Altium Designer 20.0 版本发布说明
Created: 十二月 09, 2019 | Updated: 一月 05, 2020
以下各部分列出了Altium Designer 20.0公开发布版本的发布说明。
20.0.9 版本
Build: 164 日期:2019年12月2日
30546 | 改进了对设计客户端与服务器之间的网络断开和延迟问题的处理。 |
31167 | 修复了导致3D STEP生成后不考虑备用元件的问题。 (BC:2654) |
31797 | 添加了对代理服务器身份验证的支持。 |
31921 | 更新了“属性”面板,从而使主标签在滚动时仍然可见。 |
32240 | 修复了在“首选项”对话框打开并保持空闲状态时导致崩溃的问题。 |
32351 | 修复了脚本FontManager接口错误,该错误在运行访问字体的脚本时会导致“未声明的标识符”错误(BC:10957) (BC:10957) |
32808 | 修复了双击IntLib文件会在正在运行的软件实例以及新软件实例中打开文件的错误。 (BC:9671) |
32820 | 修复了关闭并重启软件会话后,无法恢复“面板GUI”自定义的问题。 (BC: 3492) |
32873 | 如果在打开项目时从项目中隐式删除了文件,则会在“消息”面板中显示警告(以向用户说明修改项目的原因) (BC:10546) |
32896 | 添加了用于从生成的PDF中排除特定元件参数的设置选项。 (BC:2470) |
32904 | 现在,已打开项目中丢失的文件将在“消息”面板列表,而不是一系列错误对话框中报告。 (BC:9313) |
32906 | 在“项目”面板的“源文档”右键菜单中添加了“打开所有原理图文档”选项。 (BC:11055) |
32989 | 现在,在浏览“本地项目”时,“打开项目”对话框将显示所选项目的详细信息。搜索栏现在支持输入本地位置,并包括“向上文件夹”导航图标。 |
33222 | 在“高级设置”中为“面板”添加了一个禁用分形模式的选项 (BC:1384). |
33223 | 修复了在加载项目文件时造成对每个打印机驱动程序进行轮询的错误。 (BC:6980) |
33462 | 从“字体大小”属性列表中删除了自动完成功能 (BC:11591) |
33467 | 在“优选设置”对话框的“系统-视图”页面上恢复了“多行文档栏”选项。 (BC:8672) |
33468 | 恢复了“待办事项”面板。 (BC:8622) |
33896 | 恢复了可以在“优选设置>>高级选项”中管理的“剪贴板面板”(默认禁用) (BC: 9142). |
33921 | 现在,项目验证检查将在“消息”面板中正确报告缺失的元件封装模型。 (BC:6066) |
35005 | 修复了造成“消息”面板在编译过程中发现ERC错误时无法自动打开的问题。 |
35272 | 修复了“项目选项”中的相对“输出路径”阻止“项目发布器”生成“装配”和“制造”输出的问题。 |
35492 | 修复了造成脚本撰写系统错误地把“对象”与“零”比较的问题。 (BC: 12177) |
35670 | 修复了从Fabrication Outjob文件生成时导致网络颜色不包含在“PDF输出”中的问题。 |
35774 | 修复了在“项目”面板内移动库时发生异常的问题。 |
11837 | 向“文本”字符串添加了“对齐”和“边距”选项。所选字符串的引用句柄用小写x表示。 (BC:2176) |
24358 | 改进了“拖动走线/圆弧”行为,以防止创建锐角和直角以及自相交;运用新的“推挤”功能。 |
29821 | 修复了造成DRC运行缓慢的问题。 (BC:11604) |
30620 | 修复了装配图中TrueType字体显示的大小与PCB编辑器中显示的文本大小不同的问题。(BC:10383) |
30624 | 修复了在差分对布线的同时,变层期间堆叠微孔未得到正确使用的问题。 |
30627 | 修复了“查找相似对象”功能中的性能问题。 |
30655 | 改进了“PCB编辑器”中的元件移动性能。 |
30824 | 添加了新的“爬电”设计规则,该规则可检验电路板表面上、未电镀孔和剪切块以及电路板边缘周围的指定信号之间的爬电距离。 (BC:553) |
30965 | 在“高速”规则类别中添加了新的“返回路径”设计规则。为选定的“阻抗配置文件”定义了沿着参考层的连续返回路径检验。可以从“区域”、“多边形”和“平面”层创建返回路径。 (BC:5984) |
31538 | 新增了对基于时间(传播延迟)布线的支持,包括以下更改:在“长度”和“匹配长度”设计规则中指定延迟,并在PCB面板(“Nets和xSignals”模式以及“Diff Pair”模式中的“基元”详细信息) 和“属性”面板(走线、圆弧、焊盘、过孔对象模式和“交互式长度调整”显示条)中显示延迟值。 通孔和焊盘延迟可以手动定义。 |
31171 | 修复了在加载至Valor ODB++ Viewer时,已删除未使用中间层焊盘的旋转矩形焊盘会产生ODB++错误的问题。 |
31613 | 添加了在“选择过滤器”、“捕捉对象”和“视图配置”面板中切换状态(所有层打开、所有层关闭、最后一层打开)的功能。 |
31919 | 为“属性”面板添加了新的“网络”链接,以专用于访问PCB网络属性。 |
31923 | 删除了用于确认“多边形铺铜”属性变更的冗余“应用”按钮。 |
32092 | 修复了无法从源自现有“电路板形状”的闭合线路/圆弧形状定义电路板轮廓的问题。 |
32095 | 针对PCB文件和库中所有可锁定对象,在“属性”面板中实现了双重锁定状态图标模式,该模式说明所选对象具有不同锁定状态。 |
32258 | 带圆弧和“任意角度”段的交互式布线器现在可以推动障碍走线。 |
32368 | 修复了当网络穿过平面层时不计算网络的“信号长度”的问题。 |
32583 | 在“交互式布线面板属性”中添加“焊盘入口稳定性”选项,该选项控制在更改现有焊盘入口时允许的自动化程度 (BC:10582) |
32602 | 修复了如果在放置表格之前关闭了另一个打开了“层堆栈管理器”的PCB文档,则在放置“层堆栈表格”时导致灾难性故障的问题。 |
32609 | 修复了阻碍放置的“尺寸”锁定至预期位置的捕捉问题。 |
32623 | 现在,通过重新布线移动“元件”可以记住上次使用的网线模式 (BC:10685) |
32705 | 修复了阻碍在“3D视图”中显示放置在机械层“布线工具路径”上的对象的错误。 |
32761 | 修复了在已复制粘贴到另一个PCB文档中的一组焊盘上出现图形伪影显示的错误。 |
32779 | 修复了当PCB是受版本控制的嵌入式板阵列的一部分时,.VersionControl_PrjFolderRevNumber特殊字串不解译的问题。(BC:71) |
32838 | 添加了在PCB中显示滚动条的选项。(BC:4032) |
32839 | 修复了无法为下一次应用保留“旋转角度”对话框中的最后使用值的错误。 (BC:4942) |
32895 | 为修改了时标的PCB文档添加了新的“ModifiedDate”和“ModifiedTime”特殊字串。 (BC:1541) |
32902 | 添加了在“跳转到位置”功能对话框中输入相对(增量偏置)距离的功能。(BC:8492) |
32944 | 修复了“层堆栈管理器”中出现的“阻抗配置文件”中的“=”字符造成验证错误的问题。 |
32947 | 在“元件更新选项”对话框的“焊盘属性”区域添加了“热焊盘覆盖”选项。 (BC:11377) |
32973 | 修复了在允许“过孔推动”的差分对过孔附近,在“推动”模式下进行“交互式布线”的过程中,RoutingEntry.dll中有时会发生的例外情况。 (BC:11398) |
33053 | 解决了在会话之间不保留PCB库面板用户界面设置的问题。 |
33224 | 为“SolderMaskExpansion设计规则”添加了“盖油”选项。(BC:923) |
33230 | 恢复了在“PCB列表”面板中执行变层的功能。(BC:10970) |
33280 | 添加了对所有类型PCB文本字符串(条形码除外)的“边距”和“文本偏移量”边框的支持。 |
33282 | PCB元件边界框现在由“Courtyard”层确定 (BC:1266) |
33284 | 恢复了向“对象可视性”表格中添加透明度值的功能,从而允许用户为所有图层上的选定基元定义透明度。 (BC:9097) |
33306 | 修复了无法选择多个焊盘然后启用和配置本地散热设置的问题。 (BC:11477) |
33392 | 添加了向类型位号标识符的“元件层对”自动添加元件位号标识符的工具,以便用于生成装配图。在PCB和PCB库编辑器“工具”菜单中添加了新命令,使用该命令,将在没有层对时创建层对。 (BC:687) |
33465 | 改进了使用“属性”面板时的自动完成过滤器结果。 (BC:10418) |
33469 | 现在,SCH和PCB之间的同步(ECO)可以正确检测到SCH元件没有封装的情况(BC:10027). |
33497 | 修复了在“规则”中使用阻抗配置文件时,如果为了灵活堆栈而禁用“仅限层堆栈中的层”选项,则宽度值变成0的错误。 (BC:11594) |
33575 | 在“规则和约束”对话框中实施搜索 (BC:10810) |
33614 | 从“分析设置窗口”中删除了不受支持 “节点电压、电源电流和子电路VAR”条目。(BC:1395) |
33622 | 在“属性”面板中添加了对电路板和定义的铺铜形状进行自动面积计算的功能。 |
33630 | 修复了预处理SPICE网表文档的错误,该错误会打破仿真启动。 |
33679 | 在查看“层堆栈”文档时,在“属性”面板中添加了“粗糙度”属性。属性包括“模型类型”、“表面粗糙度(SR)”和“粗糙度系数(RF)”。 |
33745 | 修复了造成PCB库文件中除第一个选定元件以外的所有选定元件的列出坐标为“5000”而不是预期或输入值的回归问题。 |
33754 | 重构了“跳转到位置”对话框(借助相对坐标的支持),以尽可能保留最后输入值。 |
33761 | 添加了计算和显示“电路板面积”的功能。(BC:10814) |
33762 | 添加了计算和在“属性”面板的“电路板信息”部分显示“元件总面积”和“密度”的功能。 |
33765 | 在“电路板报告”对话框中添加了新的“铜面积”报告。此选项允许获取有关层上铜百分比的报告。 (BC:3049) |
