Altium Designer 版本发布说明 - 20.1版本
以下各部分列出了Altium Designer 20.1公开发行版本的发布说明。
Build:218 日期:2020年6月3日
37555 |
尝试放置引脚对象后,垂直滚动和自动平移在原理图库文档中无法正常运行。 |
37801 | 尝试导入DFX/DWG文件时,未进行导入执行。 |
37917 | 未连接的引脚忽略了已继承的网络类。(BC:13238) |
38149 | 连接到服务器后,在原理图编辑器中进行更改时会发生崩溃。 |
38242 | 尝试移动原理图对象时,图形编辑键盘快捷键关闭,如果在拖拽过程中使用F1键,则会导致对象数据丢失。(BC:13188) |
38357 | 保存时,某些原理图的* .PrjPCBStructure文件扩展名被删除。 |
38488 | 打开某些原理图库文档时发生崩溃。(BC:13522) |
38536 | 保存时,原理图模板的最新修订版无法立即使用。(BC:13578) |
38575 | 设计更新时,对角线会导致不正确的连接并使网络短路。 (BC:13597) |
38694 |
原理图中的某些编辑操作造成电源端口与图纸入口断开连接。 |
38889 | 单击“属性”面板中的参数可见性图标时,参数可见性未更改。 |
35306 |
“项目发布器”未正确显示自动生成的PCB装配变量命名格式。 |
37522 |
从PCB将变更导入到包含特定电路板挖空的多板装配文档时(或在插入时发生崩溃)引起ECO故障。(BC:13054) |
38404 | 在PCB编辑器——“图层颜色首选项”页面中配置的颜色未保存。 |
38444 | 使用mm单位从嵌入式板阵列生成ODB ++文件后,将文件导入CAMtastic后出现错误消息。 |
38465 | 尝试查看“层堆栈管理器”时发生错误。 |
37925 |
不同变体的元器件未正确覆盖。 |
38505 | 无法对“无变体”装配和构造的Draftsman输出中识别特殊字符串。 |
35584 |
在某些UI主题和高dpi监视器中选择对话框和面板时遇到问题。 |
38059 | 托管元器件中的错误导致出现空的标识符字段和批量设置不起作用。 |
38503 | 新增了在连接到DigiPCBA时使用非托管模板的功能。 |
38731 |
首选项中定义的服务器配置未应用在软件中。 |
35371 |
在“项目发布选项”对话框的“条目命名”选项卡上输入不正确的设置时发生冻结问题。 |
35614 | 从“元器件和资源管理器”面板放置的元器件不包含有关仿真模型的信息。(BC:12770) |
36200 | 列排序在“元器件”面板中无法正常工作。(BC:12505) |
36601 | 添加列后滚动浏览器面板时发生异常错误。(BC:12728) |
36873 | 改进了新创建的或编辑后的封装的发布性能。 |
36874 | 改进了使用元件面板在原理图中搜索替换元器件的性能。 |
36936 | 指定本地自定义路径后,从资源管理器面板中克隆的项目被错误地保存至默认路径。(BC:12904) |
37210 | 改进了在“制造商零部件搜索”面板中的搜索性能。 |
37255 | 新增了在资源管理器面板中拖放文件夹时弹出的确认对话框,以防止文件夹结构被意外破坏。(BC:11087,BC:12993) |
37511 | 改进了DigiPCBA的共享权限性能。 |
37964 | 当系统询问您是否要安装包含所选元器件的库时,如果选择“否”,则无法从“基于文件的库搜索”选项中放置元器件。 |
38137 | 添加零部件选择后保存.Cmplib文件时发生错误。 |
38168 | 模板参数值未应用于托管模板。 |
38187 | 迁移到服务器时,库迁移器无法识别“类别”和“类型”源库参数。 |
38194 | 浏览器面板中显示的项目模板未出现在“创建项目”对话框中。 |
38196 | 将模板发布到服务器后,已添加到托管模板项目中的现有项目文件未显示。 |
38333 | 新增了将“所有”库类别状态保存在元件面板中的功能。 |
38384 | 优化了元件面板的性能,以在搜索请求字符串中的所有文本均不匹配时,不生成空白条件。 |
38522 | 发布元器件时发生错误。 |
38573 | 浏览器面板的“使用位置”选项卡错误地显示了第一个修订版本,而不是最新版本。 |
38673 | 当库内包含大量封装时,尝试更新PCB后出现异常错误。 |
38748 |
动态编译所收集的数据进行验证时发生崩溃或冻结。 |
37402 | 将OrCAD和PADS中的原理图和PCB文档添加到同一项目时,导入向导无法重新建立“元器件链接”。 |
37471 | 软件不能导入17.3版和17.4版的Allegro项目。 |
Build:176 日期:2020年5月26日
38353 | 在“消息”面板中缺少重复的位号标识符消息。 |
38714 | 参数名称区域中的参数值未正确显示。 |
38499 | 更改PCB编辑器首选项时,软件可能会冻结。 |
38737 | 为掩膜层生成区域时,该区域未考虑ODB ++制造输出。 |
37877 | PDF输出后未显示多边形铺铜挖空。 |
38432 | 将子堆栈添加到“层堆栈管理器”时,有时会丢失传输线。 |
37915 | 连接或重新连接到工作区后崩溃。 |
38237 | 重新启动软件时,无法恢复上次连接的工作区。 |
38371 | 改进了在原理图中逐一选择元器件时所需的响应时间。 |
38578 | 加载某些首选项后关闭软件时发生崩溃。(BC:13573) |
37570 | 查看“项目”文件夹的权限后,“项目”文件夹被更改为“通用”文件夹。 |
38141 | 从项目模板访问时,Draftsman文档未打开。(BC:13525) |
38170 | 修复了导致登录工作区后Explorer面板中未出现部零件请求文件夹的回归问题。 |
38202 | Explorer面板中缺少元器件修订ID参数值。 |
38258 | 尽管有项目存在,但Explorer面板中的“导航至”选项显示“此文件夹中没有项目”。 |
38378 | 发布更新后的元器件时出现错误。 |
38396 | 在元器件面板中添加部件选择时发生崩溃。 |
38431 | 将元器件放置在原理图上时,未使用库中定义的参数和注释字体颜色。 |
