KB: Extract impedance of routed copper traces
Created: 七月 13, 2023 | Updated: 二月 05, 2025
Solution Details
For a piecewise ohmic DC resistance of each track segment, the IPC2221 formula calculator has been implemented starting in AD22.8 as described here:https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-designer/new?version=22#!key_highlights_22_8:~:text=Settings%20dialog.-,Added,-Max%20Current%20and
For a more elaborate numeric analysis leveraging field solver, please consider Power Analyzer .
For the capacitance referenced to the ground (intentional), there is a field solver integrated that you can leverage when you setup Impedance profile in Layer Stack Manager (Design » Layer Stack Manager from the top menu).
For the mutual capacitance to the neighboring conductors other than the the reference ground (unintentional), where you want to assess the influence of some co-planer conductor nearby, you can go through the similar workflow of setting up the impedance profile, but of two transmission variations, with and without co-planer configuration and comparing the result against each other.
Please refer below for further details:
More general reference on impedance vs resistance: