原理图 - 库自动缩放


The Schematic - Library AutoZoom page of the Preferences dialog


The Schematic – Library AutoZoom page of the Preferences dialog provides controls related to auto zoom operations in the schematic.


The Schematic – Library AutoZoom page is part of the main Preferences dialog that is accessed by clicking the  control in the upper-right corner of the workspace then selecting the Library AutoZoom entry under the Schematic folder.


Zoom Library Components

Select one of the following options:

  • Do Not Change Zoom Between Components
  • Remember Last Zoom For Each Component 
  • Center Each Component In Editor
    • Zoom Precision - Slide to set the zoom precision. The further right, the higher the precision.
If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

Source URL: https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-designer/schematic-library-autozoom-preferences