33863 | 修复了在PCB文档中更改线宽后,PolygonClipper.dll中发生访问冲突的问题。 |
33912 | 修复了“属性”面板中的默认焦点字段(模板而不是指示符)定位错误。 (BC:9887) |
33918 | 修复了“工具>>从PCB库更新”显示出错误(交换计数)更新消息的问题 (BC:4116). |
33983 | 修复了更新后阻焊层或助焊层变更未从PCBLIB文档转移到PCB的错误。 (BC:8897) |
34034 | 修复了造成“焊盘和过孔库”中的层未正确更新的问题。 (BC:11615) |
34044 | 修复了如果遇到软件许可问题,“自动保存”通知将无限循环的PCB编辑器消息传递错误。 (BC:10234) |
34111 | 修复了不允许在PCB列表面板中出现带小数点的坐标的错误。 (BC:10655) |
34141 | 在“PCB库编辑器”中添加了新的“测量3D对象”功能,以验证元件的3D文件是否显示了其数据表中定义的正确高度。 (BC:6776) |
34169 | 在PCB面板的弹出菜单中添加了“删除选定组合”命令。 (BC:8421) |
34173 | 向“未使用焊盘形状”删除工具添加了选项:“范围”现在包括“两者”选项,以对准焊盘和过孔;“操作”现在包括“更新未使用形状”选项,该选项将还原然后删除未使用的形状。(BC:6551) |
34174 | 修复了移动PCB对象时按住Ctrl键忽略捕捉的选项。 (BC:11605) |
34175 | 添加了使用右键单击“元件操作”子菜单,“显示”或“隐藏”所选元件之间网络连接的功能。 (BC:11239) |
34200 | 修复了造成带有3D体的组合无法一起移动的错误。 (BC:9519) |
34205 | 修复了ODB++输出中的“电气层名称”与“层堆栈管理器”中的“层”名称不匹配的问题。 (BC:11636) |
34208 | 在“属性”面板中为所有基元添加了图标,使您可通过交互方式选择网络连接。 (BC:595) |
34209 | 添加了在“多边形属性”面板中锁定“多边形”对象的功能。(BC:8964) |
34219 | 在“STEP和Parasolid导出选项”对话框中添加了新的“跳过隐藏的3D体”选项。 (BC:1531) |
34238 | 修复了在IPC-D-365A输出生成中将错误语法用于长网络名称别名的错误 (BC:11349) |
34267 | 修复了造成“图层绘制顺序”错误的问题。 (BC:11196) |
34269 | 扩展了在“单层模式”的“视图配置”面板中永久显示图层的功能。之前机械层已实现该功能,但现在所有图层均已实现该功能。(BC:9276) |
34318 | 在PCB库文档中的“工具>转换”子菜单中添加了“从选定基元创建3D体”命令。 (BC:11849) |
34366 | 在“PCB库封装”对话框中添加了重新缩放功能,并为“名称”字段留出了更多空间。 (BC:11626) |
34404 | 修复了如果过滤器中使用的参数在其名称中包含一个空格,则在设置“取放”输出生成器(在OutJob中)时不应用列过滤器的问题。 (BC:9468) |
34406 | 现在可以使用“视图配置对象可视性”设置隐藏尺寸对象 (BC:10277) |
34471 | 添加了通过“属性”面板浏览选定“焊盘”对象属性时的焊盘堆栈3D视图。 |
34556 | 修复了“笛卡尔栅格编辑器”的“范围”区域内的“高度”字段的标签未对齐的问题 (BC:11900) |
34575 | 更新了“属性”面板的“交互式布线”模式,以改进可用性并公开新的交互式布线功能,包括:“环绕方式”、“焊盘入口稳定性”以及“斜接和最小弧率”。 |
34576 | 更新了“属性”面板的“交互式长度调整和蛇形走线”模式以改进可用性并纳入“预览打开/关闭”模式,该模式可以更好地将设置控件与预览中的设置相关联。 |
34577 | 在“属性”面板中添加了新的“交互式平滑处理”模式,该模式在线路段被拖动时显示,以便控制可用的交互式布线优化处理选项。 |
34661 | 修复了以下错误:在没有自动选择其他图层的情况下,无法将绘图基元放置在Keepout图层上的问题。(BC: 8409) |
34667 | 修复了为特定设计选择结构类时的访问冲突。 |
34683 | 在“多边形铺铜管理器”对话框中添加了按图层对多边形铺铜进行分组的功能。“铺铜顺序”列表将仅显示与当前选定多边形铺铜在同一层上的那些多边形铺铜(如果在不同图层上选择了多个铺铜,则显示第一个被选定的多边形铺铜)。 |
34715 | 将系统文本存储更新为Unicode(UTF-8),以确保正确解译基于文本的符号和字符。 (BC:718) |
34736 | 修复了被禁用后Room顶点仍然处于活动状态的问题。 (BC:11716) |
34805 | 修复了与来自断开的差分对的基元进行的任何动作都会导致异常错误的问题。 |
34856 | 更新了“Simbeor阻抗”计算器,以支持共面结构并更好地支持不对称带状线结构。(BC:1302) |
34864 | 修复了在执行“工程变化列表(ECO)”后无法显示BOM报告的错误。 |
34879 | 现在,“布线属性”面板将在操作开始之前出现,从而可以预先设置参数。 |
35015 | 现在,“交互式调节属性”面板将在操作开始之前出现,从而可以预先设置参数。 |
35054 | 修复了造成“跳转到位置”命令不跳转到输入位置的错误。 |
35094 | 在“优选设置”对话框的“PCB编辑器-常规”页面(双击运行交互式属性)中添加了一个新选项,以便在双击编辑对象时,可以选择打开对象属性对话框或者“属性”面板。 |
35095 | 修复了使用撤消命令恢复其位置后破坏了移动的Keepout弧的Keepout限制的错误。 (BC:12088) |
35304 | 修复了“从PCB库更新”命令不在“差异详细信息”显示区域中显示“元件封装”的问题。 |
35405 | 修复了复制和粘贴多个多边形时不保留多边形铺铜顺序的问题。 |
35552 | 修复了造成焊盘和过孔对象无法在“翻板”视图中的当前活动“平面层”或“非信号层”上显示网络或文本的问题。 |
35557 | 修复了“拾取网络”命令对于不同的多选对象无法正常工作的问题。 |
35567 | 在“属性”面板的“多边形铺铜”模式下,删除了“自动命名”复选框。现在,软件将遵循用户定义的名称,如果“名称”字段为空,则将自动为多边形命名。 |
35594 | 在“属性”面板中删除了“布线”宽度的自动完成功能。 |
35599 | 修复了无法按照配置,在其他图层之前显示机械层17及以上的图层绘制顺序问题。 |
35602 | 淘汰了“PCB编辑器—交互式布线器” 优选设置中的“跟随鼠标轨迹”选项。 |
35603 | 修复了更改PCB对象层,然后使用“选择外部区域”命令来选择它时发生的异常。 |
35617 | 修复了在爬电距离规则检查过程中造成“主张”失败的问题。 |
35667 | 修复了在某些项目中使用“设计规则校验器”后,显示成整个圆违规,而不是应放置在“圆弧”边缘周围的违规的问题。 |
35705 | 解决了造成“差分对布线属性”面板的“网络信息”部分中的“长度”值始终显示为“N/A”而不是真实长度的问题。 |
35733 | 修复了“活动工具栏”或“编辑”菜单中的“拖动PCB”命令无法用于轨迹的问题。 |
35783 | 修复了在将“机械”层提高至“当前”层上方时,无法重复“多层”绘制顺序的问题。 |
35848 | 修复了元件旋转或位置变化后元件位号标识符位置错误的问题。 |
35888 | 解决了在“移动元件”PCB命令期间未出现“选择元件”对话框的问题。 |
27346 | 修复了包含一个“图表符”的带“参数集”的“覆盖”造成子表“参数集”和“无ERC”被忽略的问题。 |
30922 | 升级了“原理图”编辑器图形渲染,现在可以使用DirectX来提高性能和质量。 |
31610 | 修复了尽管元件可用,但是选定元件批量替换(通过设计条目ID省略号)仍然失败,并显示错误消息“在可用库中找不到元件”的问题。 |
32238 | 修复了尽管选定多个元件进行共同编辑,但是只允许用户更改最后选定元件的“设计条目ID”的错误。 |
32405 | 在原理图元件“属性面板”中添加了“器件选择”部分。 |
32418 | 修复了在将SCHLIB面板从右边显示器拖至左边显示器过程中造成崩溃的问题。 |
32637 | 从原理图库更新时不再将封装重置为默认设置 (BC:1846 和 BC:11261) |
32762 | 标注时,元部件不再随机交换。 (BC:1137) |
32809 | 解决了由于区分大小写而导致未在所有图表上显示配置的网络颜色的问题。 (BC:8905) |
32840 | 修复了当选择原理图上的多个器件、手动更改“设计条目ID”并且可用库中没有适用元件时,造成对选定的每个器件均发出警告的错误。 (BC:4991) |
32898 | 添加了“从库中选择的更新”选项,以便仅将预先选定元件与库进行比较,而不是首先比较所有项目元件,从而加快速度。 (BC:4560) |
32900 | 添加了隐藏原理图编辑器滚动条的功能。 (BC:7370) |
33450 | 修复了在尝试从“SCHLIB列表面板”修改管脚参数时造成崩溃的错误。 |
33458 | 修复了在更改名称中一个或多个字符的大小写时,导致网络标签无法修改的问题。 |
33697 | 重新设计了“原理图和SchLib”编辑器“属性”面板,以提高可用性和性能。 |
33784 | 修复了将原理图“NoERC”标志放在交叉导线上时,会建立网络连接的错误。 (BC:7766) |
33785 | 恢复了在“参数集属性”面板中定义参数的功能。 |
33914 | 修复了更改“设计条目ID”后,元件位号标识符、注释和其他参数的位置和可见性被重置为默认值的错误。之前更改“设计ID”相当于“全部替换”,现在这一方法类似于“从库更新” (BC:4293). |
33979 | 解决了在“查找文本”原理图工具中使用自动完成功能的问题。 (BC:6065) |
33980 | 在“高级设置”对话框中添加了UI.AutoComplete选项,禁用该选项可以关闭自动完成功能。(BC:7301) |
33984 | 为“原理图PDF”添加了通过端口、图纸入口、图表符和跨页连接器进行交互式导航的功能。 (BC:2273) |
34107 | 添加了在拖动对象时,旋转原理图对象并访问其属性的功能。 (BC:7196) |
34113 | 解决了造成按覆盖区定义的“网络类别”无法转移到PCB的问题。 |
