仅在单台个人计算机上获得Evaluation License


如果您因为收到此消息而无法使用评估许可证,则您可以联系客户经理,(在向其解释相关情况后)要求其将评估手动放入组织。或者,他们可以要求Operations将许可证类型由“On-Demand Evaluation”更改为“On-Demand”。系统中的“License Usage”仍将指示Evaluation,且其将在同一天到期,但您应该能够在使用AltiumLive证书登录的任何计算机上使用它。


The evaluation licenses that are provided by automation are "node locked" and can only be used on one machine.  Since it is tied to the MAC address of the network adapter, you may have this issue if you first used the license when connected to the internet by Wi-Fi and now are using a wired connection (a wired docking station is yet another adapter), or you may be using a different computer.  Another possible reason to get this message is if the license has been released.  You may then not be able to re-use it even on the same machine/adapter.

single PC.png
If you are unable to use your evaluation license because you are getting this message , you can contact your account manager to ask to have an evaluation manually placed into your organization (after explaining the situation.)  Alternately they can ask Operations to change the license type from "On-Demand Evaluation" to "On-Demand".  The "License Usage" in our system will still indicate Evaluation and it will expire on the same day, but you should then be able to use it on any machine where you are signed in with your AltiumLive credentials.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

Source URL: https://www.altium.com/documentation/knowledge-base/altium-designer/fail-to-use-evaluation-license-with-a-dialog-you-can-use-this-license-only-on-a-single-pc