38475 | 未按Explorer面板的“值”列正确排序。 |
38535 | 集成库编译时发生错误,导致库创建失败。(BC:13580) |
38639 | 添加新模型后发布元器件时发生错误。 |
38650 | 在“单个元器件编辑器”中发布更新后的元器件时发生异常错误。 |
38671 | 关闭由项目发布者生成的文档时,出现“访问销毁对象”的错误。 |
38736 | 为Device表、符号表、引脚或端口添加对象参数时发生崩溃。 |
37907 | 在软件外部修改项目文件并且打开BOM文档时发生异常错误。 |
Build: 145 Date: 14 May 2020
37730 | 修复了导致Altium Designer每隔几分钟重新连接到服务器的问题,该问题导致在完成重新连接之前,UI功能被锁定。 |
38372 | 修复了使用“在浏览器中显示”命令时导致错误发生的问题。 |
38448 | 解决了在Vault Explorer经典视图中移动条目后更新索引数据的问题。 |
38469 | 修复了在验证项目然后移动元件后导致崩溃的问题。 |
38471 | 修复了导致PCB或SCH文档已保存副本的名称显示为选项卡而不是其原始名称的问题。 |
Build: 139 Date: 1 May 2020
32458 | 修复了使用Ctrl + W两次时导致崩溃的问题。 |
34880 | 修复了在“消息”面板中启用 “在消息面板中报告抑制违规”选项时,导致不报告抑制违规的问题。(BC:12706) |
35644 | 修复了导致原理图在较长时间后崩溃的问题。 |
35858 | 添加了将“爬电距离”设计规则添加到“原理图”文档的功能。 |
36001 | 修复了在拖动导线时导致“网络标签”与栅格未对齐的问题。 |
36002 | 修复了在“文本”对象的行内编辑过程中导致字体大小更改的问题。 (BC:12873) |
36055 | 修复了导致对于特定字体,管脚名称取反对齐显示不正确的问题。 (BC:12991) |
36081 | 修复了在导出为PDF文件格式时,导致透明几何形状打印为纯色而非透明形状的问题。(BC:12555 & BC:13051) |
36082 | 修复了在“属性”面板中编辑属性后,导致“位号标识符/注释”属性无法自动更新原理图库文档的问题。 |
36109 | 更新了动态编译器,以在打开多个项目时更好地处理项目编译和内存管理。 |
36123 | 修复了导致透明度显示不正确的问题。 |
36168 | 修复了在文本中有选项卡时导致文本和文本框无法居中对齐的问题。 |
36264 | 修复了在“验证”过程中,编译器错误报告重复网络名称的问题。 |
36267 | 修复了原理图“标注”对话框右键单击“按项目排序”命令无法正常工作的问题。(BC:12964) |
36445 | 修复了“打印配置”中的“打印选择”控件导致打印空白文档的问题。 |
36482 | 修复了在“原理图”文档中使用重复功能和差分对总线时导致验证错误发生的问题。 (BC:12468, BC:12889) |
36563 | 修复了导致具有间接网络标签的线束生成错误连接的问题。 |
36585 | 修复了导致IEEE符号显示不正确的问题。 |
36603 | 修复了即使从相关原理图中删除了相应的“器件图表符”,“器件图表”仍保留在项目结构中的问题。 |
36735 | 修复了在运行ECO并将“参数集”指令分配给与总线或线束连接的端口时,导致出现空网络类的问题。 |
36750 | 修复了导致“原理图”文档中发生稳定性错误的问题。 |
36769 | 修复了导致在“多通道”配置中无法识别$SheetDesignator关键词格式,从而造成错误解译的问题。 (BC:12796) |
36797 | 修复了在板级标注期间未在位号标识符编号中使用$SheetNumber关键词的问题。 (BC:12710) |
36895 | 修复了导致“覆盖”的虚线在PDF输出中具有直角边缘而不是圆边的问题。 (BC:12677) |
37026 | 修复了导致模板中文本对齐不正确的问题。(BC:12564) |
37044 | 修复了在“图纸入口”名称更改时导致显示不正确的重复网络错误消息的问题。 |
37075 | 修复了导致未使用的托管原理图在删除后无法从项目中删除的问题。 |
37155 | 修复了导致软件无法检测到“连接矩阵”中指定的输出端口到输出端口违规的问题。 (BC:13074) |
37215 | 修复了在仅选择部分而非全部“原理图”文件时导致“智能PDF”对话框中止并占用大量CPU的问题。 |
37264 | 修复了在使用键盘快捷键移动选定对象时导致选定对象消失的问题。(BC:12835) |
37323 | 修复了在使用“原理图库”编辑器中的“添加模板到剪贴板”命令后,导致使用Ctrl+C或Ctrl+X键盘快捷键后Altium Designer中止的问题。(BC:13081) |
37458 | 修复了导致项目参数无法正确转移到图表符的问题。 (BC:13133) |
37463 | 修复了在原理图文档中选择对象时导致性能下降的问题。 |
37689 | 修复了在文档间导航时导致切换上一层/下一层无法正常工作的错误。 (BC:12907) |
37800 | 修复了在启用“动态编译”时导致在“项目发布器”流程中生成的“材料清单(BOM)”报告显示不正确的“物理位号标识符”的问题。(BC:13302) |
37994 | 修复了在将某些元件放入“原理图”文档并更新到PCB文档中时导致“索引超出范围”错误发生的问题。 |
38007 | 修复了在单击带有无效原理图文档URL的超链接时导致软件崩溃的问题。(BC:12773) |
38017 | 修复了阻止将修改/添加的网络类或规则一次应用于多个选定参数集的问题。(BC:13355) |
38365 | 修复了在库重新加载后自定义字体设置被重置的问题。 |
3082 | 改进了存在复杂形状的情况下的布线性能。 |
13935 | 修复了在将某些元件放置在Bottom层时导致纹理显示在与电路板相邻的表面而非外表面上的问题。(BC:11732, BC:10304) |
31887 | 修复了在CAMtastic中生成ODB ++文件时导致崩溃和PCB文档改变的问题。 |