34140 | 修复了使用“Shift+Drag”功能复制元件时,造成位号标识符无法在“原理图”文件中重置的错误。 (BC:6010) |
34316 | 在(“优选设置>>图形编辑”)中添加了一个新选项,以便在使用双击编辑对象时,可以选择打开对象对话框或者“属性面板”。 |
34363 | 在“变量管理”对话框中选择使用备用元件时,将使用默认封装而不是将该字段留空。 |
34652 | 修复了错误报告关于“网络”包含多个“输入端口”的ERC违规的编译器问题。 |
34654 | 修复了造成“工程变化列表”中数据不正确的错误。 |
34658 | 改进了在元件拖动过程中造成不合理延迟的导线/总线优化性能。 |
34682 | 修复了当使用“更新PCB”命令进行更新时造成生成不需要的Room的错误。 |
34705 | 修复了造成编译器不为器件式图纸创建编译标签的错误。 |
34706 | 修复了造成总线相关切换上一层/下一层工具无法正常工作的错误。 |
34789 | 修复了在添加或编辑变量时,造成崩溃的错误。 |
34881 | 修复了造成端口和图纸入口无法正常使用切换上一层/下一层工具的错误。 |
34943 | 修复了执行某些原理图功能时,造成高内存使用率和性能下降的错误。 |
34976 | 恢复了在“属性面板”中访问和管理原理图对象“唯一ID”的功能。(BC:8686) |
34977 | 现在,在复制粘贴时,原理图“指令”的“唯一ID” 将重置,以防重复。 |
35024 | 修复了在变量的原理图符号和PCB封装相同,但是3D模型不同时,造成ECO流程无法正确工作的错误。 |
35028 | 修复了“消息”面板“详细信息”部分的活动交叉探测不能正常使用的问题。 |
35029 | 修复了打开特定原理图时发生的异常。 |
35033 | 根据用户反馈改善了模式对话框(双击打开)。 |
35117 | 修复了造成连接网络而不是选定网络被着色的原理图网络着色错误。(BC:11497) |
35121 | 修复了由于没有连接的“图表符”对象导致编译结束后层次结构不适用于项目的问题。 |
35211 | “编译PCB项目”命令改为“验证PCB项目”,因为引入“动态编译器”意味着该命令目前仅执行ERC。 |
35212 | 修复了ERC对“信号线束”中使用的“图纸入口”进行错误标记的问题。 |
35285 | 修复了“动态编译器”导致“板级标注”功能错误标注测试原理图上的元件的问题。 |
35350 | 修复了在缩放或重新定位后无法检测到变更的编译器屏蔽问题。 |
35395 | 修复了在模板路径指向网络服务器的情况下,在原理图中放置导线/总线/线束的速度缓慢的问题。 |
35525 | 修复了从“原理图符号”拖动“位号标识符”时,造成符号变成无链接的问题。 |
35526 | 修复了“线束连接器”和“图表符”的“属性”面板中“字体选择”不可用的问题。 |
35541 | 修复了在“原理图库编辑器”中粘贴元件时,造成图形无法正确更新的问题。 |
35565 | 修复了造成“端口交叉引用”文本在单击之前无法正确定位的问题。 |
35566 | 修复了在使用“更新原理图”命令时,修改后的字体未正确更新的问题。 |
35569 | 修复了选择多个“参数集”对象的能力在“原理图”和“原理图库编辑器”中无法发挥作用的问题。 |
35576 | 修复了在放置过程中,“文本框”虚线轮廓丢失的问题。 |
35582 | 修复了在PDF输出中造成“无效破折号样式”的问题。 |
35676 | 修复了造成在选定时错误标记和指示线对象的问题。 |
35703 | 修复了如果若干管脚在“原理图符号”对象中彼此重叠,那么在更新PCB文档并重启Altium Designer之前,无法检测到“原理图”文档中的变更的问题。 |
35704 | 修复了造成文件名中包含“µ”字符的“原理图”文档无法显示为子文档的问题。 |
35767 | 修复了子栅格线有时会消失的问题。 |
35778 | 修复了半径大于其尺寸的圆角矩形的PDF输出不正确的问题。 |
35847 | 修复了在将“参数值”用作另一个“参数”的参考时,E值会被解译的问题。 |
35856 | 修复了“拖动”带有导线的原理图符号时,NetLabel会被落下的问题。 |
35870 | 修复了造成在使用默认选项生成“智能PDF”时发生异常的问题。 |
24225 | 修复了如果BOM使用自定义模板,则在BOM生成后将无法发布项目的问题。 |
27574 | 添加了从打开的SchLib或PcbLib直接向活动服务器发送符号或封装的功能。但是,此项功能仅在打开的库文档中只有一个符号或封装时才能实现。如果库包含多个符号/封装,则将提示您使用“库迁移器”。 |
28538 | 修复了在为关于发布条目类型的生命周期定义做出“内容类型”设置变更后,显示错误的条目生命周期类型的问题。 |
31602 | 修复了“元件类型”可以被所有用户编辑的问题,现在,只有拥有相关权限的用户可以编辑“元件类型”。 |
31833 | 修复了通过“元件”面板放置元件时,托管元件参数可见性未得到应用的问题。 |
31839 | 修复了对Git服务器库而言,“从版本控制中删除”功能不能按预期工作的问题。 |
31849 | 修复了“Explorer”面板中包含数值的列未按照值和单位分类的问题。 |
32083 | 修复了造成AD19.0之前的软件版本的“器件搜索”功能中缺少“描述”参数值的反向兼容性问题。 |
32085 | 解决了“查找相似元件”功能无法正确返回由相同“修订状态”指定的元件的问题。 |
32129 | 修复了在通过“制造商零部件搜索”对话框(通过浏览器或者器件面板访问)来添加器件时,“修订ID”、“条目ID”和“名称”等系统参数无法被用作推荐关键词的问题。 |
32270 | 修复了BOM在从原理图文件的SmartPDF生成的PDF文件的“书签”部分中不可用的问题。 (BC:11111 和 BC: 11199) |
32343 | 修复了导致与通过“制造商零部件搜索”面板和可以查看“零部件选择”数据的其他区域查看的数据相比,在ActiveBom(BomDoc)中计算和显示的制造商零部件可用总库存是不正确的问题。 |
32582 | 修复了造成在第二台显示器中打开先前报告后,生成的BOM报告将离屏打开的问题。 (BC:10619, BC:11243) |
32802 | 修复了替换多个选定非托管元件会对除第一个元件以外的所有元件造成错误的问题。另外还解决了选定多个元件进行替换时,“属性”面板省略图标将丢失而无法工作的问题。 |
32842 | 修复了即使某些BOM条目中存在输入的字符串,但是在BomDoc的“BOM状态栏”中定义自定义过滤器仍然会返回一个空列表的问题。 (BC:11345) |
33052 | 除非“名称”字段为空,否则向托管元件添加一个“器件选择”不会再更改“名称。(BC:11407) |
33121 | 添加了从“优先设置”对话框的“数据管理-元件类型”页面将多个模板链接到相同元件类型的功能。增强了从动态填充可用模板列表中选择每个所需模板的功能。 |
33152 | 使用“库迁移器”工具实现了仅迁移符号/封装的可能性。(BC:10414) |
33157 | 在“库迁移器”的“元件类型”下拉菜单中添加了新的“无”选项。 |
33276 | 修复了生成为Excel文件格式的PDF BOM报告被错误渲染的问题。 (BC:11744) |
33291 | 更新了“库迁移器”,以便用于多个迁移的元件的通用符号具有通用名称(Symbol),而不是第一个迁移的库元件采用的符号。 |
33296 | 修复了在“Git储存库”对话框中编辑值后,“GIT本地路径”未更新的问题。 |
33397 | 修复了“项目”文件中的VaultID与用于打开项目的VaultID不同时,造成应用程序显示项目与服务器断开的问题。 |
33418 | 修复了BOM报告生成为“文件夹结构”或“PDF容器”时,特定“模板”造成结果不正确且不同的“输出”文件问题。(BC: 11514) |
33427 | 修复了不正确的“通用XLS”输出格式化。 |
33429 | 修复了“库迁移器”不支持“命名方案”代码的错误。(BC: 10414) |
33769 | 修复了如果从“PCB库”下载元件,则会在“Explorer”面板内显示一个额外的、不必要的封装的错误。 |
33847 | 在“使用元件数据”对话框中添加了一个新选项,以便允许仅导入源优先设置中映射的参数。 (BC:11438) |
33926 | 修复了在从编辑器向服务器发布从“制造商部件搜索”获取的元件时引起错误的问题。 |
34198 | 修复了造成在AD关闭时,.ldb文件不会被删除的错误。 (BC:3761) |
34529 | 修复了每当移动项目中打开原理图上的设计对象时,该项目中的BomDoc就会被自动编译的问题。当在竖向“分屏浏览”模式下打开许多原理图和BomDoc时,会发生上述问题。 |
34594 | 修复了如果3D模型名称过长,将导致引用活动服务器中的该3D模型条目的封装本身无法被发布的问题。 |
34595 | 修复了Excel VLOOKUP函数无法从BOM模板转移到最终BOM中的问题。 |
34671 | 向“库迁移器”添加了重复检测功能,当库元件的“器件选择”或指定“参数”与列表中的元件匹配时,该功能将标记违规。 |
34862 | 修复了在生成过程中,鼠标滚轮选定的“OutJob数据源”选项未得到应用的错误(BC:11726) |
34970 | 改进了“元件”面板中的栅格内搜索性能:0.7秒延时,支持为托管和非托管元件键入多个检索词。 |
34997 | 向SVNDbLibs 的“元件”面板右键单击上下文菜单添加了“编辑”命令,作为铅笔编辑图标的替代选项。 |
35077 | 对使用“库迁移器”时检测到的“重复元件”违规进行了重组。验证时,只会生成一个此类型违规,并且违规将列出所涉及的服务器和源元件。 |
35146 | 在“条目管理器”中实现了“说明”列可见性。 |
35259 | 修复了造成除非PCB文档是当前活动文档,否则PCB库无法在“元件”面板中查看的问题。在面板“库”菜单中添加了“封装”视图。(BC:12166) |
35601 | 修复了造成执行“移至部件选择”动作会删除“描述”和“名称”参数的问题。 |
35761 | 修复了在“属性”面板中更改元件来源并打开BomDoc后会出现“错误”消息的问题。 |
30197 | 修复了Allegro PCB导入器中存在的如果在Allegro中移动 PCB原点,则多边形坐标将改变的问题。 |
30940 | 在OrCAD导入器中添加了一个选项,以将所有属性当作事件属性处理。 |
