
Solution Details

As an administrator for your Company Account, you can access your Company Dashboard when signed in to your Altium Account to confirm your subscription level:


Also, on the License Management page in Altium Designer, the Subscription Level is displayed.

The features available for a Subscription Level are summarized here:

For example, features such as Multi-board, Harness Design, and Constraint Manager are absent from Altium Designer menu items if you do not have a license seat of Pro or Enterprise Subscription level activated within the Altium Designer client. Another frequently asked feature is MFA (Multi-factor authentication), which is available if you are using SSO (Single Sign-On) and it has to be configured using your identity provider (Okta, One Login, etc.). SSO is available with the Organizational Security Package or the Enterprise Subscription level of Altium Designer.

It is worth noting that Signal Harness in schematic representing a group of logical connections (available also with Standard level) is not to be confused with Harness Design Project (available with Pro or Enterprise level), which is a physical wiring cable between two PCB's in Multi-board Design Project (also available with Pro or Enterprise level).

If you or a member of your organization has activated an A365 workspace, you can confirm your current level by signing into your workspace at 365.altium.com. At the top-left of the page, after you sign in, for Pro or Enterprise level, there is a logo next to your organization name.


Similarly, within Altium Designer, at the top-right, you can find the same logo next to your workspace name by clicking into a cloud icon to have a pull-down menu shown.

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Some features are governed by the subscription level of the workspace you are connected currently such as revision naming scheme, where used , and lifecycle.  In most cases, the Altium Designer client license you activate in License Management page should match the level with that of the workspace connected, as you work within the same organization.


In other cases, however, it is conceivable, that you have been shared into and connected to an A365 workspace that is different from the subscription level of a particular license seat you are using currently within Altium Designer, in which case, the dialog stating as such pops up and the features available may be restricted. 


Please kindly consult your Sales Account Manager if you would like to consider switching the subscription level or evaluate features there. If you do not know who your Account Manager is, please contact from https://www.altium.com/contact-us or initiate a chat on the page at the bottom left to contact Sales personnel.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

Source URL: https://www.altium.com/documentation/knowledge-base/altium-designer/confirm-subscription-level-to-clarify-features-available