34130 | 修复了在生成OutJob文件时造成PcbDoc改变的问题。 |
34268 | 修复了关于导出DWG文件的错误,当焊盘最初有中心孔偏移时,会导致焊盘中的孔错误导出。(BC:8168) |
34853 | 修复了在层堆栈中添加或移动金属层后,在“层堆栈管理器”的阻抗选项卡中自动更新参考层的问题。 |
35105 | 修复了当焊盘具有特定设置组合时,“NC钻孔文件”中缺失焊盘孔的问题。 |
35223 | 修复了在从3DPDF文件查看时导致零散焊盘从“阻焊层”消失的问题。 |
35742 | 添加了在多线程模式下,计算“层堆栈管理器”中的阻抗配置文件的功能。 |
35893 | 修复了在“返回路径最小间隙”上运行“设计规则检查”将导致出现错误的问题。 |
36132 | 修复了在运行“显示差异”命令后导致发生不正确比较的问题。 |
36242 | 修复了为交互式长度调整联合指定重复名称的时候,重新打开PCB文件时会导致错误的问题。 |
36289 | 将标准(非BOM)元件纳入了拾放文件中以支持基准标记。 |
36534 | 修复了在ODB ++格式中导致所有True Type文本从镜像嵌入式板中删除的问题。 |
36535 | 修复了导致在选择“机械层17”作为所需的层后,ODB ++轮廓/外形层恢复为“电路板轮廓”的问题。 |
36536 | 修复了导致ODB ++输出未将网络信息分配给零散焊盘的问题。 |
36539 | 修复了导致“多边形”热焊盘图形未与目标对象重叠,也无法正确显示生成的ODB ++输出的问题。 |
36541 | 添加了用于在“ODB ++设置”中选择度量单位的选项。 |
36542 | 添加了用于在“ODB ++设置”中选择输出文件类型的选项 (BC:8262) |
36545 | 修复了不允许在“层堆栈管理器”中删除或添加某些层的问题。 |
36547 | 修复了导致引用项目参数的元件注释在PCB中显示为文字串的问题。 |
36559 | 修复了在拖动选定线路时导致键盘箭头无法正常工作的问题。 (BC:12797) |
36600 | 修复了在“属性”面板浮动而非固定时不允许更改多个元件的封装的问题。(BC:12717) |
36663 | 修复了导致“PCB库”封装以不正确的字母数字顺序排序的问题。(BC:12579) |
36921 | 修复了在文件名包含多个句点时,导致OutJob文件的Gerber输出截断至所生成的文件名中的倒数第二个句点的问题。 |
36945 | 修复了在未将“原理图打印”设置为待生成的首个PDF时导致PDF不显示元件参数的问题。 (BC:3707) |
36982 | 修复了在提示时导致光标无法捕捉到焊盘中心的问题。 (BC:12655) |
37013 | 在ODB ++元件导出器中添加了元件参数支持。 |
37069 | 修复了导致在粘贴对象上运行“设计规则检查程序(DRC)”后不显示任何错误的问题。 |
37103 | 修复了导致PCBLib文件中的“字符串”跳到绝对原点的问题。 (BC:12933) |
37180 | 修复了导致生成的泪滴针对特定对象表现不正确的问题。 |
37230 | 修复了在PCB中拖动轨迹线段时导致崩溃的问题。(BC:13055) |
37274 | 修复了导致错误xSignal延时值的问题。 |
37404 | 修复了在启用TrueType字体时导致PCB打印输出错误对齐的问题。 (BC:13025, BC:13253) |
37680 | 泪滴不再影响布线信号长度的延时计算。 |
37741 | 修复了在托管项目更改已提交但在一段时间内未推送到服务器时,导致发生错误的问题。 |
37822 | 修复了在使用“从源原理图导入更改”命令后,导致Altium Designer显示“没有可比较顶层文档”的错误消息的问题。 |
37840 | 在Gerber输出中添加了.SameCoordinates文件属性。 |
37844 | 修复了Gerber错误,该错误中选择了非圆形孔径来绘制圆弧。 |
37998 | 修复了导致选择连接的铜选项却没有选中多边形的问题。 |
32323 | 修复了合并表中单元格会导致产生错误消息的问题。 |
34370 | 修复了从Draftsman文档中导入更改时导致“STEP模型”崩溃的问题。 |
36439 | 改进了“钻孔表”中孔公差的显示,孔公差现显示为:空字段显示为空白(而不是“无”);以及+ve和-ve零值。 (BC:11213) |
36442 | 修复了在从Draftsman模板创建文件时导致“参数”无法正确传输的错误。(BC:11424) |
36473 | 改进了所有Draftsman对象的栅格捕捉功能。(BC:8351) |
36474 | 在圆弧段和圆象限的中心添加了尺寸标注。 (BC:12012) |
36503 | 添加了对“电路板写实视图”变量的支持。 (BC:11977) |
36505 | Draftsman文档中具有的“所有变量”选项重命名为“无变量”,以反映这两个选项的功能相同,并使Draftsman文档和“项目”面板保持一致。 ( BC:11529) |
36508 | 添加了捕捉到行中间的功能 (BC:7663). |
36511 | 添加了在Draftsman文档中使用“原理图”模板的功能 (BC:6630) |
36512 | 在“电路板详细视图”中添加了矩形形状选项。(BC:8271) |
36513 | 添加了在“钻孔符号配置”对话框中改变选定符号的“符号大小”的功能 (BC:11304). |
36514 | 得益于带PCB选项的新的同步“Sync”符号,现在,可以在Draftsman编辑器中使用与PCB编辑器中可用“钻孔表”符号相同的符号,以确保一致性。 (BC:8197) |
36515 | 在Draftsman文档中添加了SVG文件格式 (BC:10014) |
36516 | 在Draftsman编辑器中添加了将尺寸捕捉到元件参考的功能。(BC:7031) |
36517 | 在状态栏中添加了当前栅格单位。 |
36518 | 添加了在Draftsman编辑器中拖动顶点时进行多选的功能。 |
36521 | 为文档选项添加了“捕捉距离”相对值。 |
36522 | 添加了“新建”命令以插入或添加新图纸 (BC:8131) |
36809 | 在文档参数中添加了电路板尺寸信息 (BC:7482) |