30947 | 修复了造成导入器在导入Allegro设计时忽略定义网络类别的问题。 |
30949 | 修复了导出P-CAD ascii文件将导致源PCB被修改的错误。 |
30970 | 修复了导入xDxDesigner设计时,电源和接地端口的网络丢失的错误。 |
30994 | 修复了导入xDxDesigner设计时,造成创建前缀参数的错误。 |
30995 | 修复了导入xDxDesigner设计时,造成电源符号未对准的错误。 |
30996 | 修复了导入xDxDesigner设计时,部分参数定向改变的错误。 |
31001 | 修复了导入xDxDesigner设计时,原理图元件使用的面积大于其实际尺寸的错误。 |
31009 | 修复了导入“Mentor Expedition设计和库”时,造成安装孔无法成功转换的错误。 |
31028 | 修复了Allegro PCB导入器中存在的每层尺寸不同的通孔无法在PCB编辑器中作为“顶-中间-底”式通孔导入的问题。 |
31326 | 添加了在导入Allegro设计时,重新映射/删除PCB层的功能。 |
31327 | 添加了在导入“Mentor Expedition”设计时,重新映射/删除PCB层的功能。 |
31328 | 添加了一项为导入流程额外增加的步骤的功能,从而允许在导入过程中重新映射或删除PCB层。 |
31329 | 添加了导入“Eagle”设计时,重新映射/删除PCB层的功能。 |
31516 | 修复了以PADS VVX1.2格式导入“PADS ASCII设计和库文件”时造成系统死机的错误。 |
31855 | 现在,Allegro导入器通过Allegro约束管理器生成的XML文件的支持,从“Allegro项目”中导入规则和间距。 |
32173 | 修复了导入“OrCAD设计和库文件”后跨页连接符丢失的错误。 |
32200 | 修复了导入“Eagle”设计时,日语操作系统存在的问题。 |
32225 | 向Allegro导入器添加了优化间距设计规则创建的选项。 |
33852 | 在从Allegro项目导入多边形铺铜领域进行了广泛改进和错误修复。 |
33853 | 完成了对“xDxDesigner导入器”的改进和错误修复。 |
33854 | 完成了对“Xpedition导入器” 的改进和错误修复。 |
33855 | 完成了对“OrCAD导入器” 的改进和错误修复,包括支持多通道项目和多页原理图的支持。 |
34234 | 修复了导入特定P-CAD PCB将导致列表索引出界错误的问题。 |
34629 | 修复了导入包含约束文件的设计时,导致“Allegro导入器”崩溃的问题。 |
35381 | 修复了导入Allegro项目时,造成崩溃的问题。 |
33516 | 向“Altium Designer”和“Altium NEXUS”添加了重写的仿真引擎。 |
33534 | 修复了解析器处理功能源并发现错误表达式时的崩溃。 |
33535 | 改进了spice网表解析器中文本常量的处理。 |
33536 | 检查并改进了元件节点、模型和标称描述,并将任何不正确的描述解译为错误。 |
33541 | 添加了对功能源内部数学函数的支持。 |
33547 | 改进了仿真控制选项,以确保选项得到正确解译。 |
33548 | 改进了将计算出的仿真数据传输到SimView的功能,以提高图形结果的可读性。 |
33554 | 修复了SWEEP命令存在的错误,现在,可以运行“参数扫描分析”。 |
33556 | 修复了与在SimView中添加新波形有关的错误。 |
33557 | 在处理VSWITCH和ISWITCH模型时增加了支持并修复了错误 |
33558 | 修复了错误,以便能够在mosfet模型中正确应用“级别”参数。 |
33559 | 添加了对.plot命令的支持。 |
33563 | 优化了状态栏交互,以便更好地反映出当前仿真状态。 |
33564 | 改进了二极管模型输入参数的处理,当BV = 0时,恢复为默认值。 |
33726 | 修复了与XSpice代码模型中默认值有关的、造成仿真无法开始的问题。 |
33781 | 提高了处理嵌入式XSPICE代码模型的速度和可靠性。 |
33803 | 修复了处理名称以“$”符号开头的网络时遇到的问题。 |
33804 | 修复了由.param指令定义的不必要晶体管参数的处理。 |
33890 | 修复了递归子电路的检测。 |
33905 | 修复了嵌套子电路的处理。 |
33934 | 修复了扫描命令的语法。 |
33993 | 修复了x轴变量中的单位。 |
34126 | 修复了奇异矩阵情况下电路的矩阵分解 |
34222 | 确定了电路中是否使用了加密PSPICE模型并发送适当的消息。 |
34223 | 确定了电路中是否使用了加密LTSPICE模型并发送适当的消息。 |
34224 | 确定了电路中是否使用了加密TINA-TI模型并发送适当的消息。 |
34327 | 修复了数字符号在电子符号中的绘制。 |
35293 | 修复了带pwr()和pwrs()函数的表达式的计算问题。 |
27909 | 修复了在Draftsman文档中生成PDF时,造成各种对象消失的错误。 (BC:6801) |
32047 | 修复了从PCB文档导入改动然后选择另一个Draftsman页面后发生的Draftsman崩溃。 |
32253 | 修复了从OutJob为文档中的特定“装配视图”生成Draftsman PDF时遇到的崩溃。 |
32654 | 添加了在自定义表格对象中指定行高的功能。 |
32655 | 更新了“Draftsman层堆栈图例”标签,以将“镀铜”改名为“表面处理”,从而与“层堆栈管理器”对应。 |
32811 | 修复了“装配视图”上的元件位号标识符无法在“详细视图”源区域内移动(Ctrl+拖动)的Draftsman问题。 |
32844 | 修复了“Application_BuildNumber”特殊字符串参数未被解译的问题。(BC:8700) |
32926 | 修复了电路板包含背钻通孔时,Draftsman在“层堆栈图例”中错误呈现表面处理层的问题。 |
32996 | 添加了水平对齐“钻孔表”列内文本的功能。 |
34035 | 修复了Draftsman中如果改为“手动”位置模式,则“位号标识符”可能消失的问题。 |
34611 | 添加了以DXF格式导出的功能。(BC:7094) |
35192 | 修复了多个Draftsman输出错误——在OutJob文件中设置时,变量选择被忽略;只打印了已打开的文档;输出选择下拉菜单中不提供“所有Draftsman文档”选项。 (BC:8278) |
35500 | 修复了改动“位号标识符”字段内的值后,“物料清单”表格中的列数将改变的问题。 |
35559 | 修复了从Draftsman导出DXF文件时,造成无效尺寸条目的问题。 |
27062 | 现在,当选择“通用XLS”格式生成BOM时,可以正确应用Excel模板,并且在生成PDF时,可以正确应用“页面设置”的设置。请注意,出于性能原因,Excel模板必须根据单元格内容使用正确的单元格格式。 |
32817 | 修复了为了响应修改和更新的元件,BOMdoc的“人工解决方案”被删除的问题 (BC:11312) |
32999 | 修复了PDF生成质量下降的问题。 |
33405 | 修复了当“变量”名称包含“/”符号时,使用MS-Excel原文件格式生成BOM发生失败的错误(BC:11461). |
33416 | 修复了ActiveBOM中“人工解决方案”定价四舍五入为整分的错误 (BC: 11418). |
33428 | 修复了造成某些制造商链接在ActiveBOM中不显示的问题。(BC: 11515) |
33820 | 修复了ActveBOM中某些制造商链接未正确加载的问题。 |
33991 | 现在,如果BOM正处于打开状态,则从Outjob到“文件夹结构输出容器”的BOM生成将显示“错误”消息对话框。 |
32131 | 更改了“放置元件快捷方式(PP)”的行为,从而将焦点放到“元件”面板中的“搜索”字段上。 |
32387 | 添加了将多个选定“元件类型”合并到单个指定“元件类型”中的功能。在“优选设置”对话框的“数据管理-元件类型”页面中进行访问。 |
32780 | 修复了某些列无法根据值正确排序的“元件面板”问题。 (BC:10476) |
32993 | 添加了对箭头键的支持,以便在“元件”面板的“类别”列表中进行操作,使用向上/向下键浏览列表,并使用向左/向右键打开/关闭分支结构。 (BC:10473) |
33333 | 修复了导致使用“Altium Light Gray”主题时,无法轻松在“元件”面板上读取与封装预览相关的信息文本的问题 (BC:11379) |
33801 | 添加了通过使用DXP优选设置文件在各个安装间共享“元件”面板设置的功能。 |
33812 | 修复了存储的用于“选择列”对话框的屏幕位置值导致对话框因为显示器配置变更而不可见的问题。(BC:11708) |
33885 | 在“提取源”或“安装”对话框中添加了新的“应用于所有库”功能。 |
35546 | 修复了通过元件面板基于文件的库搜索进行“封装”搜索时出现性能下降的问题。 |
35550 | 修复了在元件面板执行基于文件的库搜索“封装”时造成崩溃的问题。 |
35581 | 解决了启动“IntegratedLibrary:RefreshInstalledLibraries”命令时,“元件”面板不刷新(更新)的问题。 |
30988 | 增加了对将“多板装配”以3D PDF导出的支持,选项包括铜、丝印、阻焊层和3D实体。 |
30989 | 添加了将“多板装配”文档以PDF3D文档导出的功能。(BC:8798) |
30990 | 现在,OutputJobs支持“多板装配”的3D PDF生成。 |
32835 | 修复了“多板原理图编辑器”未使用“鼠标滚轮配置”优选设置中指定的滚动/缩放行为的问题。 (BC:9132) |
33466 | 修复了在“模块入口”属性中尝试编辑管脚匹配时会发生的“多板原理图”错误。 |
33472 | 现在,“多板装配”编辑器将遵循“优选设置”对话框中的“鼠标滚轮配置”设置。 |
33809 | 向“多板装配”添加了对ActiveBOM的支持。 |
The following sections list the release notes for publically released versions of Altium NEXUS 3.0.
