the BOM.
25626 ActiveBOM - Improved the Up/Down button behavior in the Select Columns dialog.
22991 Fixed issue where ActiveBOM automatic line numbering could create duplicate line numbers.
23989 Fixed regression where Core-unManaged components had 'Component revision state is not defined' BOM status violation in the BomDoc.
24343 Fixed bug that caused inconsistencies in 'Revision Status' and 'BOM Status' in the BomDoc for managed components.
24891 Fixed regression where same supplier with similar SPN for different manufacturers in custom database provider were not displayed twice in the BOM supplier tile.
25639 Fixed bug where manual solutions were not available in version 18.0 on the BomDoc file which was created in version 17.1.


23814 Added Color property for Designators in the Board Assembly View to enable global changes to the reference designator color (BC:8755).
21367 Aligned features with the user-friendly interface of Altium Designer's PCB editor for features and shortcuts such as selection, zoom, arrow keys and others.
21375 Performance improvements to Update Board, including multi-threading, updating only used views.
25265 Added support for Assembly view to change all components at once in the Component Display Properties.
25941 The Detail View in Draftsman now draws correctly when the Drill Table symbols are changed (BC:9287).
22411 Fixed zooming issue when using Space Navigator and both PCB and Draftsman documents are affected at the same time.
23647 Fixed regression where cutting line control points could not be moved.
23838 Fixed regression where it was not possible to set or edit the Alias name in the BOM Properties Panel (BC:8873).
24621 Fixed bug where project parameters were not being shown in Draftsman documents, for projects that have defined variants.
24700 Fixed bug where a component with 3D bodies that extend beyond its component geometry source could occlude that part of the assembly view.
24736 Fixed bug with Draftsman document, where system parameters beginning with '=VersionControl' would disappear when exporting to PDF (BC:8870).
24839 Fixed bug in Draftsman document, where it was not possible to set or edit tolerance values in Ordinate Dimensions for some items (BC:8874).
24845 Fixed bug where placing any True Geometry views on a Draftsman document would result in the views being empty (no components shown).
25120 Fixed regression in Draftsman where the user parameter defined in sheet template was not available after loading into the .PCBDwf file.
25133 Fixed error when generating a PDF from a specific Draftsman document.
25162 Fixed the opening of a specific Draftsman document.
25227 Fixed case sensitivity when using .designator parameter (BC:9078).
25248 Fixed bug with the access violation "An item with the same key has already been added" when placing a Layer Stack Legend for particular Rigid-Flex PCB designs (BC:9039).
25255 Fixed bug where a PCB document containing a particular STEP model would cause an error during Update board.
25386 Fixed issue with the layer ordering in the Layer Stack Legend where incorrect bottom paste position is shown.
25390 Fixed regression where Draftsman incorrectly prompted to save document as a template (BC:8675; BC:8898).
25411 Draftsman now produces the same variant hatching styles in both document editor and PDF output.
25532 Fixed regression where placed Assembly, Drill Drawing and Fabrication View sizes would be set to incorrect values.


24188 Improved performance when moving a large number of objects in the schematic.
25440 Restored ability to select multiple pins in schematic library using the component pin editor.
22213 Fixed regression that caused SCHLIB component properties to be reset in the Properties panel.
24298 Fixed regression that caused Update from Libraries command to fail if part has an alternate part variant.
22998 Fixed bug in the Properties panel (for SCH/PCB) where different types of selection were being used for the same fields.
24802 Fixed bug that caused an access violation if an Update from Libraries was performed, and the project was then closed without saving.
25129 Fixed crash when placing a Harness object that goes beyond the sheet work area.
23581 Improved the presentation of simulation source entries on the Mixed Sim toolbar
21284 Added ability to create Differential Pair class in schematic editor (BC:5151).
18432 Fixed bug where a "Parameter name must be unique" message appeared when trying to change characters in the Parameter Name to upper/lower case in the Properties panel.