36842 | 修复了无法为刚柔结合板设计正确演示“写实视图”的问题。 |
36843 | 修复了“装配视图”不遵守“文档变量设置”的问题。 |
37016 | 现在可以在Draftsman中使用服务器端“原理图”模板。 (BC:6630) |
37120 | 修复了在4K显示器上使用超过100%的显示比例时,导致缩放功能在Draftsman和“多板原理图”编辑器中无法按预期工作的问题。 (BC:12233) |
38099 | 修复了不允许对复制的托管Draftsman模板进行编辑的问题。 |
32826 | 修复了在手动保存后首次备份期间,导致自动保存功能根据使用相同库文件的项目数量,在库文件上多次运行的问题。 |
35540 | 修复了在从任务栏中单击任务图标时导致Altium Designer无法最小化的问题。 |
35734 | “属性”面板“元件”模式中的3D预览的背景颜色已改为灰色,以与黑色元件形成对比。 |
36059 | 修复了使用“元件”面板后导致CPU使用率过高的问题。 |
36061 | 修复了当“自动登录”选项被选中时,导致原本一次只能使用一个许可证的用户可以一次使用多个许可证的问题。 |
36177 | 从平表源(dblib、csv、ODBC)为Concord Pro和NEXUS配置和执行了元件数据同步。 |
36223 | 修复了导致缩放和突出显示功能对于生成的PDF中的某些对象无法正常工作的问题。 |
36642 | 修复了在使用“优选设置”对话框的“脚本撰写系统-全局项目”页面安装脚本时,导致打开“查找相似对象”对话框后发生崩溃的问题。 |
36741 | 修复了当光标位于文本的开头或结尾时,导致端口名中键入的整个文本在键入时会被删除的问题。 |
36965 | 修复了执行SVN功能“与Head比较”会导致在“项目”面板中显示不正确的项目结构的问题。 (BC:12882) |
36972 | 修复了导致“孔向导”对话框大小调整不正确的问题。 |
37091 | 添加了“共享”对话框,使您可以直接从软件内部与其他人共享设计项目 |
37348 | 重新设计了用户登录和连接下拉菜单。 |
37381 | 添加了在查看和编辑时,在无需使用附加验证对话框的情况下共享任何服务器上的项目的功能。 |
37499 | 修复了导致有效面板的选项卡不显示为有效的错误。 |
37532 | 添加了从您的工作区邀请团队成员编辑选定项目的功能。 |
37551 | 修复了与通过代理服务器从基于云的工作区中打开项目有关的问题。 |
37734 | 现在,“存储管理器”、“消息”和“输出”面板默认隐藏。 |
37903 | 改进了安装后首次启动Altium Designer时的体验,包括自动登录AltiumLive和选择适当许可证。 |
38066 | 更新了连接和授权流程,以缩短软件启动时间。 |
35951 | 现在,将优选设置保存到文件(*.DXPPrf)时,将包含“优选设置”对话框的“数据管理-SVN库”页面的缓存文件夹。 |
36010 | 修复了导致 “属性”面板“元件”模式下的链接在被删除后,在重新打开“属性”面板之前不会消失的问题。 |
36034 | 改进了“库迁移器”的性能优化。 |
36165 | 在“高级设置”对话框- Explorer.ShowSystemFolders中添加了新选项。启用此选项后,通过“Explorer”面板浏览服务器内容时,所有已连接服务器的系统文件夹将可见。 |
36218 | 修复了导致单击“登录”然后访问您可以从用户登录下拉菜单连接的服务器/工作区后,“登录”对话框再次打开的问题。 |
36276 | 修复了“单元件编辑器”不支持2级修订命名方案,在编辑和重新发布元件后出现重复修订ID错误的问题。 |
36291 | 改进了“元件”面板缓存行为,使其仅显示当前连接的服务器中的缓存元件。 |
36638 | 修复了在“从库更新”对话框中禁用“保留参数位置/可见性”选项时,导致参数的位置和可见性不更新的问题。 |
37116 | 修复了导致如果证书是自签名的,则登录https服务器将不允许某些插件在软件中运行的问题。 |
37119 | 修复了“条目管理器”的性能下降问题。 |
37173 | 缩短了访问“创建项目”对话框的执行时间。 |
37275 | 能够从Altium Designer内部为公司激活“Altium 365工作区”。 |
37433 | 修复了在将项目提交到版本控制时导致发生错误的问题 |
37436 | 修复了导致报告生成后,打印设置从原始模板丢失的问题。 |
37646 | 修复了导致在“元件”面板中安装导出的.IntLib文件后显示错误读取“无法识别的库类型”的问题。 |
37834 | 修复了导致“元件”面板中的过滤器不显示所有可用值的问题。 |
36793 | 修复了导致导出时*.XLSM或*.XLTM中的Excel宏被删除的问题。 (BC:12723) |
36954 | 修复了在选择“更新”时,导致新添加的材料在“Altium材料库”对话框中无法更新的问题。 |
33952 | 已在Altium Designer中添加了“KiCAD导入器”。(BC:6199) |
35034 | 修复了导入特定CADSTAR PCB文件时导致发生“访问冲突”的问题。 |
35035 | 修复了导致CADSTAR原理图无法正确导入的问题。 |
35036 | 修复了在导入特定PCB文件时,导致“列表索引超出范围”的P-CAD导入器问题。 |
35299 | 修复了导入CADStar项目时导致对象显示不正确的问题。 |
35303 | 修复了导致导入网络名称上包含取反(逻辑负)名称的CADStar项目时,首个字符之前错误显示反斜杠的问题。 |
36128 | 修复了导入P-CAD设计时导致过孔和焊盘无法导入的问题。 |
36278 | 修复了导致DxDesigner错误导入元件的问题。 (BC:12361) |
36737 | 添加了导出到AutoCAD时选择指定层的功能。 (BC:6287) |
37839 | 在“Gerber输出”中添加了.FilePolarity属性 |
The following sections list the release notes for publicly released versions of Altium NEXUS 3.1.