Version 3.0.9
Build: 80 Date: 2 December 2019
30546 | Improved handling of network disconnection and latency issues between design client and server. |
31167 | Fixed an issue that caused alternate parts to not be taken into account after 3D STEP generation. (BC:2654) |
31797 | Added support for proxy server authentication. |
31921 | Updated Properties panel so main tabs remain visible while scrolling. |
32240 | Fixed regression that caused crash when Preferences dialog was opened and left idle. |
32351 | Fixed scripting FontManager interface bug that caused Undeclared Identifier errors when running scripts that accessed fonts. (BC:10957) |
32808 | Fixed bug where double-clicking on an IntLib file would open it in the running software instance and also in a new software instance. (BC:9671) |
32820 | Fixed issue where Panel GUI customizations were not being restored after the software session was closed and restarted. (BC: 3492) |
32873 | A warning is displayed in the Messages panel when a file has been implicitly removed from the project while opening the project (to clarify the reason of the project modification for the user) (BC:10546) |
32896 | Added a setup option for excluding specific component parameters from being in the generated PDF. (BC:2470) |
32904 | Files missing from an opened project are now reported in a Messages panel list rather than a sequence of error dialogs. (BC:9313) |
32906 | Added 'Open All Schematic Documents' option to the Source Documents right-click menu in the Projects panel. (BC:11055) |
32989 | Open Project dialog now displays detailed information about the selected project when browsing Local Projects. Search bar now supports entering a local location, and includes an Up Folder navigation icon. |
33222 | Added an option to disable fractal mode for Panels in Advanced Settings (BC:1384). |
33223 | Fixed bug that caused polling for every printer driver when a project file is loaded. (BC:6980) |
33462 | Autocomplete functionality has been removed from Font Size property lists (BC:11591) |
33467 | Restored 'Multiline documents bar' option on the System - View page of the Preferences dialog. (BC:8672) |
33468 | The To-Do panel has been restored. (BC:8622) |
33896 | Restored Clipboard Panel, which can be managed in Preferences>>Advanced Options (disabled by default) (BC: 9142). |
33921 | Project validation checks will now correctly report missing component footprint models in the Messages panel. (BC:6066) |
35005 | Fixed issue that kept the Messages panel from opening automatically when ERC errors are discovered during compilation. |
35272 | Fixed regression where a relative Output Path in Project Options prevented the Project Releaser from generating Assembly and Fabrication outputs. |
35492 | Fixed an issue that caused the scripting system to incorrectly compare Object with Nil. (BC: 12177) |
35670 | Fixed issue that caused Net colors to not be included in the PDF Output when generated from a Fabrication Outjob file. |
35774 | Fixed regression issue where Exception occurred while moving Libraries inside the Project panel. |
11837 | Justification and Margin options were added to Text strings. The reference handle on a selected string is denoted by a small x. (BC:2176) |
24358 | Improved Drag Track/Arc behavior to prevent the creation of acute and right angles and self-intersections; utilize new Push-Shove. |
29821 | Fixed regression that caused DRC to run slowly. (BC:11604) |
30620 | Fixed an issue where TrueType fonts in an assembly drawing were not presenting at the same size as that text displayed in the PCB editor. (BC:10383) |
30624 | Fixed an issue where stacked uVias were not used correctly during a layer change while routing a differential pair. |
30627 | Fixed performance regression issue in Find Similar Objects function. |
30655 | Improved performance for moving components in PCB Editor. |
30824 | Added new Creepage design rule which checks the creepage distance between the specified signals across the board surface, through unplated holes and cutouts, and around the board edge. (BC:553) |
30965 | New Return Path design rule added to the High Speed rules category. Checks for a continuous return path along the reference layer(s) defined for the chosen Impedance Profile. Return paths can be created from Regions, Polygons and Plane layers. (BC:5984) |
31538 | Added support for time-based (propagation delay) routing, includes changes to: specify the delay in the Length and Matched Length design rules, and showing delay values in the PCB panel (Nets and xSignals modes, and Primitives details in Diff Pair mode) and the Properties panel (track, arc, pad, via object modes and the Interactive Length Tuning gauge). Via and Pad delays can be manually defined. |
31171 | Fixed an issue where a rotated rectangular pad which had unused mid-layer pads removed, would create an ODB++ error when loaded into the Valor ODB++ Viewer. |
31613 | Added the ability to switch between states (All ON, All OFF, Last ON) in the Selection Filter, Snapping Objects, and View Configuration panel. |
31919 | Added new Net link for Properties panel to provide dedicated access to PCB net properties. |
31923 | Removed redundant Apply button used for confirming a change in Polygon Pour properties. |
32092 | Fixed issue where a board outline could not be defined from a closed tracks/arcs shape derived from an existing Board Shape. |
32095 | Implemented dual Lock state icon mode in Properties panel, which indicates that selected objects have different Lock states, for all lockable objects in PCB documents and libraries. |
32258 | Interactive router with arcs and Any Angle segments is now able to push obstructing traces. |
32368 | Fixed an issue where the Signal Length was not being calculated for a net, when that net passed through a plane layer. |
32583 | Added option "Pad Entry Stability" to Interactive Routing Panel Properties which controls how much freedom is allowed for automation in changing the existing Pad Entries (BC:10582) |
32602 | Fixed an issue that caused a catastrophic failure when placing a Layer Stack Table if another PCB document with an opened Layer Stack Manager was closed before placing the table. |
32609 | Fixed snapping issue that prevented placed Dimensions locking to intended locations. |
32623 | Move Component with re-route now remembers the last used net-line mode (BC:10685) |
32705 | Fixed regression bug that prevented objects placed on a mechanical layer Route Tool Path from displaying in the 3D View. |
32761 | Fixed bug that caused graphic artifacts to display on a group of pads that have been copy-pasted into another PCB document. |
32779 | Fixed an issue where the .VersionControl_PrjFolderRevNumber special string was not being interpreted when the PCB was part of an embedded board array which was under version control. (BC:71) |
32838 | Added the option to show scrollbars in a PCB. (BC:4032) |
32839 | Fixed bug where the last used value in the Rotation Angle dialog was not being retained for the next application. (BC:4942) |
32895 | Added new 'ModifiedDate' and 'ModifiedTime' special string options for timestamping modified PCB documents. (BC:1541) |
32902 | Added the ability to enter relative (Delta offset) distances in the Jump To Location feature dialog. (BC:8492) |
32944 | Fixed issue in the Layer Stack Manager where the '=' character in an Impedance Profile caused a validation error. |
32947 | Added 'Thermal Relief Overrides' option to the Pad(s) Attributes region of the Component(s) Update Options dialog. (BC:11377) |
32973 | Fixed an exception that sometimes occurred in RoutingEntry.dll during Interactive Routing in Push mode with Via Pushing allowed, near differential pair vias. (BC:11398) |
33053 | Fixed issue where PCB Library panel UI settings were not being retained between sessions. |
33224 | Added 'Tented' option for SolderMaskExpansion Design Rule. (BC:923) |
33230 | Restored the ability to perform a layer change in the PCB List panel. (BC:10970) |
33280 | Added support for Margin and Text Offset borders for all types of PCB text strings (except BarCodes). |
33282 | PCB component bounding box is now determined by the Courtyard layer (BC:1266) |
33284 | Restored a feature that adds a transparency value to the Object Visibility table, allowing users to define transparency for selected primitives on all layers. (BC:9097) |
33306 | Fixed an issue where it was not possible to select multiple pads and then enable and configure the local thermal relief setting. (BC:11477) |
33392 | Added tool to automatically add component designators to a Component Layer Pair of type Designator, for assembly drawing generation. New commands added to the PCB and PCB library editor Tool menu, which creates the layer pair if it does not exist. (BC:687) |
33465 | Improved autocomplete filter results when using Properties panel. (BC:10418) |
33469 | Synchronization between SCH & PCB (ECO) now correctly detects situation when SCH component doesn't have a footprint (BC:10027). |
33497 | Fixed a bug where when using impedance profile in Rules, if the "Layers in layerstack only" option was disabled for flexible stack, the width values became 0. (BC:11594) |
33575 | Implemented search in Rules and Constraints dialog (BC:10810) |
33614 | Removed unsupported item "Node Voltage, Supply current and Subcircuit VARs" from Analysis Setup Window. (BC:1395) |
33622 | Added automatic area calculation for the board and defined copper shapes to the Properties panel. |
33630 | Fixed bug with pre-processing of SPICE netlist documents that broke simulation launch |
33679 | Added Roughness properties to the Properties panel when viewing the Layer Stack document. Properties include Model Type, Surface Roughness (SR) and Roughness Factor (RF). |
33745 | Fixed a regression that caused all selected components, except for the first selected, within a PCB Library document to have listed coordinates of '5000', rather than the expected or entered amount. |
33754 | Jump To Location dialog (with the new support of relative coordinates) has been refactored to retain the last entered values where possible. |
33761 | Added ability to calculate and display the Area of Board. (BC:10814) |
33762 | Added a feature that calculates and displays the total Area of Components and Density within the Board Information section within the Properties panel. |
33765 | Added new Copper Area report to the Board Report dialog. This option allows to get report about copper percentage on layer. (BC:3049) |
33863 | Fixed a regression in which an access violation occurred in PolygonClipper.dll after changing the track width within a PCB document. |
33912 | Fixed bug that caused the wrong default focus field in the Properties panel (Template instead of Designator). (BC:9887) |
33918 | Fixed an issue when Tools>>Update from PCB Libraries displayed incorrect (swapped count) update message (BC:4116). |
33983 | Fixed a bug in which solder or paste mask changes did not transfer from a PCBLIB document to a PCB following an update. (BC:8897) |
