TRANSLATE: KB:访问附加功能/面板,例如 MCAD CoDesigner

Altium Designer Altium Designer
[为什么] 访问附加功能/面板,例如 MCAD CoDesigner [什么] 在安装的 Altium 实例中找不到一些工作区面板,例如 MCAD CoDesigner 面板 [如何] 检查“扩展和更新”以确保已安装相应的扩展。由于在主编辑器窗格中没有激活相应的上下文、A365 工作区未连接和/或未使用适当的许可证或其订阅级别,可能会缺少功能/面板。

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First, make sure the corresponding extension is installed under Extensions and Updates, accessible by clicking on your Avatar at the top-right.  In general, some panels and menu items can be missing due to not having a corresponding context active in the main editor pane, A365 workspace not connected, and/or appropriate license or its subscription level not used.  For example, MCAD CoDesigner panel is accessible only when PCB editor is opened.  Power Analyzer requires additional seperate license.  In older versions, Mixed Simulation extension was not installed by default, such that it may need to be installed seperately.

MCAD CoDesigner panel in Nexus client:

The CoDesigner panel was not available in NEXUS client before the release of MCAD CoDesigner 2.6.0.  The Collaboration panel was used in NEXUS for that purpose (with the same capabilities)


The Collaboration panel in Altium NEXUS has been renamed to the MCAD CoDesigner panel. Its capabilities are the same as the capabilities of the MCAD CoDesigner panel in Altium Designer.  The best option is to get the latest extension for MCAD CoDesigner from the Extensions & Updates page.

Here' documentation with more information about the old Collaboration panel:
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