Version 3.1.11 (Update 3)
Build: 63 Date: 3 June 2020
37555 |
Vertical scrolling and auto-panning did not function properly in a Schematic library document after attempting to place a pin object. |
37801 | No import performance occurred when attempting to import a DFX/DWG file. |
37917 | Unconnected pins ignored inherited net classes. (BC:13238) |
38149 | When connected to a server, a crash occurred when changes were made in the schematic editor. |
38242 | Graphical editing keyboard shortcuts closed when attempting to move Schematic objects, causing data loss in objects if the F1 key was used during dragging. (BC:13188) |
38357 | File extensions in *.PrjPCBStructure of certain schematics were removed upon saving. |
38488 | Crash occurred when opening some Schematic Library documents. (BC:13522) |
38536 | The newest revision of a Schematic template was not immediately available for use upon saving. (BC:13578) |
38575 | Diagonal wires caused improper connectivity and shortened nets when updating the design. (BC:13597) |
38694 |
Certain edit operations in the Schematic caused a disconnect of power ports from sheet entries. |
38889 | Clicking the parameter visibility icon in the Properties panel did not change the parameter visibility. |
35306 |
Project Releaser displayed incorrectly auto-generated naming formatting for PCB Assembly Variants. |
37522 |
ECO failure when importing changes from (or silent crash when inserting) a PCB into a Multi-board Assembly document that contained a specific board cutout. (BC:13054) |
38404 | Colors configured in the PCB Editor- Layer Colors Preferences page were not saved. |
38444 | Error message after generating an ODB++ file from an embedded board array when using mm units then importing the file into CAMtastic. |
38465 | Error occurred when trying to view the Layer Stack Manager. |
37925 |
Incorrectly overlaid components for different variants. |
38505 | Special strings were not recognized on Draftsman outputs for ‘No Variant’ Assembly and Fabrications. |
35584 |
Select dialogs and panels experienced issues in certain UI themes and high dpi monitors. |
38059 | Error in managed components caused empty designator fields and batch settings to not function. |
38503 | Added ability for unmanaged templates to be used while connected to Altium 365. |
38731 |
Server configurations defined in preferences were not applied in the software. |
Data Management
35371 |
Freeze occurred when entering an incorrect setting on the Item Naming tab of the Project Release Options dialog. |
35614 | Components placed from the Components and Explorer panel did not contain information about the simulation model. (BC:12770) |
36200 | Column sorting did not work properly in Components panel. (BC:12505) |
36601 | Exception error when scrolling through Explorer panel after adding columns. (BC:12728) |
36873 | Improved performance when releasing with a newly-created or edited footprint. |
36874 | Improved performance when using the Components panel to search for a replacement component in a Schematic. |
36936 | Cloned projects from the Explorer panel were incorrectly saved to the default path after specifying a local, custom path. (BC:12904) |
37210 | Improved performance when searching in the Manufacturer Part Search panel. |
37255 | Added confirmation pop-up dialog for dragging and dropping of folders in the Explorer panel to prevent accidental broken folder structure. (BC:11087, BC:12993) |
37511 | Improved Altium 365 performance regarding sharing permissions. |
37964 | Inability to place a component from the 'File-Based Libraries Search' option if 'No' was selected when asked if you would like to install the library that contained your selected component. |
38137 | Error occurred when saving .Cmplib file after adding part choices. |
38168 | Template parameter values were not applied to managed templates. |
38187 | 'Category' and 'Type' source library parameters were not recognized by the Library Migrator when migrating to the server. |
38194 | Project templates shown in the Explorer panel did not appear in the Create Project dialog. |
38196 | Existing project files that were added to a managed template item did not appear after releasing the template to the server. |
38333 | Added the capability to save the 'All' library category status in the Components panel. |
38384 | The Components panel performance has been optimized to not generate empty conditions when none of the text in the search request string matches. |
38522 | Error occurred during component releasing. |
38573 | Where-used tab of the Explorer panel incorrectly displayed the first revision, not the latest. |
38673 | Exception error after attempted PCB update when Library contained a large number of Footprints. |
38748 |
Crash or freeze while dynamic compilation collected data for validation. |
37402 | Import Wizard could not reestablish Component Links when adding Schematic and PCB docs from OrCAD and PADs to the same project. |
37471 | The software did not import Allegro projects with versions 17.3 and 17.4. |
Version 3.1.10 (Update 2)
Build: 54 Date: 26 May 2020
38353 | Missing duplicate designator message in the Messages panel. |
38714 | Parameter value incorrectly displayed in place of the parameter name. |
38499 | The software could freeze when changing PCB Editor preferences. |
38737 | Regions did not account for ODB++ fabrication output when generated for masks layer. |
37877 | Polygon pour cutouts did not display after PDF output. |
38432 | Transmission lines were sometimes missing when a substack was added to the Layer Stack Manager. |
37915 | Crash after connecting or reconnecting to a Workspace. |
38237 | Last connected workspace not being restored when restarting software. |
38371 | Improved performance time when selecting one by one component in a schematic. |
38578 | Crash when closing the software after loading certain preferences. (BC:13573) |
Data Management
37570 | 'Project' folder changed to a 'Generic' folder after viewing the Project folder's permissions. |
38141 | Draftsman documents did not open when accessed from a project template. (BC:13525) |
38170 | Fixed regression that caused no part request folder to appear in the Explorer panel after signing into the workspace. |
38202 | Component Revision ID parameter value was missing in the Explorer panel. |
38258 | 'Navigate to' option in the Explorer panel stated 'There are no items in this folder', even though the item existed. |
38378 | Error when releasing an updated component. |
38396 | Crash when adding part choices in the Components panel. |
38431 | Parameter and Comment font color defined in a library was not used when placing components on a schematic. |