34034 | Fixed regression that caused layers in the Pad & Via Library to not be updated correctly. (BC:11615) |
34044 | Fixed PCB editor messaging bug where the Autosave notification would loop indefinitely if a software licensing issue is encountered. (BC:10234) |
34111 | Fixed bug that did not allow coordinates with decimal places in the PCB list panel. (BC:10655) |
34141 | Added new 'Measure 3D Objects' feature to the PCB Library Editor to verify that 3D files for component display the correct height as defined in their datasheets. (BC:6776) |
34169 | Added command 'Delete Selected Unions' command to the popup menu in the PCB panel. (BC:8421) |
34173 | Added options to the Unused Pad Shape removal tool: Scope now includes the option 'Both' to target both pads and vias; Operation now includes the option 'Update unused' which restores then removes unused shapes. (BC:6551) |
34174 | Fixed option to ignore snap by holding the Ctrl key when moving PCB objects. (BC:11605) |
34175 | Added ability to Show or Hide net connections between selected components using the right-click Component Actions submenu. (BC:11239) |
34200 | Fixed bug that caused a union with 3D bodies to not move together. (BC:9519) |
34205 | Fixed issue where the electrical Layer Name in an ODB++ output did not match the Layer name in the Layer Stack Manager. (BC:11636) |
34208 | Added icon for all primitives in the Properties panel that allows you to interactively choose a net connection. (BC:595) |
34209 | Added the ability to lock the Polygon object in the Polygon Properties panel. (BC:8964) |
34219 | Added new "Skip Hidden 3D Bodies" option to the STEP and Parasolid Export Options dialogs. (BC:1531) |
34238 | Fixed regression bug in IPC-D-365A output generation where the incorrect syntax was used for a long net name alias (BC:11349) |
34267 | Fixed bug that caused errors in Layer Drawing Order. (BC:11196) |
34269 | Extended ability to permanently display layers in the View Configuration panel for Single Layer Mode. Implemented the same as for mechanical layers but now includes all layers. (BC:9276) |
34318 | Added 'Create 3D Body from Selected Primitives' command to the Tools > Convert sub-menu in a PCB Library document. (BC:11849) |
34366 | Added resizing capabilities to the PCB Library Footprint dialog and allowed more room for the Name field. (BC:11626) |
34404 | Fixed an issue whereby a column filter was not being applied as part of setting up a Pick and Place output generator (in an OutJob), if a parameter used in the filter contained a space in its name (BC:9468) |
34406 | Dimension objects can now be hidden using the View Configuration Object Visibility setting (BC:10277) |
34471 | Added 3D view of the padstack when browsing the properties of a selected Pad object through the Properties panel. |
34556 | Fixed an issue whereby the label for the Height field - in the Extents region of the Cartesian Grid Editor - was misaligned (BC:11900) |
34575 | Updated Interactive Routing mode of the Properties panel to improve usability and expose new interactive routing features, including: Hugging Style, Pad Entry Stability, and Miter and Min Arc Ratios. |
34576 | Updated Interactive Length Tuning and Accordion modes of the Properties panel to improve usability, now includes a Preview on/off mode that better relates the setting controls to those settings in the preview. |
34577 | Added a new Interactive Sliding mode to the Properties panel that displays whenever a track segment is being dragged, giving control of the available interactive route sliding options. |
34661 | Fixed bug where drawing primitives could not be placed on the Keepout Layer without another layer being automatically selected. (BC: 8409) |
34667 | Fixed an access violation when selecting Structure Classes for a particular design. |
34683 | Added ability to group polygon pours by layer in the Polygon Pour Manager dialog. The Pour Order list will present only those polygon pours on the same layer as the currently selected polygon pour (or first selected if multiple pours selected across different layers). |
34715 | Updated system text storage to Unicode (UTF-8) to ensure that text-based symbols and characters are correctly interpreted. (BC:718) |
34736 | Fixed regression where snapping to a Room vertex is still active after it has been disabled. (BC:11716) |
34805 | Fixed an issue where any action with primitives from broken differential pair resulted in an exception error. |
34856 | Updated the Simbeor Impedance calculator to support coplanar structures and better support asymmetric stripline structures. (BC:1302) |
34864 | Fixed a bug that failed to display BOM Reports following the execution of an Engineering Change Order (ECO). |
34879 | Routing Properties panel now appears before the process has started, so it is possible to set parameters beforehand. |
35015 | Interactive Tuning Properties panel now appears before the process has started, so it is possible to set parameters beforehand. |
35054 | Fixed bug that caused the Jump To Location command to not jump to entered location. |
35094 | Added a new option to the PCB Editor - General page of the Preferences dialog (Double Click Runs Interactive Properties) to either open a modal dialog or the Properties panel when editing objects using double click. |
35095 | Fixed bug that corrupted the Keepout Restrictions of a moved Keepout Arc when its position is restored using the Undo command. (BC:12088) |
35304 | Fixed regression where Update From PCB Libraries command did not display Component Footprints in the Difference Details display region. |
35405 | Fixed an issue where the polygon pour order was not retained when a number of polygons were copied and pasted. |
35552 | Fixed regression that caused pad and via objects the inability to display nets or text on the currently active Plane Layer or Non-Signal Layer in Flip Board view. |
35557 | Fixed issue where the Pick Net command did not work properly for different multi-selected objects. |
35567 | Polygon Pour mode of the Properties panel, removed the Auto Naming checkbox. The software now respects the user-defined name, or automatically names the polygon if the Name field is empty. |
35594 | Removed auto-completion for Routing width in the Properties panel. |
35599 | Fixed an issue with the layer drawing order where mechanical layers 17 and higher would not display in front of other layers when configured to do so. |
35602 | The Follow Mouse Trail option within the PCB Editor - Interactive Router preferences has been retired. |
35603 | Fixed an exception that would occur when a PCB object's layer was changed, and then the Select Outside Area command was used to select it. |
35617 | Fixed issue that caused Assertion failure during creepage distance rule check. |
35667 | Fixed issue that displayed a full circle violation, rather than a violation that should have been placed around the edge of an Arc, after using the Design Rule Checker in some projects. |
35705 | Fixed issue that caused the value for Length in the Net Information section of the Differential Pair Routing Properties panel to always display 'N/A' rather than the genuine length. |
35733 | Fixed an issue where 'Drag PCB' command from the Active bar or 'Edit' menu does not work for traces. |
35783 | Fixed an issue where Multi-Layer drawing order is not respected when promoting Mechanical layer above Current layer. |
35848 | Fixed an issue where the component designator position was wrong after component rotation or location changes. |
35888 | Resolved an issue where the "Choose Component" dialog does not occur during the "Move Component" PCB command. |
27346 | Fixed regression where a Blanket with Parameter Set enclosing a Sheet Symbol caused the subsheet Parameter Sets and No ERC to be ignored. |
30922 | The Schematic editor graphics rendering has been upgraded to now use DirectX for increased performance and quality. |
31610 | Fixed an issue where batch replacement of selected components (via the Design Item ID ellipsis) would fail, with the error message "Could not find component in available libraries", even though the component was available. |
32238 | Fixed a bug that allowed users to only change the Design Item ID value of the last selected component, although various components were selected to be edited jointly. |
32405 | Part Choices section has been added to the Properties Panel for schematic components. |
32418 | Fixed issue that caused a crash while dragging the SCHLIB panel from the right monitor to the left monitor. |
32637 | Update from schematic libraries no longer resets the footprint to the default (BC:1846 and BC:11261) |
32762 | Component parts are no longer randomly swapped when annotating. (BC:1137) |
32809 | Fixed issue where configured net colors were not shown across all sheets due to case sensitivity. (BC:8905) |
32840 | Fixed bug that caused a warning for every Part selected when multiple parts on the schematic are selected, the Design Item ID is manually changed, and there are no applicable components in available libraries. (BC:4991) |
32898 | Added an 'Update Selected From Libraries' option so that only preselected components will be compared to libraries, rather than the slower process of first comparing all project components. (BC:4560) |
32900 | Added the ability to hide schematic editor scroll bars. (BC:7370) |
33450 | Fixed bug that caused a crash when attempting to modify the pin parameters from the SCHLIB List Panel. |
33458 | Fixed an issue whereby a net label could not be modified when changing the case of one or more characters in the name |
33697 | Schematic & SchLib editor Properties panel have been redesigned to improve usability and performance. |
33784 | Fixed bug where a schematic NoERC marker would create a net connection when placed on crossing wires. (BC:7766) |
33785 | Restored the ability to define parameters within the Parameter Set Properties panel. |
33914 | Fixed bug where the position and visibility of the component designator, comment and other parameters were reset to default after changing the Design Item ID. Previously changing the Design ID acted as a Full Replacement, now this method behaves like Update from Library (BC:4293). |
33979 | Fixed issue that used the autocomplete function in the "Find Text" schematic tool. (BC:6065) |
33980 | Added the UI.AutoComplete option to the Advanced Settings dialog, disable the option to switch off autocomplete. (BC:7301) |
33984 | Added ability to interactively navigate by ports, sheet entries, sheet symbols and off-sheet connectors for Schematic PDFs. (BC:2273) |
34107 | Added ability to rotate a schematic object and access its properties when the object is being dragged. (BC:7196) |
34113 | Fixed issue that caused a defined-by-blanket Net Class to not be transferred to PCB. |
34140 | Fixed a bug that caused designators to fail to reset within a Schematic document when copying components by using the Shift+Drag feature. (BC:6010) |