23549 Fixed regression where scrollbar was not available to scroll Model File content, when defining a Sim Model.
24312 Fixed bug where the port orientation was wrong after using the PCAD SCH importer.
24745 Fixed bug that caused xDxDesigner importer to improperly import multi-part symbols.
21902 Fixed bug in Schematic where delay in properties loading occurred when first selecting of schematic component (when PCB editor is started).
22286 Fixed bug where the 'Maintain Aspect Ratio' option was not working for a placed Picture on a Multi-board Schematic document.
21993 Fixed regression where Point to Point Router Options dialog was missing when placing a wire on schematic in Auto Wire mode.
23160 Fixed bug where an exception occurred when using the Import from DXF command in a Multi-board Schematic. The command has been removed as the DXF Importer is not implemented yet.
23510 Fixed regression where symbol preview wasn't available in the Sim Model - General/Spice Subcircuit dialog, under the Port Map tab.
23799 Fixed bug where cross select mode wasn't working from the Navigator panel, if enabled through Preferences.
24322 Fixed regression where footprint models were missing from schematic library report files.
24827 Fixed bug where it was not possible to edit component properties when using the same schematic document across multiple opened projects.


17906 Added Height constraint to imported keepouts in IDF Importer (BC:7259).
22135 Smart Grid Insert now works properly with the List Panel.
22341 Properties Panel - Added support for formulas (for location and text values, regular calculations, action with current value) (BC:8861).
22837 Added support for snapping to the center of holes and center of edges in 3D models (BC:548).
23132 Improved Confirm dialog text and controls when deleting selected objects, and all of those objects are currently locked.
24218 Backdrilling improved, now supports defining a back drill pair between any layer-pair, and now recognizes connections made with polygon, region and fill objects (BC:8372).
24732 Updated the PCB 3D view so highlighted 3D models are rendered with suitable transparency and color.
25388 The right mouse Edit Layer command in View Configurations Panel now works correctly.
25113 Advanced Snapping options have been restored to the PCB Editor (Board Properties).
25438 The Pads transparency setting now works correctly and affects all pad objects.
25592 Improved performance of SCH > PCB synchronization (Update Schematic > PCB) when Project contains multiple variants.
15767 Fixed bug where the extended new primitive selection using the Tab key was not displayed for polygons.
16436 Fixed bug where gloss did not respect other objects on the PCB when there was a gloss differential pair with a preferred long gap.
17632 Fixed bug where retracing a differential pair with a big width and gap created hard violations.
17639 PCB Import - Fixed imported OrCAD pad diameters.
18924 Fixed issue where AD would hang during interactive diff pair routing, when the swap to opposite route point shortcut key (9) was pressed (BC:8630).
18988 Fixed regression where deleting a Net Class was not in the Undo buffer.
18994 Fixed regression where Pad Via Library editor was opening empty when accessing an existing PVLib
19546 Fixed bug in Properties panel where the library status for a pad that has been unlinked from its Pad Template wasn't being change to Local.
21186 Fixed regression where "Resize Polygon Pour" command was not working properly.
21574 Fixed bug in Multi-board Assembly document, where zooming in would be considerably 'jumpy'.
21577 Fixed access violation that would occur when manually routing after customizing the PCB:ManualRoute command.
21705 Fixed 3D display issue when viewing an Embedded Board Array from Top View in Orthographic projection.
22191 DRC no longer reports violations between different copper objects in a custom footprint pad, if that pad is not assigned to a net (BC:1779).
22373 Fixed regression where cursor hangs when moving mouse to select first Slice Track point.
22501 Fixed bug that caused the Properties panel Snap Point location to use the wrong coordinates.
22574 Fixed regression where it was not possible to remove Pad/Via dependency from a PVLib, when using the Unlink button in the Properties panel.
22635 Fixed bug where it was not possible to edit/copy/paste the value of a locked location through the Properties panel.