38475 | Sorting by the Values column of the Explorer panel was incorrect. |
38535 | Error during Integrated Library compilation, resulting in an unsuccessful library creation. (BC:13580) |
38639 | Error when releasing a component after adding a new model. |
38650 | Exception error when releasing an updated component in the Single Component Editor. |
38671 | 'Object accessed after being destroyed' error appeared when closing documents that have been generated by the project releaser. |
38736 | Adding object parameters for a Device Sheet, Sheet Symbol, Pin, or Port caused a crash. |
37907 | Exception error when the project file is modified outside of the software and a BOM document was open |
Version 3.1.8 (Update 1)
Build: 48 Date: 14 May 2020
37730 | Fixed issue that caused Altium Designer to reconnect to a server every few minutes, which rendered UI functionality to be locked until the reconnection was completed. |
38372 | Fixed regression that caused an error to occur when using the 'Show in Explorer' command. |
38448 | Resolved an issue with updating index data after moving an Item in the Vault Explorer Classic View. |
38469 | Fixed issue that caused a crash after validating the project then moving a component. |
Data Management
38471 | Fixed an issue that caused the name of the saved copy of the PCB or SCH document to display as the tab rather than its original name. |
Version 3.1.7
Build: 46 Date: 1 May 2020
32458 | Fixed issue that caused a crash when Ctrl+W was used twice. |
34880 | Fixed issue that caused suppressed violations to not be reported if the 'Report Suppressed Violations in Message Panel' option was enabled in the Messages panel. (BC: 12706) |
35644 | Fixed issue that caused schematic to crash after extended periods of time. |
35858 | Added ability to add the Creepage Distance design rule to a Schematic document. |
36001 | Fixed issue that caused Net Labels to become misaligned from the grid when dragging wires. |
36002 | Fixed regression that caused font size to change during inline editing in the Text object. (BC:12873) |
36055 | Fixed issue that caused alignment of negation of pin names to display incorrectly for specific fonts. (BC:12991) |
36081 | Fixed regression that caused transparent geometric shapes to be printed as solid, rather than transparent shapes, when exported to PDF file format. (BC:12555 & BC:13051) |
36082 | Fixed issue that caused the Designator/Comment properties to not automatically update the schematic library document after editing the properties in the Properties panel. |
36109 | Updated the dynamic compiler to better handle project compilation and memory management when multiple projects are opened. |
36123 | Fixed regression that caused transparency levels to display incorrectly. |
36168 | Fixed issue that caused text and text frames to not center justify when there are tabs in the text. |
36264 | Fixed an issue where the Compiler was incorrectly reporting duplicate net names during Validation. |
36267 | Fixed an issue with the schematic Annotate dialog, where the right-click Order By Project Order command did not work. (BC:12964) |
36445 | Fixed issue where the Print Selection control in the Print Configuration resulted in a blank document. |
36482 | Fixed regression that caused validation errors to occur when using repeat functions and differential pair buses on Schematic documents. (BC:12468, BC:12889) |
36563 | Fixed issue that caused harnesses with indirect net labeling to generate the wrong connectivity. |
36585 | Fixed issue that caused IEEE symbols to render improperly. |
36603 | Fixed an issue whereby a Device Sheet would remain in the project structure, even though the corresponding Device Sheet Symbol had been removed from the relevant schematic sheet. |
36735 | Fixed issue that caused empty net classes when running an ECO with a 'Parameter Set' directive assigned to a port connected to a bus or harness. |
36750 | Fixed issues that caused stabalizaton errors to occur in Schematic documents. |
36769 | Fixed issue that caused the $SheetDesignator keyword format to not be recognized during Multi-Channel configuration, causing incorrect interpretation. (BC:12796) |
36797 | Fixed an issue where the $SheetNumber keyword was not being used in the designator numbering during board level annotation. (BC:12710) |
36895 | Fixed issue that caused the dashed line for a Blanket to have square instead of rounded edges in the PDF output. (BC:12677) |
37026 | Fixed an issue that caused incorrect text justification in templates. (BC:12564) |
37044 | Fixed issue that caused incorrect, duplicate nets error messages to appear when the name of a Sheet Entry was changed. |
37075 | Fixed issue that caused unused managed schematic sheets to not be removed from the project after removing them. |
37155 | Fixed regression that caused the software to not detect output port to output port violations that were specified in the Connection Matrix. (BC:13074) |
37215 | Fixed regression that caused the Smart PDF dialog to hang and consume large quantities of CPU power when only some, rather than all, Schematic files were chosen to be generated. |
37264 | Fixed issue that caused selected objects to disappear when moving them using keyboard shortcut keys. (BC:12835) |
37323 | Fixed regression that caused Altium Designer to hang after the Ctrl+C or Ctrl+X keyboard shortcuts were used following the use of the 'Add Template to Clipboard' command in the Schematic Library editor. (BC:13081) |
37458 | Fixed an issue that caused project parameters to not carry over to sheet symbols correctly. (BC:13133) |
37463 | Fixed an issue that caused performance degradation when selecting objects in a schematic document. |
37689 | Fixed an issue that caused the up/down hierarchy to not work when navigating between documents. (BC:12907) |
37800 | Fixed regression that caused the Bill of Materials (BOM) report generated during the Project Releaser process to display incorrect Physical Designators when Dynamic Compilation was enabled. (BC:13302) |
37994 | Fixed issue that caused an 'index out of range' error to occur when some components were placed in a Schematic document and updated into a PCB document. |
38007 | Fixed regression where, when clicking on a placed hyperlink with an invalid URL from a schematic document, resulted in a software crash. (BC:12773) |
38017 | Fixed issue that prevented a modified/added net class or rule from being applied to more than one selected parameter set at a time. (BC:13355) |
38365 | Fixed custom font setting reset after library reloading. |
3082 | Improved performance of routing in the presence of complex shapes. |