34316 | Added a new option (Preferences>>Graphical Editing) to either open a modal dialog or the Properties Panel when editing objects using double click. |
34363 | When selecting to use an alternate part in the Variant Management dialog, the default footprint is now used, rather than leaving the field empty. |
34652 | Fixed compiler issue that falsely reported an ERC violation that Nets contain multiple Input Ports. |
34654 | Fixed bug that caused incorrect data in the Engineering Change Order. |
34658 | Improved the performance of wire/bus optimization, which was causing an unreasonable delay during component dragging. |
34682 | Fixed bug that caused unwanted rooms to be generated when updating using the Update PCB command. |
34705 | Fixed bug that caused the compiler to not create compile tabs for device sheets. |
34706 | Fixed bug that caused up/down hierarchy regarding buses to not work properly. |
34789 | Fixed bug that caused a crash when adding or editing a variant. |
34881 | Fixed bug that caused Up/Down Hierarchy to not work properly with ports and sheet entries. |
34943 | Fixed bug that caused high memory usage and performance degradation when performing some schematic functions. |
34976 | Restored the ability to access and manage the Unique ID of schematic objects in Properties Panel. (BC:8686) |
34977 | The Unique IDs of schematic Directives are now reset to prevent duplicates when copied and pasted. |
35024 | Fixed bug that caused the ECO process to work incorrectly when variants have the same schematic symbols and PCB footprints but different 3D models. |
35028 | Fixed regression where active cross-probing from the Details section of the Messages panel did not function. |
35029 | Fixed an exception that occurred when opening a specific schematic sheet. |
35033 | Refined the modal dialogs (that open on double-click) based on user-feedback. |
35117 | Fixed schematic net coloring bug that caused connected Nets to be colored rather than the selected Net. (BC:11497) |
35121 | Fixed issue that caused hierarchical structures to not apply to projects after compiling was finished due to Sheet Symbol objects that didn't have connectivity. |
35211 | Compile PCB Project command changed to Validate PCB Project, since the introduction of the Dynamic Compiler means this command now only performs an ERC. |
35212 | Fixed a regression where the ERC incorrectly flagged errors for Sheet Entries being used in a Signal Harness. |
35285 | Fixed an issue where the Dynamic Compiler caused the Board Level Annotation feature to incorrectly annotate the components on a test schematic. |
35350 | Fixed compiler mask issue that did not detect changes after resizing or re-positioning. |
35395 | Fixed slow performance during placing wire/bus/harness in Schematic, if templates path refers network server. |
35525 | Fixed issue that caused symbols to become unlinked when dragging Designators from a Schematic Symbol. |
35526 | Fixed regression where Font Selection was not available in the Properties panel for Harness Connectors and Sheet Symbols. |
35541 | Fixed issue that caused graphic to not update correctly when pasting a component in the Schematic Library Editor. |
35565 | Fixed issue that caused Port Cross References texts to not be properly positioned until clicked on. |
35566 | Fixed issue where modified fonts were not updated correctly when using the Update Schematic command. |
35569 | Fixed a regression in which the ability to select multiple Parameter Set objects was not working within the Schematic and Schematic Library editors. |
35576 | Fixed an issue in which the Text Frame dashed outline was missing during placement. |
35582 | Fixed issue that caused Invalid Dash Style in PDF output. |
35676 | Fixed issue that caused a line object to be incorrectly marked and indicated when selected. |
35703 | Fixed issue that failed to detect changes in the Schematic documents if several pins were placed over each other in a Schematic Symbol object until after the PCB document was updated, and Altium Designer was restarted. |
35704 | Fixed issue that caused a Schematic document with the ' µ' character in the filename the inability to appear as a child document. |
35767 | Fixed an issue when sub - grid lines sometimes disappear. |
35778 | Fixed an issue with incorrect PDF output for a rounded rectangle with a radius larger than its size. |
35847 | Fixed an issue where the E value is interpreted when using Parameter Value as a reference in another Parameter. |
35856 | Fixed an issue where 'dragging' schematic symbol with wires left NetLabels behind. |
35870 | Fixed an issue that caused exception, which occurred while generation Smart PDF with default options. |
Data Management
24225 | Fixed an issue where it would not be possible to release a project after BOM generation, if the BOM used a custom template. |
27574 | Added the ability to send a symbol or footprint directly to the active server, from the open SchLib or PcbLib. This is possible when only a single symbol or footprint is present in the open library document. If the library contains more than one symbol/footprint, you will be prompted to use the Library Migrator. |
28538 | Fixed an issue whereby the wrong lifecycle type was being shown for a released item, after changes to the Content Type settings had been made for lifecycle definitions with respect to that item type. |
31602 | Fixed an issue where Component Types could be edited by all users, they are now restricted to users with relevant permissions. |
31833 | Fixed an issue where managed component parameter visibility was not being applied when the component was placed via the Components panel. |
31839 | Fixed issue where the Remove From Version Control function does not behave as expected for a Git server repository. |
31849 | Fixed an issue in the Explorer panel where columns containing numerical values were not sorting with respect to their value and units. |
32083 | Fixed backward compatibility issue that caused Description parameter values to be missing in the Part Search feature of software versions prior to AD19.0. |
32085 | Fixed issue where Find Similar Components feature did not correctly return components specified by same Revision State. |
32129 | Fixed a regression whereby system parameters such as 'Revision ID', Item ID', and 'Name' could not be used as suggested keywords, when adding part choices through the Manufacturer Part Search dialog (when accessed from the Explorer or Components panels). |
32270 | Fixed regression where BOM is not available in Bookmarks section of a PDF document generated by SmartPDF from a schematic document. (BC:11111 and BC: 11199) |
32343 | Fixed an issue whereby the total available stock for a manufacturer part was being incorrectly calculated and presented in the ActiveBom (BomDoc), in comparison to viewing such data through the Manufacturer Part Search panel and other areas where Part Choice data could be viewed. |
32582 | Fixed issue that caused a generated BOM report to open off-screen where previous reports have been opened in a second monitor. (BC:10619, BC:11243) |
32802 | Fixed bug where replacing multiple selected unmanaged components caused an error for all but the first component. Also resolved issue where Properties panel ellipsis icon would be missing of not function when multiple components are selected for replacement. |
32842 | Fixed an issue where defining a custom filter in the BOM Status column of a BomDoc returned an empty list, even though the string entered was present in some of the BOM Items. (BC:11345) |
33052 | Adding a Part Choice to a managed component no longer changes the Name, unless the Name field is empty. (BC:11407) |
33121 | Added ability to link multiple templates to the same component type, from the Data Management - Component Types page of the Preferences dialog. Enhanced ability to choose each required template from a dynamically-populated list of available templates. |
33152 | Implemented the possibility to migrate only symbols/footprints using the Library Migrator tool. (BC:10414) |
33157 | Added new "None" option to the Component Type drop-down in the Library Migrator. |
33276 | Fixed issue where a PDF BOM report generated into an Excel file format was incorrectly rendered. (BC:11744) |
33291 | Updated Library Migrator so that a common symbol used for multiple migrated components has a generic Name (Symbol) rather than one adopted from the first migrated library component. |
33296 | Fixed an issue where the GIT Local Path was not being updated, after the value was edited in the Git Repository dialog. |
33397 | Fixed an issue that caused the application to show the project as disconnected from the server when the VaultID in the Project file differed from the VaultID from which the project is being opened. |
33418 | Fixed Output file issue where a particular Template caused incorrect and differing results when a BOM Report is generated to a Folder Structure or a PDF Container. (BC: 11514) |
33427 | Fixed incorrect Generic XLS output formatting. |
33429 | Fixed bug where Naming Scheme codes were not supported in the Library Migrator. (BC: 10414) |
33769 | Fixed a bug that added an additional, unnecessary footprint to appear within the Explorer panel if a component was downloaded from the PCB Library. |
33847 | Added new option in the 'Use component data' dialog to allow the import of only those parameters that are mapped in the source preferences. (BC:11438) |
33926 | Fixed bug that caused an error when a component sourced from the Manufacturer Part Search is released from the editor to the server. |
34198 | Fixed bug that caused .ldb files to not be removed when AD is closed. (BC:3761) |
34529 | Fixed an issue whereby the BomDoc in a project was being auto-compiled every time a design primitive on an open schematic in that project was being moved. This happened when many schematics and the BomDoc were opened in vertical 'split viewing' mode. |
34594 | Fixed an issue whereby a footprint that references a 3D model item in the active server could not itself be released, if the name of the 3D model was too long. |
34595 | Fixed an issue where the Excel VLOOKUP function was not transferring from the BOM template into the final BOM. |
34671 | Added duplication detection to the Library Migrator, which flags a violation when a library component's Part Choice or a specified Parameter matches that of a component in the |
34862 | Fixed bug where an OutJob Data Source option selected by the mouse wheel is not applied during generation. (BC:11726) |
34970 | Improved the behavior of in-grid searching in the Components panel: with a 0.7 sec delay, supporting typing in of multiple search terms, for both managed and unmanaged components. |
34997 | Edit command added to the Components panel right-click context menu for SVNDbLibs, as an alternative to the pencil edit icon. |
35077 | Reorganized violations for detected Duplicate Components, when using the Library Migrator. Only one violation of this type will be generated while validating, and that violation will list the server and source components involved. |
