Layer Stackup Design

Reduce noise and improve signal timing, even on the most complex boards

Manage More Than Your
PCB Layer Stack

Fully Control Your Stackup

Control and manage all the parameters of a PCB layer stack at any stage of your design from one location. Materials, number of layers, the distance between adjacent layers, and overall thickness of your PCB can all be defined from the Layer Stack Manager.

Define Custom Layer Stacks for Your Designs

Implement any kind of layer stack for both rigid and rigid-flex PCBs without having to limit your ideas. You can also take advantage of ready-to-use stacks that are available from most PCB manufacturers.

Connect Stack Data With Electrophysical Parameters for Routing Elements

Create and edit the layer stack of your PCB in the Layer Stack Manager, and the electrical characteristics of the routing are automatically updated in the PCB editor. New parameter values are also available in your stack manager as soon as you make any changes.

Experience Layer Stackup Design
in Altium Designer Today!

Trusted by over 20,000 companies


Key Capabilities

Control Impedances

Control Impedances

Calculate impedances for almost all existing structures, both single and differential lines, and automatically apply them to PCB tracks.

Calculate Transmission Line Parameters

Calculate Transmission Line Parameters

Improve the quality and reliability of your device with calculations for resistance, capacitance, inductance, and delay.

Define Vias and Inner Layer Connections

Define Vias and Inner Layer Connections

Configure via types directly in the Layer Stack Manager including through-holes, blind, buried, and MicroVia. A visual representation of your vias lets you see the whole picture of your board and avoid any errors.

Build a Material Library

Build a Material Library

Define materials that are available from your manufacturer including cores, prepregs, and foils for use in your future designs.

Use Stackup Templates

Use Stackup Templates

Start your project with ready-made stackups for 2 to 16 layers that can be produced in most manufacturing plants.

Fine-Tune Impedances

Fine-Tune Impedances

Get accurate results for devices that have high frequencies and require impedances as close to their reference values as possible by taking into account copper roughness, etched traces, and solder masks.

Automatically Check Stackups

Automatically Check Stackups

Verify your PCB structure for symmetry and matching materials in the Layer Stack Manager with those in your library. No matter how complex a structure is, its quality is always under your control.


Success Stories
Altium is the world’s leading provider of PCB design software, PCB component and data management software and the host of AltiumLive — the industry’s fastest-growing conference for PCB designers and engineers.

Discover how Altium Designer and other Altium enterprise solutions are helping to expand internet connectivity across the country, bringing even the most remote areas online.

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