13935 | Fixed regression that caused texture to be displayed on the surface adjacent to the board, rather than on the outer surface, when some components were placed on the bottom layer. (BC:11732, BC:10304) |
31887 | Fixed an issue that caused a crash and alteration of the PCB document while generating ODB++ files in CAMtastic. |
34130 | Fixed a regression in which the PcbDoc was altered when an OutJob file was generated. |
34268 | Fixed bug with exported DWG files that caused holes in pads to export incorrectly if the pads were originally created with offset holes from the center. (BC:8168) |
34853 | Fixed an issue to automatically update the reference layers in the impedance tab of the Layer Stack Manager, after adding or moving metal layers in the layer stack. |
35105 | Fixed an issue where pad holes were missing from the NC Drill File when the pads has a certain combination of settings. |
35223 | Fixed issue that caused free pads to disappear from the Solder Mask layer when viewed from a 3DPDF file. |
35742 | Added ability to calculate impedance profiles in the Layer Stack Manager when in multi-thread mode. |
35893 | Fixed issue where running a Design Rule Check on the Minimum Gap to Return Path resulted in an error. |
36132 | Fixed issue that caused incorrect comparison after running the Show Differences command. |
36242 | Fixed an issue where interactive length tuning unions were given duplicate names, resulting in an error when the PCB file was being re-opened. |
36289 | Standard (No BOM) components are now included in the pick & place file, to support fiducials. |
36534 | Fixed issue that caused all True Type text to be deleted from mirrored embedded boards when in ODB++ format. |
36535 | Fixed issue that caused the ODB++ outline/profile layer to revert to 'Board Outline' after 'Mechanical Layer 17' was selected as the desired layer. |
36536 | Fixed issue that caused ODB++ outputs to not assign net information to free pads. |
36539 | Fixed issue that caused the Polygon thermal relief graphic to not overlap the intended object, nor display the generated ODB++ output correctly. |
36541 | Added options for selecting units of measurement in ODB++ Setup. |
36542 | Added options for selecting the type of output files in ODB++ Setup (BC:8262) |
36545 | Fixed regression that did not allow certain layers to be removed or added in the Layer Stack Manager. |
36547 | Fixed an issue that caused a comment of a component that refers to a project parameter to be displayed as a literal string in the PCB. |
36559 | Fixed an issue that caused keyboard arrows to not work when dragging selected tracks. (BC:12797) |
36600 | Fixed issue that would not allow a change in footprints for multiple components when the Properties panel is floating rather than docked. (BC:12717) |
36663 | Fixed issue that caused PCB Library footprints to sort in incorrect alpha-numeric order. (BC:12579) |
36921 | Fixed issue that caused the Gerber output for an OutJob file to truncate the penultimate period (.) within the generated file name if the file name contained multiple periods. |
36945 | Fixed an issue that caused PDF to not show component parameters if Schematic Prints is not set as the first PDF to be generated. (BC:3707) |
36982 | Fixed regression that caused the cursor to not snap to the center of a pad when prompted. (BC:12655) |
37013 | Component parameter support has been added to the ODB++ component exporter. |
37069 | Fixed regression that caused no error to be shown after running the Design Rules Checker (DRC) on pasted objects. |
37103 | Fixed issue that caused Strings in a PCBLib file to jump to the absolute origin. (BC:12933) |
37180 | Fixed a regression that caused generated teardrops to behave incorrectly for certain objects. |
37230 | Fixed issue that caused a crash when dragging trace segments in the PCB. (BC:13055) |
37274 | Fixed issue that caused incorrect xSignal delay values. |
37404 | Fixed a regression that caused incorrect justification for PCB printouts when TrueType font was enabled. (BC:13025, BC:13253) |
37680 | Teardrops no longer impact on the delay calculations for the route signal length. |
37741 | Fixed an issue that caused an error when managed project changes were committed but not pushed to a server for a time. |
37822 | Fixed regression that caused Altium Designer to display an error message regarding there being 'no top level document to compare' to after using the 'Import Changes From Source Schematics' command. |
37840 | A .SameCoordinates file attribute has been added to the Gerber Output. |
37844 | Fixed a Gerber bug where a non-circular aperture was selected for drawing an arc. |
37998 | Fixed regression that caused selecting connected copper option to not select polygons. |
32323 | Fixed regression where merging cells in a table resulted in an error message. |
34370 | Fixed issue that caused the Step Model to crash when changes were imported from within a Draftsman document. |
36439 | Improved the display of hole tolerances in the Drill Table, which now displays: empty fields as blank (instead of None); and +ve and -ve zero values. (BC:11213) |
36442 | Fixed bug that caused Parameters to not be transferred properly when a file was created from a Draftsman template. (BC:11424) |
36473 | Improved grid snapping for all Draftsman objects. (BC:8351) |
36474 | Added dimensioning to the centers of arc segments and quadrants of circles. (BC:12012) |
36503 | Added support for variants for Board Realistic View. (BC:11977) |
36505 | The 'All Variants' option featured in Draftsman documents has been renamed to 'No Variants' to reflect the fact that the two options function the same and to provide consistency between Draftsman documents and the Projects panel. ( BC:11529) |
36508 | Added ability to snap to middle of line (BC:7663). |
36511 | Added ability to use Schematic Sheet templates within Draftsman documents (BC:6630) |
36512 | Rectangular shape option has been added to the Board Detail View. (BC:8271) |
36513 | Added ability to alter the Symbol Size of selected symbols within the Drill Symbol Configurations dialog (BC:11304). |
36514 | The same Drill Table symbols that are available in the PCB editor can now be used in the Draftsman editor to ensure consistency, courtesy of the new Sync symbols with PCB option. (BC:8197) |
36515 | The SVG file format has been added to Draftsman documents (BC:10014) |
36516 | The ability to snap dimensions to component references has been added to the Draftsman editor. (BC:7031) |
36517 | Added current grid units to status bar. |
36518 | Added multi-selection capability when dragging a vertex in the Draftsman editor. |
36521 | Added relative values to Snap Distance for document options. |