22902 Fixed regression where the previews of components in the Update from PCB Libraries dialog and Libraries panel were not behaving as expected.
22936 Fixed bug where software would hang when trying to move an accordion, and the Cross Select option was enabled.
23020 Fixed bug where the Shift+M shortcut for toggling the Board Insight Lens was being erroneously presented in the Heads Up display.
23028 Fixed bug where the PCB Heads Up display was floating over the top of an external application (even if the software was minimized).
23067 Fixed bug where X2.exe would stop working if a PCB document was closed while interactively routing.
23080 Fixed regression where software would freeze after exporting to IDF on a particular board.
23424 Fixed regression in PCB where changing the layer during a paused interactive process - through the Properties panel - would result in next placed objects being placed on the previous layer.
23479 Fixed regression where, while interactively routing and changing the track width on-the-fly, there was no alert if the width needed to be clipped back to within the min/max of the associated Width rule.
23532 Fixed regression where xSignals with Display Override option enabled, were not being hidden when switching mode of the PCB panel (to Nets, Components, etc).
23651 Fixed bug where 3D measurement lines were being drawn away from the actual measured points.
23677 Fixed regression where Alignment option was missing for the Layer Stack Table, when viewing properties through the Properties panel.
23681 Fixed bug with incorrect importing of component into a Multi-board Assembly document, when component consists of similar extruded bodies.
23768 Fixed regression where polygons were sometimes not updating when their Net Color was being changed and the Net Color Override was toggled On or Off .
23781 Fixed regression where the generated Gerber layer order between .EXTREP file and the CAMtastic panel were not synchronized.
23797 Fixed regression where, after changing shape/size for Top-Middle-Bottom and Full Stack pads and vias on some non-Top layer, the focus in the Properties panel jumps to the Top Layer.
23805 Fixed regression where extruded 3D bodies with zero overall height were being displayed in 3D (in DX10).
23837 Fixed bug where, after changing the Rotation Step for a PCB document with an Embedded Board Array, there would be an error: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'.
23899 Fixed bug where 3D Body Opacity could not be set for multiple selected components.
24068 Resolved issue where a PCB lib could not be saved if an interactive process was currently being performed.
24164 Fixed regression where the display of PCB Library Footprint names were truncated incorrectly (BC:8692).
24228 Fixed bug where project parameters were not updated in Special Strings until the string was selected on PcbDoc after changing parameter value.
24258 Fixed regression that caused error when generating Gerber files for layers that contain zero-size primitives.
24365 Fixed regression where the warning message 'A command is currently active and save cannot be completed' appeared after launching interactive Diff Pair Routing or the Length Tuning command, twice.
24399 Fixed bug where Paste Mask Expansion option was missing for Track and Arc primitives.
24784 Unconnected mid layer pads are now correctly removed during Gerber and ODB++ output generation (BC:8961).
25094 Fixed regression where the Solder Mask is missing from OutJob PCB 3D PDF prints when Entire Board From Below option is enabled.
25155 Fixed controls within the Pick and Place "Custom Filter" dialog (BC:9089).
25220 Fixed file loading error when PCB document contained dimension objects from previous version.
25240 Fixed regression where Gerber Batch import would produce an access violation (BC:9112).
25309 Fixed regression with PCB to SCH Cross Selection and selecting multiple objects.
25389 PCB Defaults are now saving the Via and Pad template settings.
25416 Fixed incorrect component standoff heights when exporting to STEP files and using multiple layer stacks.
25433 Fixed crash when running PCB Design Check in CAMtastic.
25439 Fixed regression where the Mask option was not being applied correctly in the PCB panel.
25462 Fixed regression where Snap points on 3D bodies were not visible (BC:9013).
25632 Fixed crash in Draftsman when setting the Layer Stack Table text height to 0.
25649 Fixed runtime errors and "unable to save file" errors after changing Via Template using the Properties Panel and closing the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor.