35146 | Enabled Note column visibility in the Item Manager. |
35259 | Fixed a regression that caused PCB Libraries to not be viewable in the Components panel unless a PCB document was the current active document. A 'Footprints' view has been added to the Libraries menu of the panel.(BC:12166) |
35601 | Fixed issue that caused Move to Part Choice action to delete Description and Name parameters. |
35761 | Fixed an issue when the Error message appeared after changing component source in the Properties panel and opening BomDoc. |
30197 | Fixed an issue in the Allegro PCB importer, where polygon coordinates would be changed if the PCB origin had been moved in Allegro. |
30940 | Added an option in the OrCAD importer to treat all properties as occurrence properties. |
30947 | Fixed issue that caused the importer to ignore defined net classes when importing Allegro designs. |
30949 | Fixed bug where exporting P-CAD ascii files modified the source PCB. |
30970 | Fixed bug where nets were missing from power and ground ports when importing xDxDesigner designs. |
30994 | Fixed bug that caused creation of prefixed parameters when importing xDxDesigner designs. |
30995 | Fixed bug that caused misalignment of power symbols when importing xDxDesigner designs. |
30996 | Fixed bug where the orientation of some parameters were changed when importing xDxDesigner designs. |
31001 | Fixed bug where schematic components used more area than their actual size when importing xDxDesigner designs. |
31009 | Fixed bug that caused mounting holes to not convert successfully when importing Mentor Expedition Designs and Libraries. |
31028 | Fixed an issue in the Allegro PCB importer, where vias with different sizes per layer were not being imported as Top-Mid-Bottom style vias in the PCB editor. |
31326 | Added the ability to remap\remove PCB layers when importing Allegro designs. |
31327 | Added ability to remap\remove PCB layers when importing Mentor Expedition designs. |
31328 | Added a new feature that adds additional stages for the import process, allowing for the remapping or removal of PCB layers during the import. |
31329 | Added ability to remap\remove PCB layers when importing Eagle designs. |
31516 | Fixed bug that caused system to freeze when importing PADS ASCII Design And Library Files in PADS VVX1.2 format. |
31855 | Allegro Importer now imports rules and clearances from an Allegro Project through the support of XML files generated by the Allegro Constraint Manager. |
32173 | Fixed bug where off sheet connectors were missing after importing OrCAD Designs and Libraries Files. |
32200 | Fixed issue with Japanese OS when importing Eagle designs. |
32225 | Added option to Allegro importer to optimize the creation of clearance design rules. |
33852 | Extensive improvements and bug fixes in the area of polygon-pour import from Allegro projects. |
33853 | Completed improvements and bug fixes to the xDxDesigner Importer. |
33854 | Completed improvements and bug fixes to the Xpedition Importer. |
33855 | Completed improvements and bug fixes to the OrCAD Importer, including support for multi-channel projects and multi-page schematics. |
34234 | Fixed issue were importing a specific P-CAD PCB would result in a List index out of bounds error. |
34629 | Fixed an issue whereby the Allegro Importer would crash when importing a design with the constraints file included. |
35381 | Fixed an issue that caused a crash when importing an Allegro project. |
33516 | Add reworked simulation engine to Altium Designer and Altium NEXUS. |
33534 | Fixed a crash when the parser processed a functional source and found an incorrect expression. |
33535 | Improved processing of text constants in the spice-netlist parser. |
33536 | Checked and improved component nodes, models and nominals description, and interpret any incorrect descriptions as an error. |
33541 | Added support for math functions inside functional sources. |
33547 | Improved simulation control options to ensure they are interpreted correctly. |
33548 | Improved transfer of calculated simulation data to SimView to improve the readability of the graphical results. |
33554 | Fixed a bug with the SWEEP command, now runs a Parametric Sweep Analysis. |
33556 | Fixed a bug with adding new waves in SimView. |
33557 | Added support and fixed bugs in the processing of VSWITCH and ISWITCH models. |
33558 | Fixed a bug to correctly apply the Level parameter in mosfet models. |
33559 | Added support for .plot command. |
33563 | Optimized status bar interaction to better reflect the current status of the simulation. |
33564 | Improved handling of diode model input parameters, revert to default value when BV=0. |
33726 | Fixed an issue with default values in XSpice code models that caused the simulation to not start. |
33781 | Improved speed and reliability of processing embedded XSPICE code models. |
33803 | Fixed issue when processing nets whose name begins with the '$' symbol. |
33804 | Fixed the processing of unnecessary transistor parameters when those are defined by .param directive. |
33890 | Fixed detection of the recursive subcircuits. |
33905 | Fixed processing of nested subcircuits. |
33934 | Fix syntax of sweep command. |
33993 | Fixed units in the x axis signature. |
34126 | Fixed circuit's matrix decomposition in the case of a singular matrix |
34222 | Determine if the encrypted PSPICE model is used in the circuit and send the appropriate message. |
34223 | Determine if the encrypted LTSPICE model is used in the circuit and send the appropriate message. |
34224 | Determine if the encrypted TINA-TI model is used in the circuit and send the appropriate message. |
34327 | Fixed plotting of numbers in the e-notation. |
35293 | Fixed calculation of expressions with pwr() and pwrs() functions. |
27909 | Fixed a bug that caused various objects to disappear when generating PDFs in a Draftsman document. (BC:6801) |
32047 | Fixed Draftsman crash that occurred after importing changes from a PCB document and then selecting another Draftsman page. |
32253 | Fixed crashed when generating Draftsman PDF from OutJob for a particular Assembly View in document. |
32654 | Added the capability to specify row height in a custom table object. |
32655 | Updated Draftsman Layer Stack Legend labeling to rename Copper Plating to Surface Finish, corresponding to the Layer Stack Manager. |
32811 | Fixed Draftsman issue where component designators on an Assembly View could not be moved (Ctrl+drag) in the source area of a Detail View. |
32844 | Fixed issue where 'Application_BuildNumber' special string parameter was not being interpreted. (BC:8700) |
32926 | Fixed an issue where Draftsman was not presenting the surface finish layer correctly in the Layer Stack Legend when the board included back-drilled vias. |
32996 | Added the ability to align text horizontally within columns in a Drill Table. |
34035 | Fixed issue in Draftsman where Designators could disappear if changed to Manual position mode. |
34611 | Added the ability to export in DXF format. (BC:7094) |
35192 | Fixed multiple Draftsman output bugs - Variant selection ignored when set in OutJob file; only documents that have been opened printed; 'All Draftsman Documents' option not available in output selection drop down menu. (BC:8278) |
35500 | Fixed a regression in which column numbering within the Bill of Materials table were changed after the value in the Designator field was altered. |
35559 | Fixed issue that caused invalid sized items when exporting DXF files from Draftsman. |
27062 | Excel templates are now correctly applied when the Generic XLS format is selected for BOM generation, and page setup settings are now correctly applied when generating a PDF. Note that for performance reasons, the Excel template must use the correct cell format for the cell contents. |
32817 | Fixed issue where a BOMdoc's Manual Solution was being deleted in response to a component being modified and updated. (BC:11312) |
32999 | Fixed PDF generation degradation. |
33405 | Fixed bug which occurred during BOM generation with MS-Excel native file format failed, when a Variant name contained the '/' symbol (BC:11461). |
33416 | Fixed bug in ActiveBOM, where pricing for Manual Solutions were rounded to whole cents (BC: 11418). |
33428 | Fixed issue that caused some manufacturer links to not display in the ActiveBOM. (BC: 11515) |
33820 | Fixed an issue in ActveBOM where some Manufacturer Links were not being loaded correctly. |
33991 | BOM Generation from an Outjob to a Folder Structure Output Container now displays an Error message dialog if the BOM is currently open. |
32131 | Changed behavior of Place Component shortcut (PP) so focus is set to the Search field in the Components panel. |
32387 | Added ability to merge multiple selected Component Types into a single specified Component Type. Accessed in the Data Management - Component Types page of the Preferences dialog. |
32780 | Fixed Component Panel issue where some columns could not be correctly sorted by value. (BC:10476) |
32993 | Added support for the arrow keys to operate in the Categories list of the Components panel, use the Up/Down keys to walk through the list and the Left/Right keys to open/close branches. (BC:10473) |
33333 | Fixed an issue whereby the information text associated with the footprint preview - on the Components panel - could not be read easily when using the Altium Light Gray theme (BC:11379) |
33801 | Added the ability to share Components panel settings between installations through use of DXP preference files. |
33812 | Fixed an issue where the stored screen location value for the Select Columns dialog resulted in the dialog not being visible due to changed monitor configurations. (BC:11708) |
33885 | Added a new 'Apply to all libraries' feature within the Extract Sources or Install dialog. |
35546 | Fixed a performance degradation issue that occurred when searching for Footprints from Component's panel File-based Libraries Search. |
35550 | Fixed issue that caused crash when executing Components panel File-based library search for Footprints. |
35581 | Fixed issue where the Components panel was not refreshed (updated) when launching the 'IntegratedLibrary:RefreshInstalledLibraries' command. |
30988 | Added support for exporting a Multi-board Assembly as a 3D PDF, options to include copper, silkscreen, soldermask and 3D bodies. |
30989 | Added the ability to export Multi-board Assembly documents as PDF3D documents. (BC:8798) |
30990 | OutputJobs now support 3D PDF generation of a Multi-board Assembly. |
32835 | Fixed issue where the Multi-board Schematic Editor did not use the scroll/zoom behavior specified in the Mouse Wheel Configuration preferences. (BC:9132) |
33466 | Fixed a Multi-board Schematic error that would occur when attempting to edit pin mating in the Module Entry properties. |
33472 | Multi-board Assembly editor now obeys the Mouse Wheel Configuration settings in the Preferences dialog. |
33809 | Support for ActiveBOM added to Multi-board Assemblies. |