36522 | Added "New" command to insert or add a new sheet (BC:8131) |
36809 | Added board size information to document parameters (BC:7482) |
36842 | Fixed issue where the Realistic View was not demonstrated properly for rigid-flex designs. |
36843 | Fixed issue where Assembly View did not adhere to the Document Variant Settings. |
37016 | Server-side Schematic sheet templates are now available in Draftsman. (BC:6630) |
37120 | Fixed issue that caused the zoom function to not work as intended within Draftsman and Multi-board Schematic editors when a display scale of more than 100% was used on a 4K monitor. (BC:12233) |
38099 | Fixed issue that did not allow edits to cloned managed Draftsman templates. |
32826 | Fixed issue that caused the autosave function to run multiple times on library files during the first backup after manually saving, depending on the quantity of projects that use the same library file. |
35540 | Fixed an issue that caused Altium NEXUS to not minimize when the task icon was clicked from the task bar. |
35734 | The background color present in the 3D preview featured in the Components mode of the Properties panel has been changed to grey to contrast black-colored components. |
36059 | Fixed an issue that caused high CPU usage after using the Components panel. |
36061 | Fixed issue that caused users to be using several licenses at once when the 'Sign in automatically' option was checked, when they should have only been utilizing one license at a time. |
36177 | Configured and executed component data synchronization from flat table sources (dblib, csv, ODBC) for Concord Pro and NEXUS. |
36223 | Fixed issue that caused zoom and highlighting features to not work properly for some objects from within a generated PDF. |
36642 | Fixed an issue that caused a crash after opening the Find Similar Objects dialog when a script is installed using the Scripting System - Global Projects page of the Preferences dialog. |
36741 | Fixed issue that caused the entire text typed in the port name to be deleted during typing if the cursor was positioned at the beginning or end of the text. |
36965 | Fixed an issue where performing the SVN function 'Compare with Head' would result in an incorrect project structure being displayed in the Projects panel. (BC:12882) |
36972 | Fixed issue that caused the Aperture Wizard dialog to be incorrectly resized. |
37091 | The Share dialog has been added, allowing you to share your design projects with others, directly from within the software |
37348 | Redesigned the user login and connections drop-downs. |
37381 | Added ability to share a project on any server without additional validation dialogs when viewing and editing. |
37499 | Fixed bug that caused the tab of the active panel to not show as active. |
37532 | Added ability to invite team members from your workspace to edit selected projects. |
37551 | Fixed an issue with opening a project from a cloud-based workspace through a proxy server. |
37734 | The Storage Manager, Messages and Output panels are now hidden by default. |
37903 | Improved experience when starting Altium NEXUS for the first time after installation including automatic log-in to AltiumLive and choice of appropriate license. |
38066 | Updated the connection and authorization processes to reduce the software start-up time. |
Data Management
35951 | The cache folder on the Data Management - SVN Libraries page of the Preferences dialog is now included when saving preferences to file (*.DXPPrf). |
36010 | Fixed issue that caused links within the Components mode of the Properties panel to not disappear after being deleted until the Properties panel was reopened. |
36034 | Improved performance optimization for the Library Migrator. |
36165 | A new option has been added to the Advanced Settings dialog - Explorer.ShowSystemFolders. With this option enabled, system folders will be visible for all connected servers when browsing server content through the Explorer panel. |
36218 | Fixed an issue that caused the 'Sign in' dialog to open again after clicking Sign In then accessing servers/workspaces you can connect to from the user login drop-down. |
36276 | Fixed an issue where the Single Component Editor did not support a 2-level revision naming scheme, giving a duplicate revision ID error after editing and re-releasing the component. |
36291 | Improved Components panel caching behavior to only present cached components from currently connected server(s). |
36638 | Fixed an issue that caused the location and visibility of parameters to not update when the 'Preserve parameter locations/visibility' options were disabled in the Update From Library dialog. |
37116 | Fixed an issue whereby signing in to https servers would not allow certain plugins to work in the software if the certificate was self-signed. |
37119 | Fixed performance degradation issue with the Item Manager. |
37173 | Improved performance time when accessing the Create Project dialog. |
37433 | Fixed an issue that caused an error when committing a project to version control |
37436 | Fixed regression that caused print settings to be lost from the original template after the report was generated. |
37646 | Fixed regression that caused an erroring reading 'Unrecognized library type' to appear after an exported .IntLib file was installed in the Components panel. |
37834 | Fixed issue that caused the filter in the Components panel to not display all available values. |
36793 | Fixed issue that caused Excel macros in *.XLSM or *.XLTM to be removed when exporting. (BC:12723) |
Layer Stack Manager
36954 | Fixed issue that caused newly added material to not be updated in the Altium Material Library dialog when 'Update' was selected. |
33952 | The KiCAD Importer has been added to Altium NEXUS. (BC:6199) |
35034 | Fixed an issue that would cause an Access Violation while importing a specific CADSTAR PCB file. |
35035 | Fixed an issue that caused CADSTAR schematics to import incorrectly. |
35036 | Fixed an issue with the P-CAD importer that would cause a List Index Out of Bounds while importing a specific PCB file. |
35299 | Fixed issue that caused objects to be displayed incorrectly when importing CADStar projects. |
35303 | Fixed issue that caused backslashes to incorrectly appear before the first character when importing a CADStar project that contained negation over net names. |
36128 | Fixed an issue that caused vias and pads to not import when importing P-CAD designs. |
36278 | Fixed issue that caused DxDesigner to import components incorrectly. (BC:12361) |
36737 | Added ability to select specified layers when exporting to AutoCAD. (BC:6287) |
37839 | A .FilePolarity attribute has been added to the Gerber Output |