23539 Fixed issue where it was not possible to select more than one primitive on a PCBLIB, if a BomDoc was opened in a separate window and the Cross Selection setting was enabled.
25138 Fixed regression where it was not possible to delete locked objects if all selected objects were locked.
17293 Fixed bug where it was not possible to define via shapes/sizes on each layer during changing the via shielding stack from Simple to Full Stack or Top-Middle-Bottom.
18454 Fixed bug where the Size and Shape properties were not available to update when selected pads had a different stack mode.
21801 Fixed bug where "Change Units" command did not work for the 'Snap Distance', when the value from presets has been selected.
22397 Fixed bug where the Opacity slider disappeared when a group of 3D Models is selected, and did not reappear when selected for editing.
23317 Fixed regression where the new track Width wasn't immediately applied but required a cursor move after pausing PCB routing to enter a new width.
24268 Fixed regression where some fonts in the Font Family were not listed in the properties panel.
24276 Fixed layout of Arc properties in PCB Properties panel (BC:8693).
24363 Fixed bug that caused changes to be applied immediately when trying to find net by Net Name.
24617 Fixed regression where it was impossible to un-assign testpoints on net using either the Testpoint Manager or PCB List when both Top and Bottom Testpoints were assigned to a pad, and the pad was moved to top/bottom layer.
25434 Fixed bug in the Width slider behavior so that it may now be moved to Min, Preferred, Max positions even when the design rules have the same values (BC:8741).
23626 Improved layer name visibility in the Properties panel. Short layer names are now right-aligned.
23750 Added TrueType Font support to PCB output PDF files so text may be searched (BC:1482).
23789 Added ability to do STEP output without free models by adding 'Skip free 3D bodies' option to Export Options dialog (BC:1240).
22288 Multi-Board: Improved behaviour of object collision test after a plane-to-plane alignment. Implemented speed improvements.
25116 Added option in View Configuration panel for representation of labels with Special String names in PCB (BC:8832).
24548 Updated IDF 3.0++ Exporter to include objects with MultiLayer.
22090 Fixed regression where adding an Ibis model would result in X2.exe to stop working.
22216 Fixed regression that caused Ctrl+Q hotkey to function when focused on Interactive Properties panel (BC: 8841).
22896 Fixed regression where the units were not changed in Violation Details when changing units on PCB.
23039 Fixed bug where changing the 3D Body Opacity for a component, through the Properties panel, caused polygon rebuilding.
23061 New Graphic Engine - Fixed regression to restore the zoom level to the same depth as previously possible so that very fine grids may be displayed.
25469 IPC Footprint Wizard now supports step model preview and generation.
23089 Expedition importer now detects plane layers that contain routes, these are now imported as signal layers.
23782 Fixed bug where summary DRC information in CAMtastic was not presented correctly.
23818 Fixed bug where the default rule, rather than the applicable rule, was being displayed in the Properties panel when performing interactive Diff Pair Routing.
23853 Fixed bug where a corrupted 3D body would result, if trying to create an extruded 3D body using Line 90/90 Horizontal Start with Arc (Radius: 100mil).
24474 Fixed regression where switching the View to Print in the PCB 3D Print Settings for a project created from templates after generation produces a PCB without solder mask and copper in the generated PDF.
24492 Fixed bug where analyzing nets for designs containing FromTos took a long period of time.
24513 Fixed regression where the Line Constraints dialog could not be accessed via the Tab key when slicing a Polygon Pour.
18799 Updated Polygon Pour options layout in Properties panel.
23507 Added support for the new UI theme to the IPC Compliant Footprint Wizard.
If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

The features available depend on your Altium product access level. Compare features included in the various levels of Altium Designer Software Subscription and functionality delivered through applications provided by the Altium 365 platform.

If you don’t see a discussed feature in your software, contact Altium Sales to find out more.